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Heroes Season 1(#18)---3/05/07-'Parasite' [careful - season 2 spoiler in thread]


The EN World kitten
papastebu said:
You may be right, but it's been awhile. I guess I'll have to wait for future installments or until the DVD--you know it will--comes out.

You could just go watch the full episodes over at nbc.com. They're all there, free for viewing in their entirety.

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The first thing that came to my min when Hiro and Ando saw the future and Hiro exclaimed that they failed, was no they didn't.

Because Hiro jumped to the future he was not in the past to help prevent NYC from going boom. Remember when he called Ando from Issac's apartment just before the blast. Ando had said he was missing for 6 weeks.

When he jumps, he is absent from the time stream until the moment he reappears


Taelorn76 said:
The first thing that came to my min when Hiro and Ando saw the future and Hiro exclaimed that they failed, was no they didn't.

Because Hiro jumped to the future he was not in the past to help prevent NYC from going boom. Remember when he called Ando from Issac's apartment just before the blast. Ando had said he was missing for 6 weeks.

When he jumps, he is absent from the time stream until the moment he reappears
Ha! That clinches it, Hiro can change the future, at least. Because, as far as Ando is concerned, Hiro hasn't been missing at all. Nor is he back at the office, and there's not much time left before the phone call takes place. So unless Hiro tells him to go back and take the call, and what to say, it ain't gonna happen. If he does, I'm done with the show.

My predictions:

Matt will start reading the bad guys' minds and tell them what they want to hear to fuel their paranoia and gain their trust. After all, they've lied to him and obviously have no intention of letting him go.

Linderman will make sure Nathan never leaves the building alive, because he knows he can't trust him. After all, he's spilled at least part of his Evil Master Plan, so what's to prevent Nathan from going directly to the Secret Service and telling what he knows? Nothing. And der SS is just likely to have Linderman assassinated.

Lindy will also have Niki/Jessica offed, as she is not reliable.

Mr. Bennet will haul out his gun, close his eyes, and start blasting away. Why not, he's a dead man anyway, may as well try to take some of his executioners with him. (Why close his eyes? So he won't be distracted by any illusions. Hey, it worked for one of the bosses during the Tong Wars!)

Oh, did I mention that these are things I predict won't happen? Every time someone on the show has to make a choice between doing something obviously intelligent (or the right thing), or doing something stupid (or self-detrimantal), they almost invariably choose the latter.

I except Hiro and Claire from the above blanket statement. He's deliberately trying to be a hero and she's a teenager in a really messed up situation where there probably aren't any right answers. (And Ando, because he's a sidekick! :D )

And Yeah, Ando for the win in this episode!

Brown Jenkin

First Post
I cheered when Hiro jumped to the future. This is because it puts in my mind that everything Isaac paints will happen, it is just a matter of who it happens too and what perpective. I was concearned about my theory when Isaac painted the aftermath but Hiro jump to the future makes it work again. Isaac has painted both the explosion and the aftermath. Both were painted before Hiro jumped to the future and saw exactly those things. It gets confusing with alternate time streams but Hiro can both experience the future and change it while at the same time being locked into his own future that Isaac can paint. This was further reinforced as well when Hiro made the bullet go backwards while the rest of time progressed. Everything has its own sub-timestream that can change independent of others as well as be forcast. Gahh this is hard to explain. I hate multiple time streams.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Mr. Bennet will haul out his gun, close his eyes, and start blasting away. Why not, he's a dead man anyway, may as well try to take some of his executioners with him. (Why close his eyes? So he won't be distracted by any illusions. Hey, it worked for one of the bosses during the Tong Wars!)

I predict that Wireless saves his ass in some sort of operation even he himself doesn't remember ordering--see his communications with her in the comic.


I think they take his family hostage. He was willing to take a bullet for his daughter - is he willing to track down the Haitian and expose his group to save the life of his wife and son?

And even the viewer isn't sure what choice HRG will make.
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First Post
drothgery said:
I think Mohinder hasn't played enough D&D. Any good gamers would have shot Sylar right away (after finding out he was the creapy evil super, and capturing him), cut off his head, burned the body, and scattered the ashes.
My first thought was "break his spine and let the quadriplegic TK his useless body around" or similar, but... oh well...


First Post
Have we seen Hiro jump to the future w/o Ando present?
Ando closed his eyes w/ Hiro at the end of this episode.
I want to say when Hiro jumped to New York the first time, he did it in front of Ando.... perhaps Hiro can slow time, and reverse time...but perhaps he needs Ando present to go forward in time?


First Post
satori01 said:
Have we seen Hiro jump to the future w/o Ando present?
Ando closed his eyes w/ Hiro at the end of this episode.
I want to say when Hiro jumped to New York the first time, he did it in front of Ando.... perhaps Hiro can slow time, and reverse time...but perhaps he needs Ando present to go forward in time?

No the first time Hiro went to NYC he was on the subway looking at a travel poster for NYC

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