D&D 5E [Homebrew] Redoing the Sorcerer, Untamed Magic


Anyone want to help me remake the sorcerer into a something that feels like raw, but uncontrolled power?
Sort of like a blasting barbarian?

Unstable Power.

Unlike wizards who spend time studying magic and can create very specific effects from precise formulas, sorcerer's are born into magic. While their raw destructive power is undeniably, their control is questionable. They are walking devastation, barely kept in check. As sorcerer's gain more experience, they can better control their emotions and their power, better able to direct more at their enemies, and less at their friends.

Search for Self Control
Most sorcerers go on adventures because they tend to be damaging to the area and people around them. Because of their unstable power, they often try to stay away from civilization. They quest to gain control of themselves, as much as it is their powers.

Building a Sorcerer:
Charisma is the primary ability for sorcerers. It represents the ability to not only control other peoples emotions, but also your own. Constitution is a secondary attribute, as it's needed for you to survive your own power. Dexterity should be your third highest, as you lack any armor.

New Background: Accidental Familicide.
As your family and friend gathered to celebrate your transition from youth into a full adult, some small thing got you angry. As you told everyone you loved how much you despised them, your powers suddenly manifested, turning your rage into a physical consequence. Your last memory of them was the hurt on your face as your power killed those you loved. You fled town, and spending time in the wilderness gaining control of your power.

Skills: Intimidation, Survival
Tool Use: One of your choice.
Language: Primordial
Equipment: Common clothes that cannot be destroyed by your particular element, a small keep sake that reminds you of your family, and 50gp that you gathered from before you left.

Feature: Aura of Danger
Perhaps it's the flicker of fire that resides in your eyes, the way your electricity makes their hair stand on end, or just the rumors of the boy who killed his own family, but regular people see you as dangerous and want you gone. They will happily help you with any small task, and give you information, as long as it speeds your departure.

Class Features

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per sorcerer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per sorcerer level after 1st

Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion

Level 1: Choose a bloodline.

Elementalist: You have an elemental blood in you, giving you an innate connection to the elemental plane itself. Most Elementalist are a descendant of genasi, and can tap into an elemental plane. Choose one of the following, your decision gives you additional features at levels (x,y,z). You gain resistance to your selected element.
Cold: ??? (cold bolt)
Fire: ??? (fire bolt)
Earth: ??? (earth bolt)
Water: ??? (water bolt)

Invoker: You have the blood of a celestial being, perhaps even a god, coursing through your veins. Most Invokers are a descendant of Aasimar, and can tap into an outer plane. Choose one of the following, your decision gives you additional features at levels (x,y,z). You gain resistance to your selected element.
Positive: ??? (sacred bolt)
Negative: ??? (necrotic bolt)

Untamed Power: When you take damage, make a concentration save. If you fail, you explode in a blast, dealing damage equal to your Sorcerer level to each creature within 30' (not including yourself), and half that amount of to each creature within the next 30'. Once this happens, it cannot happen again for 1 minute.

Directed Anger: You've gained a small amount of control over your magic. You can make a magical ranged attack against a single target within 60'. If you hit, you deal 2d6+Cha damage, increasing by 1d6 for every 2 levels of sorcerer.

Level 2: Reckless Bolt: You tap into your emotions, providing you with extra power, but also leaving you more vulnerable. When you make an attack roll for your element, you can choost roll it with advantage. If you do so, you have disavantage on any saving throw until the start of your next turn.

Level 3: Intentional Anger: When you roll for Untamed Power, you can choose to give into your anger instead of making a concentration check. Roll a d20 with no modifiers, if you roll a 10 or greater, you trigger the explosion.

Level 4: ABI

Level 5: Born to It: You are immune to your element. You deal full damage to a creature that is resistant to your element and half damage to creatures who are immune to it.
Outburst: As an action, your magic bursts around you. Make an attack roll against each creature within 5', on a hit, you deal 2d6+Cha damage, increasing by 1d6 for every 2 levels of sorcerer.

Level 6: sub-class

Level 7: Outpouring: You can make a 30' cone.

Level 8: AIB

Level 9: ???
Level 10:

Level 11: Anger Management: When you make a concentration check for untamed power, you can do so with advantage.
Smoldering Agner: You can make a 20' long wall of your element....

