Heroes 10-23-06

Richards said:
And I'm enjoying Hiro more and more every week. (So much so, that I'm going to be kind of bummed once he's speaking perfect English and walking around with a samurai sword strapped to his back - I really like him as a loveable geek-schlub!)

That future might be averted, like the one "our" Hiro visited.

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PhoenixDarkDirk said:
That future might be averted, like the one "our" Hiro visited.
Even if they are able to stop the nuke from going off, something bad still seems to happen. I mean Peter gets a scar, and Hiro seemed very serious and gritty.

jcfiala said:
- Nathan P- isn't a very nice guy, really, is he?

I actually quite liked how quickly he realized the blackmailable situation he was in, and decided to up his asking price. There's no point in blackmailing him if he can't get in a position of power.

Cor Azer said:
I actually quite liked how quickly he realized the blackmailable situation he was in, and decided to up his asking price. There's no point in blackmailing him if he can't get in a position of power.

Well, yes. If you've found yourself in with the devil, then might as well get a good seat. I suspect he might make a very good politician.

Something I thought of before with the flight-invulnerability -> Another clue that he's tougher when he's flying is when he lands. He skids across about a dozen or two feet of rough ground when he lands, but it doesn't seem to have hurt him afterwards.

Wow, that was quite the flight scene (and I remember people complaining at the beginning how Nathan's flight seemed pretty lame and if it was what we could expect in terms of effects later in the show; heck, I wasn't too impressed back then, either). Nice to see the show pulled out all the stops for that one.

I'm enjoying the show a lot (though I wouldn't cry if Nikki and her plot line would just disappear - she sucks).

Has anyone guessed Peter's "real" power yet? It became pretty apparent to me this episode. In fact I would say we had three concrete examples of it...


I think this goes to show that Mr. Bennett really thinks that he's doing the right thing. I definately don't think he and Sylar are working together or even have similar agendas. Bennett letting the quarterback to live just goes to show the depth of this villain. I think it also shows a good villainous plan is in the works as well. As for his travel between Vegas and Odessa, we don't actually know how much time elapsed. So it really isn't indicative of a power on his part.

I like Nathan. He's realistic. And I really think he might have something up his sleeve in regards to Linderman. The guy didn't even bat an eyelash when his situation became apparent. I like that they're making his body adaptable to flight. I don't think he's invulnerable while he flies, just that his body is able to handle the pressures of being able to fly and land. I do think he burned his feet though...not unlike a mild carpet burn.

I think Peter's use of Isaac's power is further proof that Issac doesn't need drugs. The body has a funny way of forcing the addict to give it what it wants. And if his ability is tied to drug use, then his body will get what it wants. Can't wait to see what's up with that.

I don't know about you guys, but Mohinder's pessimism (while warranted) is a little grating. I understand why he wouldn't believe Peter and would be feeling depressed and such, but I really hoped that he'd get on board this episode. It looks like probably next week since Peter has and even greater incentive. Looks like we have our team/party leader. :P

I am so inutterably curious as to what is going on with Matt. Can't wait to see the reveal there. And he is so practical with his power. Giving his wife what she wants. Probably the best sex of his and her life. I've always wondered why that part of telepathy hasn't been explored before. ;)

I'm thinking Micah might be an empath. He is so attuned with the world around him that goes beyond mere observation. He seems to get the emotional part of that too. His genius is almost certain a part of his "superior" genes from mommy and daddy. High Wis and Int right there. :D I like Niki's storyline. It still hasn't been explained and I like that. We know the bit parts of all the principle players except hers, Micah's and DL's, that's cool. I can't wait to see the reveal in next week's episode in regards to them.

I'll have to agree with the person that said Hiro doesn't have to be Future Hiro we've seen in 5 weeks. The bomb could be just the opening volley to something to come.

Anyway... I guess we have now seen that Claire's power is linked to the general intactness of her brain.

Also, maybe I was mis-seeing things, but aren't the mentalist and DL the same dude? I don't recall the necklace tattoo/tattoo thing, but that would make sense, wouldn't it? Also, I don't think one should underestimate Nikki's power. Her dark side is extremely dangerous, and may be the only thing with enough guts to pull off an important task later on that no one else would have the courage to do. Dark Nikki probably has some extra juice that makes her much, much more than the average multiple-personality disorder type.

Also, the whole telepathic sex angle *was* done before, in that Mel Gibson film... What Women Want or something like that.

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