D&D General Help Me Build the D&D Game I Want to Run


Victoria Rules
@Reynard - if you're whacking Rope Trick you might also want to add to your banned-spells list the various Leomund's sheltering spells - Leo's Hut, Leo's Mansion, etc. - or at the very least use the 1e versions rather than the 5e ones.

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@Reynard - if you're whacking Rope Trick you might also want to add to your banned-spells list the various Leomund's sheltering spells - Leo's Hut, Leo's Mansion, etc. - or at the very least use the 1e versions rather than the 5e ones.
Yes. I only went up to 2nd level spells in that list because the players are creating 4th level PCs for this first trial adventure. Before we start play in a proper campaign I will curate the whole list (or at least up to 5th level since I think there will be a 9th level campaign cap for characters).


Here's the list of guidelines I sent to my group for a playtest this week just to see what we may or may not cover in a 3 or 4 hour session:


Create 4th level characters.

Available Backgrounds: all PHB backgrounds

Available Races: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling. NOTE: Any race that has Darkvision has Low light vision instead.

Available Classes (and Archetypes): Barbarian (Berserker), Bard (Lore), Cleric (Knowledge, Life or War), Fighter (Champion or Battle Master), Paladin (Devotion), Ranger (Hunter), Rogue (Thief), Wizard (all PHB traditions allowed).

No feats. No multiclassing.

Equipment: Starting equipment plus up to 200 gp additional gear. No magic items.

Spells: The following spells are banned
Continual Flame, Create or Destroy Water, Darkvision, Gentle Repose, Goodberry, Purify Food and Drink, Rope Trick


Slow Natural healing: You only heal by way of spending hit dice, which you recover normally (½ your total after a long rest).

If you use a healing kit and succeed at a DC 15 medicine check, you may spend hit dice outside of a short rest by taking 10 minutes.

If you are not safe and secure (such as in town or a fortress), Short rests take 8 hours and long rests take 72 hours. When in town or similar, normal rests apply.

On a failed death saving throw you gain a level of exhaustion.

Encumbrance will be counted, along with consumables such as ammo, rations and components.

Lingering injuries on critical hit.


Massive damage.

NPC/monster Morale checks.
Looks good to me just one comment:
No feats. No multiclassing.
May I suggest no ASI but allow feats instead (maybe ban troublesome ones). I think this gives a more old school & grittier feel than ever increasing stats (and makes +1 feats more attractive). YMMV


I'm looking at Into the Unknown to mine for subsystems like travel, morale and so on (not least because it is modular in design and you can buy just the GM section). Does anyone have any experience with it?


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
I'm looking at Into the Unknown to mine for subsystems like travel, morale and so on (not least because it is modular in design and you can buy just the GM section). Does anyone have any experience with it?
I'm in the same boat. I have all the PDF for Into the Unknown, but haven't used it.


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
How is material in the "Running the Game" book? That's the one I am considering buying.
quite a bit of useful info on how to handle travel, exploration, morale checks, player's "stunts" during combat, other things.

It's fairly system neutral, though it was written with D&D in mind.


I am reluctant to use Gold=XP simply because 5E is so bad about what to spend money one. I could include training costs and such, but even that won't necessarily do it. I am more inclined to figure out a way to make Exploration=XP, where discovering new things and recovering lost things is where advancement comes from.

I was considering giving explorable locations an CR and awarding XP based on that CR for completely exploring that location. It might be a hex on that map or a small dungeon (my setting is dotted with what will essentially be 5-room dungeons). The site CR determines the difficulties and dangers likely to be found within. Once it is explored, the party gets XP as if it were an encounter of that CR. There would be bonuses for recovering lot lore and ancient relics (not necessarily magical). Does that sound plausible?


I had been in the planning stages of a similar game with my 14 year old twin boys.

On Eska, the Vril were the unknown, ancient people that made all the wonders.
In a rocky northern coastline, caches of Vril (magic) items have been found.
This has caused a bit of a "gold rush". Instead of mining, the Vril caches will be five room dungeons.
Very much an unknown frontier.

Slow natural healing, gritty realism, lingering injuries.
Using slot based inventory so the players don't have to count every pound. Still, it's about what you brought with you, and what treasure you can take back!
Since I only have two players, I'm taking the sidekick rules for a spin.

You've piqued my interest, and downloaded Into the Unknown, Running the Game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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