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Hethas' Gambit continued [top of rnd 8]


what i don't get, Jeremy, is 2 aspects:

1) Why is it OK for other people to use things you can't? That seems like an oversight, and easily changed by just pointing out the unfairness of it to the forum at large.

2) How is it OK for other people to use stuff that you brought in, without making themselves look like copy-cats, and unoriginal?
I mean, if you started playing a shield-charging character, I'd tell you to credit me, or get my permission or something, and think it was bad form for you to take something I brought to a game.

In other words, is there no sense of "warrior's honor" (for lack of a better description) at Valhalla that guards against whole-sale looting of character ideas?
Or perhaps it's that IF it's just a spell or 2 they're copying, than that's not really an integral part of a character, it's just considered an accessory, and No Big Deal?

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1) You'd think, wouldn't cha? But human nature is, if someone comes into your game and beats you using your rules, you don't tend to listen to them if they should cry foul later.

2) Read a few of Oskar's posts. I don't think there is a low he will not sink to.

3) There are plenty of honorable warriors. But even the honorable ones are not above borrowing a bit of your build here or there. Who's to say it's wrong or stop them?

--In other news, I still haven't received that email you sent Seasong. I wanna get on with *this* game. :)


First Post
Quick note: been sick. Feeling better today, and am at work (so that's gotta count for something ;)).

Jeremy, I'm resending yours right now, since I have it on hand. I should be able to get the rest done over lunch today - no one wants to eat with me ;), so no team lunch meetings.

Is it Tuesday already? Yeesh.

Regarding RPOL: Although I'm kind of soured on Valhalla, my impression of the site's resources is naught but good. After some thought, I don't think the headache of transferring everything would be worth the benefits, however - it wouldn't save me enough time to justify the time and effort to switch.

Still, when Hethas' Gambit inexorably reaches the last few combatants, I plan on starting up a 5th level (with reasonably rapid advancement) arena over there. With the goal of eventually having groups of characters from 5th to 8th, 9th to 12th, and 14th+. Emphasis will be on fair play and self-monitoring - there will be some house rules, but as in HG, I will try to have them all in place prior to starting, and changes will be discussed publicly first.

That doesn't mean Jeremy won't get nerfed, though ;).


Ack! You wound me sir! ;)

Don't you mean "That doesn't mean Jeremy and Reaper won't get nerfed"? :D :D

I'll keep an eye out for the email.


First Post
Lunch will be around 1:30 for me. I'll resend it from Hotmail then. I wonder why you're the only one (of the others I sent to) that didn't get it??? I'm sending to jairami at comcast dot com, yes?


:) yup, Net.

And again, you'll get faster response from me using my hotmail address as my Trillian monitors it real time.

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