Hollywood's creativity problem and a (ranty) stroll through endless remakes...


Mod Squad
Staff member
What's happening imho is you've got big blockbuster movies a lot which are more spectacle than substance.

Well, what you have is audiences flocking to big blockbuster movies. The studio execs wouldn't push them if they didn't tend to generate revenue.

Anyway might watch Knives Out or ET Extra Terrestrial later.

Knives Out is excellent, imho. I'm planning to see Glass Onion tomorrow.

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Well, what you have is audiences flocking to big blockbuster movies. The studio execs wouldn't push them if they didn't tend to generate revenue.

Knives Out is excellent, imho. I'm planning to see Glass Onion tomorrow.

Yeah I have beenblockbuster movies o watch it for a while and it turned up on our freeview along all of Red Dwarf.

The dynamics have changed since 80's with tentpole blockbusters. Hollywood will go where the money is.

I'm reminded of this interaction from The West Wing (Aaron Sorkin)

"It’s not that Larry Posner’s movies have gratuitous sex and gratuitous violence. It’s that they suck. They’re terrible. But people go to see them because they have gratuitous sex and gratuitous violence. Now, if we could just get people to stop going to see crappy movies, Posner would stop making them. I promise you."

(simply change out the fictional Larry Posner for an RL director that you don't like)

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Well, what you have is audiences flocking to big blockbuster movies. The studio execs wouldn't push them if they didn't tend to generate revenue.

Knives Out is excellent, imho. I'm planning to see Glass Onion tomorrow.
Given that it's usually producers who use the leverage of their financial backing to change scripts, it's my go-to reaction.
so it is the endless business problem of the people who sell the product not having the faintest idea of what it is they are making, a disconnected leadership class the bane of well most nations in history.


Mod Squad
Staff member
so it is the endless business problem of the people who sell the product not having the faintest idea of what it is they are making

"Too many cooks spoil the broth," is older than our endless business problems.

a disconnected leadership class the bane of well most nations in history.

Don't make this about human governance/politics, please and thanks.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
"Too many cooks spoil the broth," is older than our endless business problems.

Don't make this about human governance/politics, please and thanks.
I meant it is more a universal problem of leadership in an organisation that end disconnected from things slowly making things fail.

to many cooks has the problem of no clear direction and no obvious vision, with one clear goal you can have many cook a banquet and it all still works together.


From the documentary "The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened" by John Schnepp. I was one of the many backers for the project. It follows the debacle that was supposed to be a Superman film, directed by Tim Burton, starring Nicholas Cage, written by Kevin Smith. John Peters was a producer for the project. Peters is most famous for being a hairdresser and, subsequently, boyfriend of Barbara Streisand. Kevin Smith often talks about his meeting with Peters in which he demanded that the script include a battle between Superman and a giant spider, because spiders are "the fiercest predators in thge insect kingdom." He didn't get his spider in "Superman Lives", so he made sure that he got it in "Wild, Wild West." You can find the full documentary on Youtube and it's fascinating.

(Watch out - NSF Language)


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