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Heroes # 9: It's Coming/Nov2008


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Not much happening, but a lot of set-up. Suffers, again, from too-many-plotlines syndrome.

My vote for the story that should have been cut this week to flesh out the others: Elle and Sylar. Boring and not really setting up anything. This is completely putting aside my dislike of the Sylar Redeemed storyline. Also: making Sylar not have to cut open peoples' heads makes the character that much more pointless. That's why we have Peter.

Peter/Claire was okay. The best moment of the episode by far was Peter, completely powerless, fending off Knox and Flint. Claire on the other hand... her plan was to distract them for five seconds, jump out the window and lead them straight to Peter? What?

I would have actually liked to have seen more of Matt with Angela battling Arthur and the nightmares. Also, the writers of Heroes should just stop writing romances, because they're no good at it. Despite cloying love scenes, at least the actors made it work. Also, nice that it was love that freed Angela. I think this was my favorite episode.

Hiro... seriously, I hope he gets killed off. His antics have worn completely thin. They just can not write his character for crap. It was endearing in the first season, especially contrasted with Future Hiro. Not anymore. Keep Ando though - he's great.

Seriously, why doesn't Arthur just kill Hiro? He'll kill African Isaac, but not Hiro, who can travel through time? Sloppy writing seems to be the theme of the week so far. It would have been cooler if it was a cat-and-mouse game between Arthur and Hiro, using teleporting to try and outwit each other.

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Relique du Madde

Ah well. How long til episodes come out that were produced after those two dudes were axed from the show?

Sadly, Heroes: Volume4. Those bastards somehow finished all their writing and production duties before being axed. Hopefully NBC will convince Krug to do post production rehashing to fix Heroes.


Sorry got primatech and pinhurst mixed up (whose idea was it to name them both with the letter P) It still doesn't explain why daphne would tell pa petrelli that
A. Matt's still alive (sorry i didn't kill him and I came up with a clever rouse to fool you)
That was a double fake-out, which we saw in that episode already. After Matt tricked Knox into thinking he killed Matt and Daphne, Daphne returned to Arthur to tell him "Yeah, it worked, he trusts me now."


I thought the eclipse was supposed to happen this week. Instead, they prick around and do their best to confuse us. Of course, maybe I should have watched those 20 minutes in the middle instead of watching a Top Gear repeat but at least those 20 minutes of Top Gear were entertaining.

Hand of Evil

It was Isaac. So either he is writing from the grave, or he did a whole bunch of issues before he died. In which case it would be a pretty important find, one that Ando should have made a bigger deal out of. If I found a comic that accurately predicted the future, I think I would be shelling out for all the back issues I could find.

Or, he could just forget about it by next episode. Which I'm guessing they will have him do.

People forgot about the Messager, Isaac gave him a package of comics right before he died.


First Post
... I don't get it.

What the heck is Pa Petrelli's plan again? Get formula. Okay. Make Nathan president. Okay. Make tons of people (but not all?) superheroes. Okay... uh, why? What?

Lots of stupid stuff happened, they can't write for Hiro, sloppy writing overall, and that whole Sylar/Elle thing was just ick ick ick ick ick (and badly done - "awkward and unpleasant" indeed). Par for the course.

But, like Brown Jenkin, the ending was worthwhile. We finally get to see some nice long-term work showing up. I was wondering about the eclipse they alluded to in Season 1 - now we see it coming! And now that whole "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" nonsense means a heck of a lot more. That's good.

I liked the episode...

I found Pa Petrellis comment interesting - you can take other people powers without taking their brain with empathy!

So that'S what wrong with Sylar - he lacked any empathy, until Ma Petrelli "gave" it to him. And Peter - he has full of empathy!

Overall, Sylar and Peter are basically "split" up versions of Pa Petrelli.

Also interesting - apparently Pa Petrelli doesn't have (or can't always?) take powers.


I mentioned this in the beginning: It takes at least three months for a comic to make it through the pipeline and get to the stands. So even without the messanger there should have been two or three issues still in the pipeline, which no one thought to check on when they came out! (Either the writers don't know anything about comics publishing or they assume that their viewers don't.)

As for the eclipse, isn't this the second full one in just a few months? Isn't that impossible? And I love Mohindar's line about everyone he knows about getting their powers at the time, but that must just be coincidence. Great scientific mind he has. (And the statement is flatly untrue anyway.)

The end: Nice shot of the Good Guy team and the Bad Guy team coming together. Oh wait, next week 'everyone' loses their powers! Why am I still watching this piece of crap again?

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