how do i get unbanned from

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they banned me for no reason, they said i was a "sockpuppet" when the banned account was the only one i had ever made there. is there any way i could contact them and tell them that they made a mistake?

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B/X Known World
they banned me for no reason, they said i was a "sockpuppet" when the banned account was the only one i had ever made there. is there any way i could contact them and tell them that they made a mistake?
You don't. Ever. Especially if you used a sockpuppet. You can try to contact them. The chances of them listening are effectively zero. But you can try anyway. They are their moderation there.


It’s on the site here. said:
If you've been given an infraction or banned (from a thread, topic, sub forum, or RPGnet as a whole), and feel we've made a mistake, you can send appeals to We do try to put mistakes right quickly, if it can be shown that we were mistaken.

Clemency/Second Chances: We will also accept appeals to shorten or lift bans based on arguments that the member in question understands what led to the ban and will be able to avoid similar issues going forward. If you're under a long-term ban (permabans, topic bans without specific lengths, etc), we will accept appeals if at least six months has elapsed since your last appeal.

For issues not relating to infractions or admonishments, please feel free to use Trouble Tickets to ask questions, or the admin mailbox. Please read the How to Use Trouble Tickets sticky before posting there. If you've been banned from Trouble Tickets, then the admin mailbox remains an option.

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