Help making a lightning mage!


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So, what's the problem with being a sorcerer and choosing spells that fit your concept? You don't get that many spells anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard. Also, nothing is preventing you from taking spells that don't necessary relate to your concept and reimagine them to do so, even if it's just fluff (for example, taking the Shield spell and making it look like a small storm cloud that hovers in front of you). You can also ask your DM if the damage spells you take can do Electricity damage instead.

The stormbound bloodline isn't that bad. The first power lets you up the damage of your melee friends ("let the power of the summer storm flow through you!"). You also have the Elemental (Air) bloodline.

Good luck!

Well it's not necessarily a 'problem', as much as it is that it would likely nerf the crap out of the class in general since they function on the idea that you'll use the utility stuff more in most cases, and I don't mind reflavoring but theres a point when it might seem a little much to try and 'theme' spells with no evidence to a theme, but I may very well ask him about the just changing damage types thing heh.

and no it's not 'bad' persay, just very underwhelming, like I would imagine giving shock is nice, but it's kinda redundant when they would probably just already HAVE a shock weapon in case it was needed, it feels like a stormborn isn't any better at Lighting Bolt then an arcane, other then being able to do a free one 1/day. Sorta feels like if every time the Fighter got mad he said "I fly into rage", and it's the same as their barbarian friend, but he just gets to do it once more then the other guy.

and thanks, both for the luck and reading through my inane ramblings lol

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First Post
If you don't consider spells a class feature, or are bored by having them, then you really aren't looking to play a caster at all; spells are the ultimate 'class meat' as you put it above. Spells are more versatile and open-ended than any other possible class feature in Pathfinder, unless you include Psionics from Dreamscarred Press (and even if you do, psionic powers are really just reskinned spells on a spell-points system rather than vancian spell-slot mechanics).

In other words, it's looking to me like your real problem is an internal one; what's blocking you is You. You've apparently always dismissed spells as "not being a class feature" because they don't show up directly in the class table like Favored Enemy or Smite Evil, and so you've never actually taken a good hard look at what they can do or be. There's a very good reason pure-caster classes get few to no class features besides spells, in PF.

Would it help, I wonder, if the Class Table were rewritten to specify "Level X Spells" as each new spell level is obtained. We could also have "more spells" on each line (or even specify how many of each level), and "retrain a spell" for sorcerers as it arises.


First Post
Would it help, I wonder, if the Class Table were rewritten to specify "Level X Spells" as each new spell level is obtained. We could also have "more spells" on each line (or even specify how many of each level), and "retrain a spell" for sorcerers as it arises.

Well it might, but I think thats reflavoring an issue more then anything, but I know I'm probably in the minority of people with my opinions on full casters lol. I mean bards and magus have cool powers that can be changed and customized in some manner, and full casters just get the same list of spells to pick from and minor little things.


First Post
Seems to me Bards and Magi get the same list of powers to pick from as much as the spellcasters get the same list of spells to pick from. But it would be boring if everyone played the same class anyway!


First Post
Seems to me Bards and Magi get the same list of powers to pick from as much as the spellcasters get the same list of spells to pick from. But it would be boring if everyone played the same class anyway!

well you do have me there heh, but they do at least get things OTHER then those, that are at least in my opinion way more fun to use.


Draconic Bloodline said:
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Sonds like tis is what you want - a little more omph in your specific field.

Also, back in 3.5 there was a pretige class that got spells from a single cleric domain, starting at level zero and one spell per level up to lvl 9 spells at level 10 - with d10 hp and full base attack.
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Stormborn bloodline 6th level sorcerer should choose from the following spells:

1 - alter winds, endure elements, shock shield, shocking grasp
2- resist energy, communal endure elements, fog cloud, frigid touch, gust of wind, whispering wind
3 - cloak of winds, fly, lightning bolt, sheet lightning, sleet storm


First Post
Sonds like tis is what you want - a little more omph in your specific field.

Also, back in 3.5 there was a pretige class that got spells from a single cleric domain, starting at level zero and one spell per level up to lvl 9 spells at level 10 - with d10 hp and full base attack.

It's always another who makes your strangely emphatic rantings sound simple lol, but yeah this's sorta the jist

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