you can skip this nonsense, you know what I mean, and if you really do not then this discussion is a waste of time
What you meant seems to consistently be "you wouldn't do this if you were big enough to be worried about being taken to court for copying things wholesale that your audience already has and can get for free online anyways." Which is a pretty weak point about not being capable of doing something.
and that is the distinction I was making, took you long enough to get there
The distinction you wanted me to make is that DnD is more than a singular rule? Or even a set of rules?
Because you seemed to have missed the actual point. I wouldn't call the Fighter class and all its subclasses from the 2014 PHB "DnD" either. Because it isn't. It is the rules for the fighter class and all its subclasses, which is a part of DnD, but is not "DnD" itself as a whole entity.
This is a problem of aggregation. How much of a thing can you remove from it before it stops being that thing and starts being something else.
they do not have the same content, you can freely use one but not the other, you have to buy the core books while the SRD is free, they are different things… I did not realize that them being separate entities even needed mentioning, it is that obvious… well, here they are anyway… virtually no one thinks they are one and the same, I doubt even you do
You do not need to buy the core rulebooks of DnD or pay any money at all to play Dungeons and Dragons. You can actually the play the game perfectly fine with only the things in the SRD. You don't have everything, sure, but you have enough.
This is a pretty basic concept actually. I currently own the vast majority of the DnD 5e books that have been released by WoTC. My sister owns a subset of those books. The local highschool DnD club only has the core books. Despite us all having different content, content that is not "the same", we all have enough to play DnD.
And the SRD IS enough to play DnD. Sure, it has only 12 subclasses in total, one each for each class... but a character can't have more than one subclass. Sure, you don't have all the feats.... but you are not required to take feats for your game to be DnD. In fact many people on this forum play featless games. Heck, pulling a bit from the history of DnD, what about E6 games? Were those people not playing DnD because they stopped their character progression at level 6 instead of continuing to 20?
And for all the talk about what the SRD lacks... you never seem to consider what it has. It contains all the rules for combat, all the rules for equipment, all the rules for skill use, all the rules for ability scores, proficiencys, saving throws, spellcasting... Okay, sure, it doesn't have the Eldritch Knight subclass or the Mastermind Subclass, but it has the actual fundamental rules for how the game actually functions at the table. Which is the most vital part.
do they work with 5e games or just with D&D 5e (and just to make it clear 5e here means with D&D 5e, A5e, or ToV)? If they work with all three (or four…) then they are 5e rules.
If you managed to create something that works with D&D 5e but breaks ToV or A5e then they are D&D compatible rules (and still not D&D rules…)
So the rules in Tasha's and Xanathars are 5e rules and not DnD 5e rules, since they can work for all three sets of books?