[Hivemind] Summoning the Hive! We're back in bussiness!

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Dark Eternal

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randomling said:

You're Terathramus?

Ooh and Hellhound signed up too -- yay! :D

Now all you need to do is come and post.

Terathramus is my half-celestial elven cleric/paladin/divine agent from the campaign my DM retired two months ago. He and I go back a long ways - the campaign lasted four years, and I was there for three years of it.

So I guess, in a sense, yes - I am Terathramus... lol...

Ok, ok, I'll go post.

Edit: On a related note - my DM recieved a plaque upon the completion of that campaign, as well as a certificate of achievement. Looking back, we may have gone a bit far - I think the knowledge that he's now an 'Award Winning Dungeon Master' is provoking him to make the new campaign even more toturous and heart wrenching then the last one was! Damn us for fools....
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First Post
Dark Eternal said:
But I'm coping - I'm truly coping. It just gets... tiring, somehow, you know?

Yes, I really do.

Not that I've been in a long distance relationsship, but I have on the other hand been living with a girl once that after we split up moved to London, I, still loving her, and not knowing what to so, went to London 4 or 5 times just walking the streets there hoping to see her ........

(off course, London, is only like 600 miles away, and in an etirely different country:)
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Dark Eternal

First Post
Wow. Yep, you know, alright.

There's a lot more I could say - like about my disasterous relationship that preceeded this one, and how this woman helped me get over the darkest hour of my life, and how good of friends we've been for the past several years, even though we'd never met until two years ago... but I'd rather not get started on the novel.


Anyways. Thanks, man - I actually feel better....


First Post
Dark Eternal said:
You see, the woman I'm in love with lives 1100 miles away... and we haven't seen each other in 16 months...

Damn, And I think 20 km is far, and three days is long:(


First Post
I should add that this girl (the one who moved to London), moved back to Copenhagen 8 months ago, and we did meet up, and we did date a few times. But the spark, I found out, had really disappeared on those lonely walks so many years ago in the big city I didn't truely know.


First Post
I should add that this girl (the one who moved to London), moved back to Copenhagen 8 months ago, and we did meet up, and we did date a few times. But the spark, I found out, had really disappeared on those lonely walks so many years ago in the big city I didn't truely know.

But at least you know that now. Knowing is important :)

Dark Eternal

First Post
Maldur said:

Damn, And I think 20 km is far, and three days is long:(

Heh. I do, too - or at least I did....

But back then, I also wouldn't have thought I could ever miss someone this badly and still keep breathing... I guess we humans really are amazingly adaptable. :)

Maldur said:
I am Maldur as well as being Bazz. :D

Isn't being a role-player an incredible experience? :)

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