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Heroes Season 1(#11)---12/04/06-'FALLOUT' Mid-Season Cliffhanger

Hand of Evil

I think Sylar figured out how they were surpressing his power in the holding cell and 'fixed' it - its his power.

Hiro: I have to find that sword!

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Who is to say though that Ando doesn't have a power, or that he is really a Japanese government agent?

I mean, look at memory girl. There would be absolutely no way to tell someone had a power like that unless you could read minds, or some variation there of. Also, not everyones powers manifest at the same time.

I mean, Ando and Mr. Bennet are the only two major characters that haven't been revealed to have powers yet, aren't they? Bennet has an angle, but it we'll have to wait and see if Ando is more than he appears as well.


First Post
Hand of Evil said:
I think Sylar figured out how they were surpressing his power in the holding cell and 'fixed' it - its his power.

Hiro: I have to find that sword!

I agree with Sir Brennen, the HG was blocking Sylars powers while he was there. So know we know the HG possibly has two powers. Power blocking and mind wiping.


First Post
I don't think HG was the one blocking Sylar, for several reasons:

1. I don't think there's any proof that HG can actually nullify powers - I think he can only do telepathy and memory modification. If he was a power blocker, Nathan should not have been able to escape.

2. Mr. Bennett would never set up a prison that'd rely on the HG to keep Sylar - the man who wants to kill his daughter - contained, then take HG with him and leave Sylar unattended. No way.

3. It's completely impractical as a method of holding someone 24/7.

I think the "power blocker" is a technological solution, and that's the reason why that cell looks so bunker-like. Eden simply turned it off before coming in, in order to make sure her power was working when she was going to tell Sylar to kill himself.

On another note... It looks like it's pretty clear now that Sylar does not, in fact, eat brains - he simply examines them to see what makes them tick, then modifies his own DNA using his basic power.


mmu1 said:
I think the "power blocker" is a technological solution, and that's the reason why that cell looks so bunker-like. Eden simply turned it off before coming in, in order to make sure her power was working when she was going to tell Sylar to kill himself.

THAT makes sense. Well thought out.

LOVED the episode. I actually had to pause the show for a minute when I saw Hiro and the T-rex so I could giggle like a little girl.

And Peter is the bomb? Literally? And he needs to watch out...the lovey dovey eyes Clair was giving him is a big problem...jail bait!

Although here is a really perverted thought about her...with her healing powers is she forever a virgin?

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Fast Learner said:
I also have no problem following the characters or enjoying their stories. What exactly is the problem with "too many characters"? Are they confusing? Do you feel folks aren't getting enough screen time or focus? I don't get it.

That is my feeling, there isn't enough time to spend on the characters.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
mmu1 said:
I don't think HG was the one blocking Sylar, for several reasons:

1. I don't think there's any proof that HG can actually nullify powers - I think he can only do telepathy and memory modification. If he was a power blocker, Nathan should not have been able to escape.

I think he can suppress due to his stopping the Cop's telepathy in a few different scenes.


First Post
Wonderful ep! In fact, I think it was my favorite so far. January 22nd seems so far away...

Anyway, about Sylar's prison, I think Eden turned off whatever mechanism was preventing powers from being used in there so that she could mind-order him to kill himself. Unfortunately, Sylar had recovered and was expecting her attack, instead of being wounded and caught off-guard (and without the Haitian guy as back-up). Oh, and does anyone else think that Sylar recovered suspiciously quickly? IIRC, Bennett mentioned that Sylar had lost a lot of blood, but when Eden came he seemed fully recovered.

Some people might find this curious, but one of my two favorite parts of this ep was Claire visiting Peter in his cell. I'd have been disappointed if she hadn't wanted to at least make sure her rescuer was all right. Too bad Bennett cut their conversation short.

My other favorite part was Hiro (and Ando) meeting up with Isaac, both aware that the other has special powers, and staying together for at least the lenght of the ep. And that "I need to find that sword" was just plain cool. :D

OTOH, I'm getting tired of the Niki/Jessica storyline. She (and DL and their kid) feel too disconnected from the rest of the heroes and story, and N/J is my least favorite character. If there's one hero I wouldn't mind seeing eliminated, it's her.


Mod Squad
Staff member
mmu1 said:
1. I don't think there's any proof that HG can actually nullify powers - I think he can only do telepathy and memory modification. If he was a power blocker, Nathan should not have been able to escape.

Agreed - also note that Matt's telepathy does not "shut off" in the presence of the Hatian. He gets static that he can, with a lot of effort, work through.

I think the "power blocker" is a technological solution, and that's the reason why that cell looks so bunker-like. Eden simply turned it off before coming in, in order to make sure her power was working when she was going to tell Sylar to kill himself.

Agreed. We should not have expected that her power should work but Sylar's not.

We have seen a couple cases now where powers are not absolute - Sylar could resist Eden, and Matt could burrow through the Haitian's static...

On another note... It looks like it's pretty clear now that Sylar does not, in fact, eat brains...

Maybe not in a literal sense, but it is still metaphorical cannibalism - killing another and taking their power into yourself. I hope, that they never actually show Sylar acquiring a power, so that the question of mechanism is left a bit open...

And now, the question that I wonder why nobody else has asked - Why was Peter ill?


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Umbran said:
And now, the question that I wonder why nobody else has asked - Why was Peter ill?

Great question. I have a few possibilities, and one observation:

1) Peter has internal bleeding that didn't corrected itself before his Claire-bear powers wore off. However, he met with Claire a 2nd time, so who knows.

2) It seems that he got sick when Evil-Dad entered the cell. Perhaps the sickness is from something from Evil-Dad? An interesting notion with very little to back it up.

3) It's radiation sickness, picked up from Radioactive-Ted. Is Radioactive-Ted in the next cell over? Did Sylar get Radioactive-Ted, and pass Ted on to Peter?

4) He's temporarily overwhelmed by absorbing all of Sylar's powers.

The observation: this gives Nathan the chance to bring Peter back to New York without Peter's permission.

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