• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Here's A Sneak Peek At Tomb Of Annihilation On Fantasy Grounds

The kind folks over at Smiteworks have sent along some sneak peeks at the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop version of the upcoming D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation. It'll be available from Smiteworks and Steam on September 8th, the same day it appears in some local game stores (and 11 days before it appears in most!) Take a look!

The kind folks over at Smiteworks have sent along some sneak peeks at the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop version of the upcoming D&D adventure Tomb of Annihilation. It'll be available from Smiteworks and Steam on September 8th, the same day it appears in some local game stores (and 11 days before it appears in most!) Take a look!

ToA Five.jpg
ToA Four.jpg
ToA One.jpg
ToA Six.jpg
ToA Three.jpg
ToA Two.jpg


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Some important things to note the ring of winter is sentient.

And some of the lost Gods seem interesting,  like Shagambi (associated with Kamadans) 
Kubazan (associated with Froghemoths).

I also noted Moa, Unkh, I'jin, Wongo.

I like the fact that the FG version is available the same day the premier stores get it. They always do a good job converting it and any errors or typos that get discovered get fixed very quickly.


I'm having fun with FG as well in our Face to Face session, using a flat screen on the table. I was a hold out at first since I was a Tabletop Connect backer but glad I came around.....and looking forward to when FG has Carl's 3D map making as part of it too!


The maps are not very "jungley". They look like all the other maps of the northern realms missed opportunity to convey the new enviroment.
The maps look like they were made by Mike Schley, which is very very VERY good news.

Besides, I'll take clarity and detail in my maps over ornamentation any day. Sure, it would have been great if they were more "jungley", but absolutely not if that came at the expense of clarity and detail.


I crit!
FYI Fantasy Grounds is giving it away to winners of a contest plus the core set.

They gave me the link that gets me more entries if you use it, max of ten I think.

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Maps look pretty nice to me. Maybe I am just easily impressed.

I pre-ordered the hard back through Amazon... though, I may cancel that and hit the "nearest" game store if I am in the area. Nearest game store for me is about 30 miles away. I'll also be picking this up on FG.

Yeah, the maps are blah.

Like the scene art. Like what I see in the "hidden panels" like the Ring of Winter


Maps look pretty nice to me. Maybe I am just easily impressed.

I pre-ordered the hard back through Amazon... though, I may cancel that and hit the "nearest" game store if I am in the area. Nearest game store for me is about 30 miles away. I'll also be picking this up on FG.

I almost pulled the trigger through amazon on the adventure, dice tin and expansion in November but went with my comic/gaming store that is 45 miles away...great store, great owner and staff so it was a no brainer:)

plus the FG one as well when it's available on the 8th!

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