D&D 5E Homebrew Super Simple Class: The Prodigy

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This somewhat reminds me of the “Hero” class I did for RPGMaker for the main character - a sort of Uber class that had a bit of the “big four” built into it. It was something you’d only want one player in the group to use - worked well for the video game if you wanted to try and do it solo without picking up other party members.

In that vein, I’d like to see it drop Heavy Armor (those who want it could pick it up with a talent or feat), but add a talent tree that made it possible for the class to be a half-caster. In the casting department, when you choose the talent you choose the spell list you gain access to. Spellcasting ability probably should default to Charisma for the class.

It could probably also use a damage spike talent. Something akin to Rage, Smite or Sneak Attack that grants some ability to directly boost damage. Precision Strike? Audacious Blow?

Basically, make this a generalist, with the ability to lean into aspects of the big four - martial powerhouse (lean fighter), talented DPS (lean rogue), arcane troubleshooter (lean wizard), support healer (lean cleric).

While the attempt to keep it one page is interesting, I think it would actually make more sense to expand it to have five subclasses, one for each of the big four leanings and a fifth generalist that is also super simple, and probably follows the class’s original intent.


This somewhat reminds me of the “Hero” class I did for RPGMaker for the main character - a sort of Uber class that had a bit of the “big four” built into it. It was something you’d only want one player in the group to use - worked well for the video game if you wanted to try and do it solo without picking up other party members.

In that vein, I’d like to see it drop Heavy Armor (those who want it could pick it up with a talent or feat), but add a talent tree that made it possible for the class to be a half-caster. In the casting department, when you choose the talent you choose the spell list you gain access to. Spellcasting ability probably should default to Charisma for the class.

It could probably also use a damage spike talent. Something akin to Rage, Smite or Sneak Attack that grants some ability to directly boost damage. Precision Strike? Audacious Blow?

Basically, make this a generalist, with the ability to lean into aspects of the big four - martial powerhouse (lean fighter), talented DPS (lean rogue), arcane troubleshooter (lean wizard), support healer (lean cleric).

While the attempt to keep it one page is interesting, I think it would actually make more sense to expand it to have five subclasses, one for each of the big four leanings and a fifth generalist that is also super simple, and probably follows the class’s original intent.
I can totally see that (I'm not a fan of going 'use the spell list for this other class' personally but that's another discussion) working as an interesting class, but I don't think at that point it would properly fill the shoes of the Champion. It'd be a whole other thing with far more bells and whistles. It could be something fun to work on for sure.


I don't like the class having so many attacks. Particularly the 4th attack, as that's the Fighter's capstone.
Gotta admit I just didn't know what else to put up there and forgot I kept it after coming up with Apex Abilities hahaha. I'll remove the 4th. I think I'll rework a few levels actually. Maybe I'll push the third attack a level after the Fighter.


The character gets near-fighter-level weapon offence. And a plinky cantrip attack.

If we do Fighter-Prodigy we get:
Action Surge
Second Wind
Fighting Style

If we do Prodigy-Fighter we get:
Talents (x5)
Extra saving throw + 1 stat, then all saving throws proficient
Reroll 1s on saving throws.
Natural Improvement (+5 to worst stats)
+2 to all stats (cap 20).

Prodigious Talent says it is both level 1 and 2.

It should be "Dash as an action" to avoid bonus action dodge+dash tricks.


Lets work on Talent balancing. Start off with a baseline character using a greataxe. The foe has 12 AC+Level/2 (rounded down).

At level 1 they have 16 strength, +5/1d12+3 damage and does 6.975 DPR against AC 12
At level 5 they have 18 strength, +7/1d12+4 x2 damage and does 15.35 DPR against AC 14
At level 11 they have 20 strength, +9/1d12+5 x3 damage and does 23.4 DPR against AC 17.
At level 20 they have 20 strength, +11/1d12+5 x4 damage and does 24.3 DPR against AC 22.

Taking Might adds 1.025 DPR at level 1, 1.465 DPR at level 5, 2.775 DPR at level 11, 3.3 DPR at level 20.

No other Talent increases offence. So I suspect the result is this character falls behind in damage output at higher levels.


Gotta admit I just didn't know what else to put up there and forgot I kept it after coming up with Apex Abilities hahaha. I'll remove the 4th. I think I'll rework a few levels actually. Maybe I'll push the third attack a level after the Fighter.
I mean, this can keep the vanilla extra attack and then the Fighter can get a real capstone on top of an extra attack.


The character gets near-fighter-level weapon offence. And a plinky cantrip attack.
Well, the idea wasn't to make them an Eldtrich Knight or anything, just to give them some magic. More of a mini Magic Initiate feat than being a partial caster. But I get what you mean, so I went and added that Talent of Magic grants 2 rituals from the Wizard's spell list, granting the Prodigy access to that sweet sweet familiar!
If we do Fighter-Prodigy we get:
Action Surge
Second Wind
Fighting Style

If we do Prodigy-Fighter we get:
Talents (x5)
Extra saving throw + 1 stat, then all saving throws proficient
Reroll 1s on saving throws.
Natural Improvement (+5 to worst stats)
+2 to all stats (cap 20).
Well, I didn't design the Prodigy with Multiclassing in mind. It's meant to be simple and MCing is NOT simple, so it would probably just not be possible to MC into Prodigy. Or I could make the stat requirement for it like "2 ability score at 18" or something crazy like that so level dipping isn't a thing? I dunno.

Also I went and made Apex Abilities able to break the 20 cap. It's level 20, so why not? Who cares if its too strong if it's the last level?

Prodigious Talent says it is both level 1 and 2.
Ooops... Fixed! thanks for pointing it out.

It should be "Dash as an action" to avoid bonus action dodge+dash tricks.
Well the only way I can see to get a bonus action dodge would be with MCing and, again, Prodigy wasn't designed for it.

Lets work on Talent balancing. Start off with a baseline character using a greataxe. The foe has 12 AC+Level/2 (rounded down).

At level 1 they have 16 strength, +5/1d12+3 damage and does 6.975 DPR against AC 12
At level 5 they have 18 strength, +7/1d12+4 x2 damage and does 15.35 DPR against AC 14
At level 11 they have 20 strength, +9/1d12+5 x3 damage and does 23.4 DPR against AC 17.
At level 20 they have 20 strength, +11/1d12+5 x4 damage and does 24.3 DPR against AC 22.

Taking Might adds 1.025 DPR at level 1, 1.465 DPR at level 5, 2.775 DPR at level 11, 3.3 DPR at level 20.

No other Talent increases offence. So I suspect the result is this character falls behind in damage output at higher levels.
Hmm so should I throw another +1 to damage into the progression?
I mean, this can keep the vanilla extra attack and then the Fighter can get a real capstone on top of an extra attack.
lol that would be for the best yeah.

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