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Hero's Quest (Solo Eberron Campaign)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Mallus Brothers. I think they got mad about a treasure map I sold them a week ago. Right after I had emptied the place myself. Thank you for saving me friend." Failin explains, pulling the bolt from the fallen bugbears back. He takes a moment to check if it's still alive and quickly tends to the wound with a strip of cloth. "I think that should hold him for now. Hope his dumb brother comes to tend him later. We better get out of here."

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Valsamath nods, but he looks a little askance at his new companion. " Let's hope they don't have any friends... "

The kalashtar flees the scene with Failin, and encourages his guide to find them their transportation so they can get out of town and back on track of his mission.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Failin takes you to the outskirts of the town where a huge rock stands in solitude. "Well here it is." You wonder for a while if he's gone mad, for there is nothing else, but then he takes of his glove and places his hand on the rock. Whispering something you notice that he has a dragonmark on his hand and it glows faintly as the rock starts transforming. In a moment a strange carriage stands before you. It looks like an angular box made of rock with stone wheels under it. "My land-cart. Hop in." He says with a smile.


" What exactly does this thing do? " asks Valsamath as he climbs into the landcart. " Is it related to the elemental galleon, airship and lightning rail somehow? "
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Well guessed my friend." Failin answers while climbing behind you. "We experimented with these during the war. It has an Earth Elemental bound to the outer layer which allows it to appear as a natural rock and move through ground." The interior is decorated like an up-scale cabin of a ship except for the front where is a crystal screen that shows the outside and an Elemental-control crystal next to a chair. "But we found that Earth Elementals are much more resistant to control than the other types so these never came popular. This one is one of the few we managed to get working." He motions you to sit in the couch that occupies the right side and takes his place on the chair.


" Well, " says Valsamath smiling, " Then I guess I can finally relax for a while without having to worry about ambushes or attacks. What could possibly get to us if we're travelling through the ground itself? "

Unslinging his gear, he puts them beside the couch as he sits down. Leaning back, the kalashtar warrior takes a deep breath of the Darguun air and tries to let the tension flow out of his muscles. Meditation is all fine and well, but sometimes kicking back is a much more pleasureable alternative.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Well, not completely through the ground. The wheels merge with the ground which enables it to travel smoothly and at full speed no matter the environment." He says and turns the chair around. "Well, I've set it on course, it'll take a few days, so you can relax. Now about Rose Quarry. You know anything of it, or would you like me to tell about it's history?"


" There was a little bit in the letter I received with my instructions, " says Valsamath, " But I would enjoy hearing a more complete recounting of the history, thank you. "

Unfortunately, he does not feel quite so relaxed now that it is clear that he will not be hidden from attack. But, at least it should be interesting to see the ride in action.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"The quarry itself was found long before the war and you can find decorations made from the rose red marble almost everywhere across the Khorvaire nowdays. It was owned by the Cannith from the start and they hired dwarves all the way from Mror to mine the stone. A little village formed to house the miners and their families as well as the administrators of Cannith families and was named Rose Quarry. Since the whole village was considered to be property of Cannith rather than Cyre, it was left untouched during the war. But unfortunately it was on the edge of the cataclysm of the Day of Mourning, and got hit pretty badly. The whole area is virtually covered by a sheet of glass-like substance. No-one really knows how that came to be. Just another mystery regarding that day." Failin takes a deep breath after that lenghty history lesson and hangs his hat on a hook in the ceiling.


" Was there anything else special, or unusual, about this Rose Quarry? Why would anyone entrust some little place where folks did up pretty rocks to house a complete record of the locations of Cannith holdings? " asks the kalashtar.

Voidrunner's Codex

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