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House Rules - Please Comment


Hi everyone,

Here's my latest selection of house rules. Please comment and critique.

House Rules

1) Abilities - Players may "buy back" points during ability score generation by lowering the base scores. One point may be bought by lowering the score to 9, two points by lowering it to 8. Lowering a score below 8 may not be done without prior approval from the DM.

2) Literacy - All PCs start are illiterate unless they possess the Linguist feat (see below) or are trained in at least one of the following skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, or Religion.
*This is one of the ways I'm emphasizing the Points of Light theme in my campaign world.
*Also, in case you're wondering, I've included Dungeoneering on the list because it says it requires formal training and I would imagine that a dungeon-delving adventurer would want/need to know how to read so s/he can read the writing on the wall, as it were ... you know, like someone exploring an Egyptian pyramid would want to know how to read the hieroglyphs on the walls. That kind of thing.

2a) Dungeoneering - Dungeoneering is now a class skill for fighters.
*This is to give fighters a fair chance at being literate since every other class has at least one of the "literacy" skills on their class skill list.

3) Linguist Feat - Grants 1 + Int mod (min 1) bonus languages known. In addition, it grants literacy in all known languages.

4) Elf racial features - Change "Group Perception" aura to a "Group Stealth" aura. Flavor: Anyone close enough to view an elf's fluid, graceful movements subconsciously starts to emulate them.

5) Half-elf racial features - I'm giving the half-elf a major overhaul. I've discussed the changes in greater detail in another thread, and I haven't finalized the changes, but the main one is that you can choose to be either a half-elf or a half-eladrin (or, theoretically, a half-drow). Depending on your choice, you get access to the fey parent's racial feats and potentially their racial encounter power/racial features. Am also considering giving them Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat.

6) Unarmed Combat - In an attempt to fill a void, I have come up with two unarmed combat feats.
a) Brawler - Allows a character to treat their unarmed attacks as a light blade or a mace for the purposes of using them with powers. Also grants a +2 proficiency bonus to all unarmed attacks.
b) Dirty Fighting - Increases unarmed attack damage dice by 1 size.

7) Sunrods - No sunrods in my campaign world. They give of thousands of cubic feet of bright light, which is just a bit too silly for me and flies in the face of a "points of light in a world of darkness" theme.

8) Milestones - As I am fairly certain that I won't remember to mark a milestone every other encounter, I've decided to make it so that PCs can choose to either gain 1 action point, regain 1 healing surge, or regain 1 daily use of a magic item after each encounter.
*I got this idea from a different thread, in which someone warned that this method would result in lots of action points. Knowing my players, I think it will be more likely to result in lots of regained healing surges, which is ok by me. If it does end up becoming a problem, I might randomize it with a die roll. Also, as no one in the group will be using magic rings any time soon, I'll leave their milestone activation alone for now.

9) Skill Challenges
a) An action point can be used to reroll a failed skill check during a skill challenge.
b) A natural 20 counts as two successes during a skill challenge.
*I got both of these house rules from Keith Baker.

10) Channel Divinity - Clerics and paladins can choose to swap out one of their default class Channel Divinity encounter powers for their deity's special feat encounter power.

11) Tieflings - Fluff change only. Not all tieflings - in fact, NO tieflings - have enormous horns and ridiculous crocodile tails. A tiefling's appearance depends on the noble house to which s/he belongs (each house that underwent the initial transformation was given a somewhat unique appearance, although individuals even within a particular family vary slightly in appearance). A tiefling's appearance can be more subtle than how WotC's 4e artists depict them.

12) Aasimar - New race. I've got a separate thread for my attempt at making an aasimar. They're fairly similar mechanically to the tieflings and their fluff is also tied into the tieflings (they were humans given angel blood through a ritual similar to the one that created the tieflings. Their original purpose was to hunt down and exterminate the tiefling race but most aasimar have long since forgotten about that and many now live alongside their ancient enemies).

Thanks in advance.

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First Post
7) Sunrods - No sunrods in my campaign world. 200 cubic feet of bright light is just a bit too silly and flies in the face of a "points of light in a world of darkness" theme.

200 cubic feet only fills one-fifth of a 10 feet cube. You're actually looking at...

Assuming held 5 feet off the ground, and that it radiates upward as far as it radiates outward (and using the 1:1 diagonals to generate a nice cube)... (40x40x21=) 33,600 cubic feet.

Which of course makes it even more ridiculous, so who can blame you for outlawing them?

*cough* Pedantic response aside, I don't see anything that seems immediately game breaking.

As for the names of your unarmed combat feats, I'd suggest something along the lines of "brawler" and "fight dirty" or thereabouts.


200 cubic feet only fills one-fifth of a 10 feet cube. You're actually looking at...

