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D&D 5E Hold Back The Night [OOC]


Languages. Are they a thing? My guy was a sage, an academic, so he knows common plus three others. Perhaps the Magi can have their own language? And maybe he knows it because he worked for them in the university? Or something like that?

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Hey [MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION],

In that case, I will respectfully bow out. This is an awesome concept, and I really love the ideas you've put together. However, I'd hate to put in the work into my character only to be refused, so good luck, and I will be lurking ;-)

Me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one but my time is too limited for making a char that I don't use.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Well, I thoroughly enjoy making characters, so I will be making one despite the chance of not playing. But don't feel bad if you turn me down. :)


In that case, I will respectfully bow out. This is an awesome concept, and I really love the ideas you've put together. However, I'd hate to put in the work into my character only to be refused, so good luck, and I will be lurking

That's understandable, and I appreciate you being candid on the matter. If things change and I wind up with a second game or what have you, I will be sure to bring you back into the loop. Thanks for the interest, though!

Well, I thoroughly enjoy making characters, so I will be making one despite the chance of not playing. But don't feel bad if you turn me down. :)

I'm glad you find enjoyment in the theorycrafting, then! As do I, but again: I really cannot take a party of like 10 people ._. Especially in PbP. Apologies for the circumstances, but we'll get the characters together and go from there, yeah?

Languages. Are they a thing? My guy was a sage, an academic, so he knows common plus three others. Perhaps the Magi can have their own language? And maybe he knows it because he worked for them in the university? Or something like that?

Languages are certainly a thing: it's not been so long a time as to have racial languages and such be squashed out, and with The Magi having easy access to spells like Comprehend Languages, it's kind of in their favor to encourage communication difficulties amongst the populace while they themselves aren't affected.

The idea of The Magi having their own language ... I like this, but if that were the case, I am unsure of any PCs starting with being able to understand it. I almost imagine it would be something akin to Druidic in that it's rarely taught outside their official ranks and never to outsiders.

I would be okay with making it where if you start "knowing" the Magi Language, you may know a smattering of it: certain words, phrases, terms related to your field of study and interaction with them, etc., but you're not fluent in it.
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First Post
Me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one but my time is too limited for making a char that I don't use.

Sorry to hear your time is so limited! I can understand not wanting to put in the work and emotional investment into something that may end in disappointment, but if time is stretched so thin that there isn't enough of it left to make a spare character sheet, then it's probably for the best not to pursue additional game enrollments anyway. :)


[MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION] I did point-buy like you requested and have the mechanics for my character submission finished. Just ironing out the story/background side. Three questions...

1. Can you read javascript-enabled PDFs via GoogleDocs OK?

2. I'm planning on leaving "dangling plot hooks" in Fitz Augertorque's backstory, a few to tie into other PCs, and a few for you as GM to use as you see fit. Is denoting these on the backstory section of the sheet as <INSERT PC> or <GM HOOK> ok?

3. If this campaign were a movie, what would it's rating be? I have a rather dark idea for his backstory, but it's pretty adult, so I don't want to cross any boundaries.


First Post
Well, I thoroughly enjoy making characters, so I will be making one despite the chance of not playing. But don't feel bad if you turn me down. :)

You and Jago have that in common, he's making characters daily and then asking me what my next character is. Then I have the internal dialog of "uhhh what old character can I recycle that he hasn't heard of yet..."

I alas am not so fond of making character sheets, but I'm gradually working my way up to it with a lot of help from Jago.

Edit: am I the only one that has to edit every autocorrect malfunction when using a mobile device?


1. Can you read javascript-enabled PDFs via GoogleDocs OK?

2. I'm planning on leaving "dangling plot hooks" in Fitz Augertorque's backstory, a few to tie into other PCs, and a few for you as GM to use as you see fit. Is denoting these on the backstory section of the sheet as <INSERT PC> or <GM HOOK> ok?

3. If this campaign were a movie, what would it's rating be? I have a rather dark idea for his backstory, but it's pretty adult, so I don't want to cross any boundaries.

Thanks for the Point-Buy build, mate: I appreciate it even though I know you requested otherwise. Onto the meat!

1.) Yes, I should be able to read that just fine

2.) Yes! Yes, please spice in some hooks and yeah, leaving them open like that is more than acceptable, I highly encourage it. Denoting them in brackets like that is perfect.

3.) If this campaign were a movie, the MPAA Rating would most certainly be R. From what I'm understanding from other players' backstories so far, there is already a lot of explicit content and implications of some "Adult Situations" as they term it. Granted, with the filter here it's not going to be Tarantino dialog, but it is going to be based on stories and themes that are mature in nature.

Not "dark and edgy" like so many vampire stories lately, but more like the original Dracula, if you will: a lot implied, and those implications are definitely of things that are cause for terror and sorrow.


First Post
Jago, before I go much farther with the druid idea, did you get a gander at the 'reincarnation' angle I was mentioning? If that won't work, I'll think of something else and that's fine. I just would like to make sure it's something y'all can work with.

Sorry to hear your time is so limited! I can understand not wanting to put in the work and emotional investment into something that may end in disappointment, but if time is stretched so thin that there isn't enough of it left to make a spare character sheet, then it's probably for the best not to pursue additional game enrollments anyway. :)

Making a character history, and the details about the inn he owns, and his kids, and the service staff, etc takes a lot more time than posting reactions a pbp forum once or twice a day.

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