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Heart of Artifice: Part I--Engineered Enigma

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Rystil Arden

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*The Captain is willing to let Anvuss give Kharas all of his resting downtime, though she is a bit curious as to why Anvuss would do this. The two rest times are nonconsecutive, so this gives Kharas two four-hour breaks separated by work. Among other things, he won't be able to recover infusions.*

*They are able to continue for days, soaring through the sky on the flying ship. Eventually, however, the pirates become curious as to how Kharas remains fatigued despite resting for such an inordinate amount of time (8 hours of sleep).*

"Anvuss, you have worked with this Kharas fellow before. Is he sick or something?" Captain Nyvh inquires, "It isn't normal to sleep so long and still be tired."


"Kharas is a biological. Their stengths and weaknesses are different from our own. His exaustion seems normal for a creature of his type. If his two rest breaks could be made consecutive, his performance would likely increase. It is my understanding that sleep is more effective for his type the longer it is uninterrupted."


First Post
"Thank Anvuss." tells Kharas when he learn he gives his time of sleep. "These guys are killing me. I'm no better than a slave here, and they think I'll be grateful. Ah! You bet I'll leave that darn ship on teh first occasion. And nto counting these kids need to be return as soon as possible. And we will need Thelanium to find them, nto sure how I can have some back. Well, I'll go take some sleep."

Rystil Arden

First Post
Patlin said:
"Kharas is a biological. Their stengths and weaknesses are different from our own. His exaustion seems normal for a creature of his type. If his two rest breaks could be made consecutive, his performance would likely increase. It is my understanding that sleep is more effective for his type the longer it is uninterrupted."
"Biological? By my definition of that word, I meet the criteria to be considered such, though it would seem you do not. What is it that he possesses that I do not that makes him biological?"


Rystil Arden said:
"Biological? By my definition of that word, I meet the criteria to be considered such, though it would seem you do not. What is it that he possesses that I do not that makes him biological?"

"Biologicals have a number of characteristics, I do not know enough about your construction to know where you differ, though perhaps you will enlighten me. Rather than being built, biologicals are born. They start out as small defenseless beings, and slowly mature and grow into a more competent state. Most biologicals of consequence are the result of a mating between two progenitors, called parents. While some dispute this, biologicals do not appear to be the result of intelligent design... whether or not that is so, they possess many traits which no competent designer would willingly incorporate: the need for 8 hours of consecutive sleep is one example, but others exist. I understand the sinuses of many humanoids are greatly subject to failure, and a source of irritation. Microorganisms can interfere with the functioning of biologicals, causing disease. Biologicals are subject to 'old age' a deteriorating condition resulting in decreased utility and eventually death. Finally, biologicals need to eat and drink on a regular basis."

"I would also note that Kharas's insistence of coming to the aid of children may be a design imperative in biologicals of his type. Non-defective adult biologicals seem highly oriented toward the protection of the immature variant, called 'children.' It is not clear to me whether this is based on their immature status directly, or indirectly through a categorization by age. I have, however, noted that this protective instinct is not generally directed at constructs such as myself. I am aproximately 1/3rd the age of the youngest 'child' we seek to rescue, but it seems to be considered proper that I risk my life in an attempt to save the 'children.'"

"Which of the characteristics of Biologicals do you share?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
Patlin said:
"Biologicals have a number of characteristics, I do not know enough about your construction to know where you differ, though perhaps you will enlighten me. Rather than being built, biologicals are born. They start out as small defenseless beings, and slowly mature and grow into a more competent state. Most biologicals of consequence are the result of a mating between two progenitors, called parents. While some dispute this, biologicals do not appear to be the result of intelligent design... whether or not that is so, they possess many traits which no competent designer would willingly incorporate: the need for 8 hours of consecutive sleep is one example, but others exist. I understand the sinuses of many humanoids are greatly subject to failure, and a source of irritation. Microorganisms can interfere with the functioning of biologicals, causing disease. Biologicals are subject to 'old age' a deteriorating condition resulting in decreased utility and eventually death. Finally, biologicals need to eat and drink on a regular basis."

"I would also note that Kharas's insistence of coming to the aid of children may be a design imperative in biologicals of his type. Non-defective adult biologicals seem highly oriented toward the protection of the immature variant, called 'children.' It is not clear to me whether this is based on their immature status directly, or indirectly through a categorization by age. I have, however, noted that this protective instinct is not generally directed at constructs such as myself. I am aproximately 1/3rd the age of the youngest 'child' we seek to rescue, but it seems to be considered proper that I risk my life in an attempt to save the 'children.'"

"Which of the characteristics of Biologicals do you share?"
"Construction?" Captain Nyvh laughs, "Well, when a Mommy and a Daddy love each other very much..."

"More seriously, though, I possess the capability to reproduce, the advantage of progressive or tiered maturation, the capacity to derive energy from outside sources, and the ability to enter a state of rest."

"In other words, as you would say, I possess all of the qualities except for weak sinuses, vulnerability to generic microorganisms (though there are some scary Spark-made microorganisms that would affect both me and you), and deterministic deterioration. I'd say that protectiveness of children varies from person to person. Certainly I've never met someone who would become such an antagonistic ass as your Terrorist friend just because somewhere, in a condition unrelated to the people he is abusing, there are children in need."

"Of course, it's an interesting discussion. Let me try to answer for you the uses of some of your proposed 'defects'. The rest period allows for the reifaction of previous circumstances as an aid to memory and a major boost in creativity, imagination, and insight, as well as a certain...presence, I guess. Actually, now that I think of it, they say that the Baron ir'Spiras also rests for eight hours, and he is probably the most powerful Spark in the world. I would suspect that the loss of the ability to rest and dream would result in a decrease in elan, verve, charisma so to speak, as well as a corresponding loss of intuitive insight and wisdom."

"As for eating and drinking, well, nothing in this world runs perpetually without any energy input. If you don't receive your energy from external supplies, you are getting them from somewhere. Consider the Elemental Juggernauts, gargantuan Clanks that seem to have unlimited energy. Truth be told, they are powered by trapping an elemental spirit inside and harnessing its energy. Do you know your energy source, Anvuss? I suppose it could be something like that."

"As for maturation, it is a useful process that allows for increased adaptability and versatility. I bet it is hard for you to stray from the very first tasks and purposes you felt in your mind the moment you were created, am I right? Have you ever sat down to ask yourself why you wanted to do those things, or what would truly fulfill you...or even tried a thought experiment where you throw away the imperatives you received at creation in your mind for a moment and then think about what you would want to do for yourself, what would make you happy?"


"I believe my energy source is magical in nature, though I do not believe bound elementals are involved. This, of course, begs the question of whether life force can be differentiated meaningfully from a similarly tasked, dedicated and permanent or semi permanent magical effect. It is clear that I am not chemically powered, as I do not need to consume nutritive materials or other fuel. I do no believe I am powered by solar power, geothermal energy, or wind. Either the energy infused into a warforged is simply great enough that no extant model has yet reached the end of its useful life, or the energy self renews based on some type of ambient energy. I suspect arcane energy or purer magic is responsible, although magnetic or kinetic energies are theoretically possible."

"As to Kharas, however, regardless of the reason for his flaws I can assure you that he requires 8 hours of continuous sleep most nights or his condition will degrade and he will eventually perish. This is essentially universal for creatures of his type. I only require 8 hours of continuous rest after periods of intense exertion, and otherwise do not require sleep at all. Since Kharas can be quite useful if his needs are met, I suggest allowing him the sleep."

Voidrunner's Codex

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