House Millithor in the City of the Spider Queen II

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*She'd have killed me!*, Quertus thinks, and tries to gurgle the fact (it is) to Randal.

Quertus, slightly surprised by Randal's "escape", first reacts by trying to get the rope off his throat. He quickly realizes that Randal's a lot stronger than him (no kiddin'), and tries to think of something to cast. Unfortunately his spells don't include many spells usable while grappling, not to mention when you're being strangled. His only option seems to be to either trust his partners or get lucky.

Quertus grabs the rope and desperately tries to get it off his throat...

OOC: I don't think there even are any spells that don't have verbal components...
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OOC: Appearantly +16 to tie someone up is not enough. Note to self: Up it to +25 at the next levelup.

Of course, one moment he blasts the doors and the other moment he requires our need! Can't he just approach things in a carefull manner? Seeing Randal escaped from the rope, Dariel doesn't hesitate and moves in to attack Randal with deadly precision, meanwhile yelling: "It was a bad move to drop the ropes. Now you die!"

OOC: Taking flanking position whenever possible of course. The last thing could be seen as an intimidate attempt, but I don't think it's worth the shot (total modifier of +0).

The world explodes in agony, an infinitesimal infinity of unimaginable torment. It is a pain too great for words, too overwhelming for fear, horror, sadness or life. As her soul is ripped from her body and cast into the fiery abyss the pain becomes greater still, like an ocean of fire compared to a flickering candle flame.

But this is not the end. Time and space have lost their meaning as all thought has become irrelevant, but the multiverse is not yet finished with Ki'Willis. Amorphous tendrils of cold grasp at her soul, pulling her back towards the mortal plane, and reflexively she reaches out to help them. Fire and ice make war on the battlefield of her soul and slowly but surely cold emerges victorious. A growing hatred devours the pain, subsuming it into itself and grows stronger still. Thought returns as the agony fades.

With thought comes memory, with memory comes hatred and with hatred comes purpose and life.

Ki'Willis opens her mouth and screams, a wordless roar of pain, sorrow, and limitless all-consuming hatred. She has once again been born into the world and before she dies again she will make it pay for suffering the existence of Irae. And for Irae herself... there are no words that can convey the depth of her hatred for that being.
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Kripp keeps an eye on the Vampiress and her lackeys, wondering what thoughts were going through those cold eyes...

Dorina speaks to Kripp, "I see."

She walks away down the corridor followed by the two skinless warriors.

After she walks away, Kripp realizes that the invisible guardian is no longer present.

On the Surface

Dariel slashes his short sword across the struggling Randal Morn's back for 24 points of damage (critical sneak attack).

Torellan drives the pommel of his dagger into Randal's head for 9 points of subdual damage.

Randal Morn continues to strangle Quertus and inflicts 28 points of lethal damage. Quertus stops struggling and goes limp. You are not sure whether Quertus still lives.

Marckarius charges the struggling Randal Morn and swings his flail against Randal Morn's head. There is a huge burst of lightning when the steel ball connects against Randal's head, and both Randal and Quertus are blasted onto the ground. Randal Morn took 33 points of damage on a Shocking Burst critical hit, 16 of which was shock damage (lethal damage), the other 17 was subdual.

Both Randal Morn and Quertus are lying on the ground. Both seem alive, but seriously injured. Possibly bleeding to death on the snow.

Narcelia: 16
Listless humans:10
Torellan: 26
Quertus: 16

In the Shrine of Lolth

Matron Morcane's whole life is suddenly memories available to Matron Ki'Willis. Ki'Willis realizes that many of her questions have now been answered.

She knows that there are still active magical defenses in the Shrine of Lolth. If Kilcif or any non-believer of Lolth tampers with the gates to the inner fane, the protective enchanments were still capable of summoning a powerful demon to devour the sacriligous interloper's soul. The demon was not strong enough to defeat the large numbers of followers of Kiaransalee in the final battle, but it would have slain Kilcif if Kilcif didn't flee into the tunnels first. The demon was too large to fit into the tunnels, and the duration of its summoning was only one minute.

She also remembered that the altar in the outer fane had a connection to the Abyss to make it easier to send the souls of sacrifices to Lolth. The connection was not strong enough to allow creatures to travel to the Abyss, but touching the altar for more than a few seconds would be fatal to a mortal creature.
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Ki'Willis looks around, her dead gaze sweeping over the inner fane and comes to rest upon her youngest daughter. A strange sense of loss flits across her conciousness at seeing that Carcelon still lives. That fact strengthens the realisation of what she herself has become, and she is once again overcome with hatred.

We have found what we came here seeking. The Goddess has shown her face to me. She has betrayed me! We came here in doubt and uncertainty, now we have found purpose and direction and we've aquired the means by which to proceed. The Goddess has blessed me with the knowledge and power to destroy the Tsarrans.
Come, our forces are divided but so are our enemies. Whoever unites first will gain a decisive advantage against their advesary. We must join our kin in the tombs and destroy the enemy forces there.

She walks out of the inner fane, passing Kilcif, and when she notices that they are following her she makes her way down the webbed chute they climbed up before. On the way down she activates her Hat of Disguise to hide the recent differences in her appearence.
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Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue)

Kilcif rather curious at the noises he heard has many questions he would like to ask but seeing the all business nature of the Matron he falls in place next to the younger drow and address her formally but quietly, “Lady Carcelon, what happened in their…?”

OOC: I'm sure it's to dark in the temple to notice, but are we running spot check to notice the changes in the Matron?

OoC:I guess a Sense Motive will be hard against an Undead, but if you'd roll me one for her parting shot, just wonder how sincere her comments sounded...

Kripp stood in the Hallway, watching the Vampire leave, wondering just how soon he'd be facing her again. His Piscean mind ached to drown her in the Waters of his Master,deliciously slaying her with the curative magics that were his to bestow, or perhaps frying her with the Unholy Flame of the Master as well.
No matter, his current business didn't include an insignificant Vampire, but rather the Drow Matron. Where was she anyways...?
Settling back to wait, Kripp opened a water-filled bag, extracting a wriggling crayfish, popping it into his mouth with relish,chewing thoughtfully as the will of He Who Swims In Darkness began to exert itself over the Underdark...

Carcelon collapses to her hands and knees as the banshee's wail tears at her soul. As she staggers to her feet and turns toward the Matron,

"Matron, are y..."

Ki'Willis said:
We have found what we came here seeking... Come, our forces are divided but so are our enemies.

Sensing that something is wrong, but not quite sure what, Carcelon nods her head and responds "Yes Mother" and follows Ki'Willis out of the inner fane.

Kilcif said:
“Lady Carcelon, what happened in there…?”

"We found Matron Morcane; or rather, we found her waiting for us.
Come, and be ready, it is nearly time to strike."

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