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High magic dnd setting


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Well this is a few deities based off alignment to start
did you know there are 9 alignments and 9 schools???
[B]DIETY                ALIGNMENT      DESCRPITION  [/B]
Davendithas               LG          protector,life,guardians
Gracenys                  NG          healing,creation,community
Alidiana                  CG          retribution,self-defense,discipline
Fruian                    LN          reason,intellect,study
Jamven                     N          fate,destiny,vigilance
Quimorel                  CN          elements,planes travel
Zinnastine                LE          trickster,guile,secerts
Ravaonna                  NE          murder,greed,undeath
Hortumal                  CE          tryanny,destruction,conflict
From here ypu could create a story I think Ravaonna and Gracenys are female
and sisters but, complete opposites. Davendithas opposes Hortumal at every turn
and so forth. Hope this is a good start for you.

One thing I saw with HM's pantheon confused me, and I dunno where else to mention this. Tyranny means oppression, which implies order, which in D&D means 'Law'... which is opposite Tryanny... Trickery is more chaotic from what I understand...

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Deuce Traveler

I would like to suggest that Necromancers are actually outlaws, and that they masquerade under the guise of being Universalists. They make allies and enemies almost at a whim in order to survive.

If not, I would like to see them more like the Dustmen in Planescape. I just think that Necromancers could be fleshed out some more here.


Thy wounds are healed!
I would like to suggest that Necromancers are actually outlaws, and that they masquerade under the guise of being Universalists. They make allies and enemies almost at a whim in order to survive.

If not, I would like to see them more like the Dustmen in Planescape. I just think that Necromancers could be fleshed out some more here.

You could and should flesh out all the schools what kind of goverment runs this city and the coutry around? Order is not maintained but is there any type of army incase of humaniod attacks? Each school could be strongly affilated with one of the nine alignments. Say Universal is Neutral or over 65% of it's members are anyway the rest could be any alignment but the majority are neutral. Is there any kind of council or congress to represent each school of magic are there guilds inside the schools themselves?

Lovin this :)


Deuce Traveler

Also, I think each faction should have the leader of the organization and a noteable mentioned. It would build the School's character.

Why would anyone, even mages, allow a school dedicated to necromancy? Did the abjurers owe them a favor? Or did they work for evokers? Are they madmen and rare, or public and working in masoleums? What is their relationship to powerful mages who became liches and so on. Not to harp on it, but necromancers might be the most interesting school because of how oddly they would work in civilized society.


First Post
Origins of Necromany

I am Nerreamus Master of Divination former apprentice of Leshra the Apatehtic founder of the school of Divination in it's current and Have been tasked to Chronicle the immediate age before Adeiron's Dyeira is witness to the present I am witness to the past.

on this my 40th year since the beginnimg of my task I am aged 63 years

in the next pages which I dip ink I bear witness after much effort to founding of the school of necromany. I traveled to the city of Teiranoc where this is legend and sent my apprentices out like fisherman to cast their nets out for the knowledge I seek.

Teiranoc was embroided for many years with savage men on there northern border and often sent there army forth to repel them in these invaders during one such skrimish between them. On this such an occassion a handfasted soldeir named Urden meant his end. His handfasted wife a conjurers apprentice named Nerrissa was distrought at his death and wearing the mourning clothes she entered the temple of Davednithas crying and dragging his body she demanded the priests to bring him back to life, they replied that they could not his soul had been to long departed from this world. Sulking from the temple she went to her master whom she begged to bring her husband back to life. He explained to her he could not summon the soul of a dead person and have it renter there body. After this still distraught she continued to look for away to bring her love back to until finally she decided to summon the Pit fiend Harrtus. Working the ceremony at a standing ring of stones the Archmages of Teiranoc had created to store excess arcane power she summoned the Devil Harrtus. She demanded that it show her how to bring her husband back to life, Harrtus replied he could show her that and much more for a price. This is how Nerrissa learned what would be called eventually the art of necromany. On the last day of tutleage Harrtus showed her how to "bring her husband back to life". Warning her his full mental and physical compacity would not be fully restored at first but until then she could order him about and he would obey using her new taught power she "gave her husband life". She kept Harrtus bound afraid she might need his knowledge further. Until sometime later when her husband began to grossly detoriate. Realizing she was tricked she supressed Harrtus within the stones rather than freeing him.The savage men of the North penerated Teiranoc sometime after that and the Archmages called upon the excess power to defend the city. Harrtus realizing he could escape imprisionment in the magical pathways invovled in creating a spell used this time to escape causing the power to buckle and rupture killing the archmages and expelling himself from the material plane. A slaughter took place many soldeirs of Teiranoc died. With the archmages gone it looked like no one could turn the tide. During the chaos Nerrissa used her magic to bring many soldiers from both sides to fight the invaders surely without her efforts Teiranoc would not remain. However the surviors did not see her profane powers well and imprisoned her. Nerrissa never stood before the magisters to recieve punishment. Instead a knife ended up in her cell. The details upon how she recieved the knife vary from story teller to story teller and thusly are inaccurate meaning I have not wittnessed how the knife came to her possesion. She had been studying for a while the methods of embalming you see and some of the subtantces used in the art came into her possesion. and she aquired a drinking jar which she filled with the the liquid. Stabbing her heart and placing it in the jar behold the first lich. It is rumored she still exists today



