[Hivemind] Summoning the Hive! We're back in bussiness!

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randomling said:
I like the fact that you click my link. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. But you need to do more than that to get your name removed, Maldur! :D

I run the clicky thingy program faithfully every minute my computer is on!

But I wont give you pictures of chocolate pies, thats cruel! A real pie maybe but pictures.


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First Post
Maldur said:

I run the clicky thingy program faithfully every minute my computer is on!

But I wont give you pictures of chocolate pies, thats cruel! A real pie maybe but pictures.


I wouldn't object to a little Dutch chocolate :)

Dark Eternal

First Post
randomling said:

DE: you have to do something that annoys me to get on the Revenge List. You haven't. Neither have you, Otu.


And the minigun is too heavy (and not fashionable enough) to wear all the time, so I keep it in my wardrobe unless I need it.

Hope that clarifies a few things!!

Hmmm - perhaps I could arrange to get you a more fashionable minigun? :D

I don't think I can find a lightweight one, however... *sighs*

By the way - I had somehow not noticed that you have your own message boards... ( :eek: ) ...mind if I join?


First Post
Dark Eternal said:

Hmmm - perhaps I could arrange to get you a more fashionable minigun? :D

I don't think I can find a lightweight one, however... *sighs*

By the way - I had somehow not noticed that you have your own message boards... ( :eek: ) ...mind if I join?

Mind? Of course I don't mind! You're more than welcome! :D

Actually I'm thinking of posting an invite to everyone on ENWorld. See if I can get over 100 members (68 at the moment).


First Post
Carnifex said:

Right, what to do now?

You could click my outwar link :p

I love thugbuilders. I have 235 thugs right now (only had 150 or so yesterday). And eventually I will have enough thugs that I can get full benefit from my powerful underling, Dark Ness. (You can only get thugs from your underlings equal to half the thugs you've got under your own steam. Dark Ness has twice as many thugs as me!)

Is there such a thing as a fashionable minigun? I wouldn't want to sacrifice effectiveness for appearance, you know.


First Post
I would click on your link, R, but I'm running a thgubuilder right now. Cruising up through the 600's :)

Anyways, I'm tempted to go and shoot some people in Counterstrike...

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