You're overlooking that I stacked the deck in favor of the commoners. One javelin. No surprise round. The first attack of the orc misses.They got him down to 3 HP. That's not "no chance".
That's too close if you are going to do it often.
Sit down and run the scenario over and over and over. See how often the orc goes down. Hint - it won't be often at all. And if you want to make it fair, don't assume the orc only brought the one javelin. Allow him to have 2 or 3 and use them in a way fitting for average wisdom. The orc is on the hunt ... why would it not be armed? And allow the orc a chance to get a surprise round ... If you want this to be fair ...
- Orc has at least a 50% chance to get a surprise round. Likely 75% chance as the humans should have a passive perception of 5 due to disadvantage on detecting the orc at a distance of 60 to 120 feet in the dark.
- Orc should have multiple javelins and should be able to maneuver around in the dark where they can't see him in order to launch all 3 (with advantage?) before the commoners can close.
- The orc could also use tactics like extinguishing the torches or fire to make it even more of a slaughter. If the orc charges in and puts out the fire on round 1 instead of attacking with a javelin, those commoners can't light torches to see and they'll all die with maybe one hit on the orc.
You're saying the commoners should have no chance. They do not.