D&D 5E Homebrew Super Simple Class: The Prodigy

I like it.
But giving crit at 19 and 20 at level 1 seems too early.

I'd probably split up prodigous talent in two and give one at level 1 and one at level 3.

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At level 1 they have 16 strength, +5/1d12+3 damage and does 6.975 DPR against AC 12
At level 5 they have 18 strength, +7/1d12+4 x2 damage and does 15.35 DPR against AC 14
At level 11 they have 20 strength, +9/1d12+5 x3 damage and does 23.4 DPR against AC 17.
At level 20 they have 20 strength, +11/1d12+5 x4 damage and does 24.3 DPR against AC 22.

Taking Might adds 1.025 DPR at level 1, 1.465 DPR at level 5, 2.775 DPR at level 11, 3.3 DPR at level 20.

No other Talent increases offence. So I suspect the result is this character falls behind in damage output at higher levels.

like it.
But giving crit at 19 and 20 at level 1 seems too early.

Had this random thought: What if I ditched the 19/20 crit thing and made the bonus to damage equal to proficiency bonus? Would that scale better?
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But one rule I like is "dice are fun".

I would start by giving the class a Prodigy die, d4 to start and scale up.

Then tie features to it. Damage, skill bonuses, save bonuses, etc.

It also becomes a physical token of the class's specialness. And you can hang other mechanics on it.

As a small side bonus, it makes the class slightly more MC friendly, as it scales with class levels.

As this class is intentionally simple, this one tiny mechanic isn't overwealming it with complexity. You just get more stuff to use it on as you gain levels.

Categories can include:
  • Damage
  • Attack rolls
  • Skill checks
  • Initiative
  • Saves
  • AC/Prevent damage
  • Death saves
  • Aid allies at above (expend reaction maybe)

If die scales d4 to d12 similar to proficiency, bonus is similar but less reliable.

And then carry it forward: At L11, instead of extra attacks (and stealing Fighter's thunder), add Prodigy die to attack and damage rolls. Impact is similar.



But one rule I like is "dice are fun".

I would start by giving the class a Prodigy die, d4 to start and scale up.

Then tie features to it. Damage, skill bonuses, save bonuses, etc.

It also becomes a physical token of the class's specialness. And you can hang other mechanics on it.

As a small side bonus, it makes the class slightly more MC friendly, as it scales with class levels.

As this class is intentionally simple, this one tiny mechanic isn't overwealming it with complexity. You just get more stuff to use it on as you gain levels.

Categories can include:
  • Damage
  • Attack rolls
  • Skill checks
  • Initiative
  • Saves
  • AC/Prevent damage
  • Death saves
  • Aid allies at above (expend reaction maybe)

If die scales d4 to d12 similar to proficiency, bonus is similar but less reliable.

And then carry it forward: At L11, instead of extra attacks (and stealing Fighter's thunder), add Prodigy die to attack and damage rolls. Impact is similar.
That isn't a bad idea either!

Might have to do a V2 of this because I could see this working. I also still have my other simplified-but-cool class in mind that I'd need to work on... hmm

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