I've run a homebrew for nearly 40 years now. This topic has come up a lot - and it came up in the way I suggest others approach it - naturally. You're dealing with powerful people and the rulership being the source of their power. If you give it enough time, this topic arises naturally - and it shines best when it does. When it organically arises in a campaign the situation feels more real to the players and they tend to feel like they're part of something bigger - as opposed to feeling like they're part of a scripted event when you plan it out.
To that end - I'd create the power structures and leave room for them to have conflict - but then let the PCs integrate into the politics and then see what arises naturally.
To that end - I'd create the power structures and leave room for them to have conflict - but then let the PCs integrate into the politics and then see what arises naturally.