Level 12: ABI

Level 13: Sub-class

Level 14: Directed Burst: Creatures you choose take half damage from your sorcerer features.

Level 15:

Level 16: ABI

Level 17: ???

Level 18: Sub-class

Level 19: ABI

Level 20: Self Control: When you take damage, you no longer need to roll anything for Untamed Power. You can choose to trigger Untamed Power or not. In addition, you can trigger once per round.
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I think this will be an interesting class, sounds a little like the elemental sorcerer in 4e which basically had a single attack that they could charge up.

I do think the untamed aura might be best reigned in a little. A 60 foot radius is huge. Personally I'd probably limit it to adjacent or perhaps within 10 feet. Also, does their resistance and later immunity protect the sorcerer from this?

This might also be a class where invocation like abilities would fit well to expand upon their ability to manipulate their energy type. I'm thinking like something like the eldritch blast invocations as well as some which grant the ability to shape their energy with something similar to a wall spell. It's all keyed off their normal blast ability, just expanded.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Is the class still a full caster? If not, you should probably determine how the damage of their bolt is going to scale. A forceful blaster seems like a natural candidate for a sneak attack like progression, to me. 1d6/2 levels, up to 10d6 at 19. Cha Mod to attack and damage.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Still reading through. One comment:

Untamed Power: When you take damage, make a concentration save. If you fail, you explode in a blast, dealing damage equal to your Sorcerer level to each creature within 60' (including yourself), of your damage type.

This is a large radius and could easily be weaponized by the party. "Hmm, we're getting swarmed! Send out the sorcerer, then shoot him."

I'd prefer an uncontrolled wave of magic like the Wild Magic table. If not, consider something like they take [lvl]d6 and then it reduced by the highest die for every 5'. Though [lvl]d6 twice will likely kill them so multiple attacks are an issue, even if concentration saves aren't too hard.


I think this will be an interesting class, sounds a little like the elemental sorcerer in 4e which basically had a single attack that they could charge up.

I do think the untamed aura might be best reigned in a little. A 60 foot radius is huge. Personally I'd probably limit it to adjacent or perhaps within 10 feet.
10' doesn't sound like an uncontroled, dangerous, blast of power.

Also, does their resistance and later immunity protect the sorcerer from this?
Yes, currently at level 5. But I didn't want immunity at level 1.

This might also be a class where invocation like abilities would fit well to expand upon their ability to manipulate their energy type. I'm thinking like something like the eldritch blast invocations as well as some which grant the ability to shape their energy with something similar to a wall spell. It's all keyed off their normal blast ability, just expanded.
Yea, that was my line of thought as well. Start with crude shapes that can hit allies, and get more precise ones as you level.

Bolts, bursts, cones, walls, chains, as well as special effects from your element, like creating light with fire.

A forceful blaster seems like a natural candidate for a sneak attack like progression, to me. 1d6/2 levels, up to 10d6 at 19. Cha Mod to attack and damage.
Sound about right.

This is a large radius and could easily be weaponized by the party. "Hmm, we're getting swarmed! Send out the sorcerer, then shoot him."
Seems like a valid stradegy, with plenty flavorful. The sorcerer going in a near suicidal attempt and the party staying back afraid of their power.

Though a 1/round to prevent the party abusing the sorcerer would make sense.

I'd prefer an uncontrolled wave of magic like the Wild Magic table. If not, consider something like they take [lvl]d6 and then it reduced by the highest die for every 5'. Though [lvl]d6 twice will likely kill them so multiple attacks are an issue, even if concentration saves aren't too hard.
I thought about those, but it might be a bit too much rolling. Flat damage seemed to get the point across without making it overly complicated.

Perhaps full damage within 30', and half damage the next 30'?
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'd prefer an uncontrolled wave of magic like the Wild Magic table. If not, consider something like they take [lvl]d6 and then it reduced by the highest die for every 5'. Though [lvl]d6 twice will likely kill them so multiple attacks are an issue, even if concentration saves aren't too hard.

I thought about those, but it might be a bit too much rolling. Flat damage seemed to get the point across without making it overly complicated.

Perhaps full damage within 30', and half damage the next 30'?

That works. I was trying a "roll once" solution, yoinked from Hero system how they handled the Explosion advantage. You roll once, but each increment take away the highest die. Once you know the total, subtracting five (or whatever the highest is) is easy. But your method is even easier to deal with.

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