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Holy Cleric seeks first adventure


Lord Tarran

((Just as a side note, Siani doesn't watch this thread as an innkeeper.))

Bandages sir? Forget that. I can do the healing meself.

With that, Arret walks out of the tavern, his hands glowing in blue fire. He comes to the injured being, and purs blue light upon it. Healing blue light.

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Ixam Lovely

Well I guess that should be better, ahm,...weöll,
I guess I just wasn´t going to make such a show of things, but You know blue light or what not, if are young friend is any better now I guess that´ll do, so thanks for giving a hand, although I still think bandages, hot water and good gush of a glass of wine can´t do no harm under the circumstances.
*somewhat perplexed the mage Ixam mumbles on about this and that, before returning to his place by the wall, where indeed now a nice wholesome meal has been prepared and served,
of bread, butter and honey, together with smoked bacon, grilled fish, a seperate plate with fruit on, 2apples and a somewhat small sized lemon. To drink a large jug of leaves-tea as ordered, but asof yet, no wine, instead another jug of fountain water, unheated and a big glass of white milk.
*Whether there are any guards outside the tavern the guised mage cannot tell at this instant nor what other circumstances have been on the move since, but the atmosphere in the place seems to have gone somewhat back to normal, it would be time for a bite to eat now, thinks Ixam sitting in his earthen coloured travelling clothes, coat and sturdy pants at the squareshaped table. There is plenty of place for at least 4 more at the table, so
take a seat anyone he beckons into the round approximate him.
With that it is time for a bite and something to drink!
* Also of course some music or the company of women could be pleasant now, if there is no more pressing business for the moment



The young elf blinks a few times and shakes his head in an attempt to regain focus. Colours swim together and form an image of a young flame-haired lad with sparkling green eyes. A blue glow is fading from his hands.

Touching his hand to his chest, the elf seems surprised and relieved to find the wound is now gone.

'Thank you, good fellow, and well met. I am Stardust, alas it is only a nickname, but one I have carried for as long as I care to remember. Apologies for my dramatic entrance, I ventured a little out of my depth attempting to stop a trio of brigands from robbing an old traveller. I chased the fellows off and recovered the good man's coin purse, but not before tasting a blade.

Now, enough of my talk, what of you, good stranger? What is your business here?'


Lord Tarran

Arret smiles, helping the elf up. His eyes flare, a innner fire seen. HIs hand is warm to touch, but not uncofrtably so. He says:

Weell met, yeself! OI'm Arret Mageflame. Glaad to meat cha'. I'm semply paassin' through betweeen adventures. I was hopein' someone around here had sometin' for me to do. You?



Well my friend, I am naught if not a free spirit myself. Not to be confused with a mercenary, mind, as I do not take orders well. Now... I recall a strong pair of hands coming to my aid, but lacking the warmth of your touch. Whom in this place might I also thank for my life and health? Regardless, I can pay only with my song, and that I shall as this fine place sadly lacks such a thing at present.

With a sudden burst of vigour, the elf produces a harp from inside his vestement, entirely unapparent before its removal. He spots a small table in a windowed corner and gestures the lad to join him. Sitting on a stool, he plucks a few strings, pointed ears twitching.
Then, fingers moving in a dexterous myriad of fluid grace, he begins to sing:

Far away from elven lands
My soul yearns not for home,
Fortunes float upon the breeze,
And I may choose but one...

Timeless seasons spin my age,
My body stays still strong,
Walk I shall all through these lands
And bless them with my song.

The pain I see warms not my heart,
I can abide no wrong,
So fight I must against injustice,
'til my time is done.

Heed me not with apathy,
and not with empty praise,
But go ye forth, do all you can,
With every precious day...

As the last of the notes dies away, a hint of a tear forms in the eye of the young elf, until at last his harp is silent.


Lord Tarran

The mage nods, in apparent delight, before addressing the bard:

Why do you cry?



My people are most powerful diviners, they send news on the winds to me of a great evil in this land... Something beyond even their comprehension. You will understand this saddens me...

I must do what I can with my years, but I know my mortal body has no hope of battling whatever power is arising. I would sooner perish than give up, however and I have a good many breaths left in me yet!

I grow weary of my lonesome travels, what of you? Have you any company to speak of?


Lord Tarran

Arret looks thoughtful for a while, before saying ((I've given up writing how he speaks)):

No, none at the moment. The last one who traveled with me ended up being a glabrezu, a kind of demon, and I was forced to slay him. I would like company however. I would love to join your cause. We ever evil stands, Arret goes to fell it.



{{I really liked Arret's way of talking}}

A reply almost as sweet as the music of my homeland, Arret, my friend. Company you have not, but what of associates? May we expect further aid or companionship on our travels?

The elf strikes a chord on his harp, which begins to sparkle somewhat, another chord and a strange hush falls over the room. Not silence, but an audiable reduction.

I address any of you here who listened to my song not with your ears, but with your hearts. A great evil threatens this land. Who among you might be so bold as to accompany me on my humble quest for knowledge?

Noticing two white-robed figures in one corner, he pays particular attention to them, asking What of you? before casting his gaze over the rest of the mostly ignorant clientele.

He waits.


Lord Tarran

((Well, then I'll have to give it a shot then.))

Asssociaates? Well... let meh see. My sister... but she is...un reliable. No other's I can tink of.

Voidrunner's Codex

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