Starfinder Here's A Peek At The Starfinder Iconics

"Iconics" (pregenerated characters used in art and examples throughout a rulebook) are a common feature of tabletop RPGs. Starfinder, of course, is no exception; indeed, this weekend Paizo revealed a few shots of its Iconics for the upcoming Starfinder game. Some of them have been seen on standees already, but there's more here! Take a look! This photos come from the Paizo panel at GAMA, courtesy of

"Iconics" (pregenerated characters used in art and examples throughout a rulebook) are a common feature of tabletop RPGs. Starfinder, of course, is no exception; indeed, this weekend Paizo revealed a few shots of its Iconics for the upcoming Starfinder game. Some of them have been seen on standees already, but there's more here! Take a look! This photos come from the Paizo panel at GAMA, courtesy of




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First Post
Is the flying thing a drone, a pet or an iconic?

Drone, I think its the Engineer class who gets them, I assume they will be mechanically kinda like a Summoner's Eidolon.

I wan't to know what race the human looking woman with antennae is, it would be cool if there were some rules for a half-alien races like a half-elves in Pathfinder.


Naked and living in a barrel
Drone, I think its the Engineer class who gets them, I assume they will be mechanically kinda like a Summoner's Eidolon.

I wan't to know what race the human looking woman with antennae is, it would be cool if there were some rules for a half-alien races like a half-elves in Pathfinder.

Looks like a female Lashunta from the planet Castrovel. They were introduced in Distant Worlds.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I hope they come up with something that is not an anthropomorphized animal* to join the alien list. (Niven's Known Space Puppetteers or Bandersnatchi come to mind as something different.)

* 'walking mouse', 'lizard-man', &c.


Starfinder: Alien Archive Blurb said:
A robust system for creating your own creatures ensures that your parties never be without weird new aliens to fight or trade with, and racial rules for many of the new organisms let you be the alien, making Alien Archive not just a collection of creatures to kill, but a fascinating menu of creatures to be! Want to play a hyperevolved floating brain? A mighty dragonkin? A silicon-based crystalline slug? Explore the limits of your galaxy and your game with Starfinder RPG Alien Archive!

From the blurb on the pre-order page. Also in threads on the Paizo forums, the designers have said that while the Core book will only feature mostly humanoid races (the Shirren being the least human, but still humanoid) that Alien Archive and future books will offer playable races that are non-humanoid and bizarre in form.

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