First Post
Just wanted to throw out an idea since I'm putting together a Cleric as we speak. In a high magic setting with a ruling mage class, wouldn't at least one church worship a god of the magic domain (probably neutral or some derivative thereof maybe a knowledge/magic type god) alla Boccob or Mystra. Kind of a more tolerated church that the upper and middle class pay some homage to regardless of other beliefs they might hold.
Just a suggestion but I'll hold off on finishing my build till you get a final pantheon out there (even if you take my suggestion I might pick a different god just thought it odd to do high magic and magelords without a god of magic).


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Tyshon's Compact

I am Acladora Mistress of divinaion former apprentice of Dykon the Lepper and I have been tasked with witnessing the events of Tyshons reign and the reign of any of his heirs in my lifetime.

On this the 30th year of Tyshons reign I am aged 67.

The batte of Dyrichus continues the battle was going poorly for Tyshon and his troops a vertiable stale mate had been called outside the
walls and the powerful evocation spells cast by he and his generals had wasted the land to desert. For three nights a hideous carrion bird circled Tyhson war tent and the tents of his generals and advisors. On the third night the Carrion bird and it's companion birds landed outside of Tyhson's personal tent during a war meeting, another heated one at that and soon would become even more so. the Carrion bird appeared in the tent as a female human beautiful in appearnce but the parlor of her skin and the overwelming smell of embaling fluids marked her as among the dead. She was trained by two ghouls and wore a heavy black robe. She asked Tyshon how badly he wanted to win, There is something about Tyhson I must explain he was a cruel and greedy man with a large appetite, so of course he told her more than everything. At this the generals were in outrage all demanding to know what she could do that none of them could. She said I can show you if you would follow me. All of us intrested followed her outside to the corpse littered battlefield. Closing her eyes and murmuring to herself she chanted, strange green and black orbs covered the battlefield they zoomed towards the corpses and the dead again walked with a strange green glow from there eyes, turning around she said Lord High Archmage I offer you soldiers that never die for a price. You see before this Adeirion and his apprentices after him banded the foul art of necromany the only school of magic to be banded in the history of the empire. However Tyshon was not like his predeccesor all he saw was instant victory so he agreed to the price and necromancy became a legitmate school.

This I Acladora have witnessed



First Post
just an ideas let me know what you think

Spear of the Meek, Mistress of Undiscovered Power, Scale of Peace and Power, The Everchanging
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Leaf near water reflecting a sword
Home Plane: Olympian Glades of Arboria
Alignment/b]: CG
Portfolio:retribution, self-defense, discipline, discovery, freedom, oceans
Worshipers: aquatic races, rangers, explorers, bards, victims of injustice, seekers of hidden lore
Cleric alignments: NG,CG,
Domains: Protection, Knowledge, Water, Destruction
Favored Weapon: Trident
The deity of the unexplored and of free people everywhere, Alidiana appears as a darkly beautiful woman wearing alluring deep blue garments which gently roll as if in a light breeze in her role as mistress of secrets and queen of the unfathomed depths. In her role as defender of the peaceful and wrongly dealt Her dark hair crackles with energy as though a storm brews throughout her locks and her dress flails violently. Her eyes shift constantly through all shades of hazel, green and blue, and the
slight scent of sea salt surrounds her. She speaks in parables and never answers a question directly and exudes an aura of mystery. She is one of three deities who act as keepers of all truths. Despite their different approaches she and her brother Fruian sometimes act in concert to oppose the third of the triad Zinnastine as he
tries to deceive scholars with forbidden lore that could lead to their destruction.
Alidiana is protector of one of the three tomes of eternal truth containing the rules by which the order of the multiverse is defined. Not trusting a single deity to hold perfect knowledge of reality's workings, the gods agreed by pact long ago to split the tome into three parts, each with a cunning and powerful deity to guard it.
As one of the three she holds domain over all knowledge gained through
exploration and experimentation, as well as lost secrets that can only be discovered and not learned.
As a goddess of freedom, she preaches a life of self-reliance and exploration in all things and urges her followers to protect this way of life, even in the face of organized persecution.
A capricious goddess, she teaches a path of peaceful existance that should be defended with swift and decisive action when threatened. In this embodiment she reflects her nature of the harsh ocean depths
where beauty and peace are balanced with harsh reality.


First Post
The Beast Lord and his Aspects
It is know that the beastlord is a deity from what is now the northern fronteir however it has been thousands of year since his religion spread to the corners of Adeiron's mageholds. Today the beastlord himself is faceless no can remember his face or what he looked like the common people instead worship one of his animal aspects they are listed blow.

The Owl

Holy Symbol: Barn owls head
HomePlane: the Beastlands
Alignment: LN
Poftfolio: Knowledge mundane, Knowledge arcane, Wisdom, Truth, Learning
Domains: Knowledge, magic air
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