Assuming held 5 feet off the ground, and that it radiates upward as far as it radiates outward (and using the 1:1 diagonals to generate a nice cube)... (40x40x21=) 33,600 cubic feet.
Whoops. Yeah. I'm not that good at math. It's even more cubic feet than I thought!

As for the names of your unarmed combat feats, I'd suggest something along the lines of "brawler" and "fight dirty" or thereabouts.
Cool. Thanks. I'll see what I can come up with ...


8) Milestones - As I am fairly certain that I won't remember to mark a milestone every other encounter, I've decided to make it so that PCs can choose to either gain 1 action point, regain 1 healing surge, or regain 1 daily use of a magic item after each encounter.
*I got this idea from a different thread, in which someone warned that this method would result in lots of action points. Knowing my players, I think it will be more likely to result in lots of regained healing surges, which is ok by me. If it does end up becoming a problem, I might randomize it with a die roll. Also, as no one in the group will be using magic rings any time soon, I'll leave their milestone activation alone for now.

To prevent a massive collection of action points or healing surges, I'd suggest make it alternate between them (Encounter 1=AP, Encounter 2=Surge, AP, Surge, AP, Surge, etc.) but the players can choose to regain an item power instead of one of those. You don't want players to have too many surges, but you'd want them to have more action points (IMHO, of course), and item powers aren't really overpowering, so it strikes a nice balance among the three.


To prevent a massive collection of action points or healing surges, I'd suggest make it alternate between them (Encounter 1=AP, Encounter 2=Surge, AP, Surge, AP, Surge, etc.) but the players can choose to regain an item power instead of one of those. You don't want players to have too many surges, but you'd want them to have more action points (IMHO, of course), and item powers aren't really overpowering, so it strikes a nice balance among the three.
Thanks for the suggestion but I think it'll be just as difficult for me to remember. "Is it a healing surge or an action point encounter? Do you guys remember? What did I give you after the last encounter?"

I might remember what's going on if we get through multiple encounters in a session, but since we'll be playing once a fortnight and a typical in-game day will undoubtedly take at least two or three sessions (so 4-6 weeks in real time), anything that alternates or only happens every other encounter or whatever will be very difficult to remember.

I'm not worried about them always choosing to regain a healing surge. It's not like I'd let them get more healing surges than they're supposed to have ... if they have max healing surges, then they'll just have to choose an action point or a magic item use.

To be honest, this is something that I really want to test more than anything else. If it turns out to be too crazy, I'll try something else.


First Post
200 cubic feet only fills one-fifth of a 10 feet cube. You're actually looking at...

Assuming held 5 feet off the ground, and that it radiates upward as far as it radiates outward (and using the 1:1 diagonals to generate a nice cube)... (40x40x21=) 33,600 cubic feet.

um... maybe i'm reading this wrong, but how did you get 33600cuft?

the 4e PHB says for sunrods: "light to a radius of 20 squares"

so... a partial sphere with a radius of 10 feet. if i'm remembering right, the volume of a sphere is: (4 * Pi * (radius)^3)/3. which would be approx. 4189cuft if the sunrod was 10ft off the ground and 1/2 that if it was on the ground. (don't even want to try to remember how to do it at 5ft high)

cubic feet aside, 10 ft out doesn't sound that bad. i'm not seeing an entry for good ol' normal god-fearing torch in the 4ePHB, but in the 3.5ePHB the entry for torches says: "clearly illuminating a 20 foot radius and providing shadowy illumination out to a 40 foot radius" which is significantly more.

for my campaign, i just dont like the idea of the everburning torch and will probably remove that from my game. although, i might up the price of sunrods (not dramatically). :hmm:



First Post
um... maybe i'm reading this wrong, but how did you get 33600cuft?

You missed the disclaimer.

Boarstorm said:
(using the 1:1 diagonals to generate a nice cube)

I'm using the rules for diagonal movement for my calculations, since its used to determine the size of fireballs, etc.

As for the rest of your post... your calculations are based on a radius of 10 feet, but 20 squares is a radius of 100 feet, making your calculations an order of magnitude off.

Edit: For what it's worth, my calculations were faulty as well. The number I cited should have been ... err.. cubic squares, which admittedly doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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First Post
As for the rest of your post... your calculations are based on a radius of 10 feet, but 20 squares is a radius of 100 feet, making your calculations an order of magnitude off.

boy... i feel stupid, so yes, a magnitude off. which... kinda gives me the urge to go build a torch and get someone to measure some sort of radius. wonder if any rpg r&d has done that... though, i think their numbers may be to try to get the average room illuminated when you go into it.

this has got me thinking. i can't remember any time with my old DM that any of us measured out torch radius. so maybe with 4e's "keep it simple" attitude, that i could just do it that way to, YMMV.


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