D&D 5E Help me with this campaign concept: When Chaos Wins the War...


I would propose that when the two forces were in balance, magic worked as it does in the PHB. To perform the fantastic/unreal, it's creation had to be sparked by a physical manifestation of that desire - i.e, verbal, somatic and/or material components.

In areas that lean towards Chaos, that interaction has broken down. The need for components lessens, to the point a mere thought can bring a magical effect into existence. In areas of heightened Chaos, a stray thought could will magic into existence. In the most Chaotic areas, the magic that manifests may not even be related to the result.
Mechanics: using a scale of 1-10, at 1-3 a component is removed (1=verbal, 2=somatic, 3=material). At 4-6, two components are removed (4 = V&S, 5 = V&M, 6 = S&M) and botched spells cause Wild Magic results. At 7, no components are required and botched spells cause Wild Magic effects. At 8, no components and botched or critical spells cause Wild Magic effects. At 9, no components, Wild Magic happens on an odd roll and all beings gain the equivalent of the Magic Initiate feat. At 10, Wild Magic happens on every roll and all characters can attempt to cast spells as if they were Wild Mages of the same character level.

In areas of Law, an increasing force of will and material sacrifice is required to bring magic into being. In loosely Law-dominated areas extra components may be required - a spell that only normally required Verbal components may also require Somatic as well. "A bit of fur" may instead require a full coat of fur to activate. In areas strongly aligned with Law, spells may simply fail.
Mechanics: using a scale of 1-10, at 1-3 a component is added (1=verbal, 2=somatic, 3=material). If the spell already has the required component, treat it as needing double the amount (Verbal requires shouting, Somatic requires two free hands, Material requires twice the amount). At 4-6, two components are added (4 = V&S, 5 = V&M, 6 = S&M) and botched spells drain an additional unused spell slot (If none is available, take 1d6 necrotic damage/spell level). At 7, all components are required at double amount and botched spells drain an additional unused spell slot. At 8, double components + 50 gp gem/spell level and botched spells drain additional unused spell slot. At 9, double components + 100 gp gem/spell level, spells have a 10% outright fail chance per spell level, and failed spell drain additional unused spell slot. At 10, spells automatically fail.

As for the gods, I'd probably allow worship of the Lawful goods, as a sort of Pact magic, or in extreme cases replacing spells with enhanced natural abilities that are non-magical in nature.
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