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How do you like your stake?


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The problem with undead in D&D, in my opinion, is that they try to follow old mythologies about certain types, but then introduce a bunch of other rules that bypass it. In myths, for example, you could only kill a vampire by putting a stake through its heart and chopping off its head, or by dousing it with holy water, or exposing it to the sun, right? Well, they tried to carry that over to D&D, but not quite- you can kill a Vampire by hitting it with a +1 weapon enough times, with a single hit from a Disrupting weapon, or by making a high enough Turning check, or by casting one of dozens of different spells. With all of the options in D&D, why bother using any of the mythological ways to kill Vampires? They don't even seem that tough to me, anymore- at least not as tough as in myths. The few times I've encountered vampires in D&D, I've killed them just by hitting them enough times. What's so bad about that?

Another undead creature that has some mythological resistances, but not enough to make note of, is the Ghost. Ghosts, in myths, can't be defeated unless you find the reason for their death and set it right. It's sorta like that in D&D (they come back unless you solve the reason), but not quite- for example, if you kill a ghost as normal, it might fail its level check, thus being destroyed anyway. Or you could hit it with a Disrupting Weapon. Or, as with the vampire, use one of many different spells. Who cares if they can come back if it never has to be an issue? Why bother with the mythological resistances if you're not gonna stress them?

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First Post
The Edge said:
As for the running water bit, I thought it meant they couldn't touch the water. If that was the case the ability to make a one foot jump would spoil your idea. Shame, because its very cool; an XP earner for sure. I think I need to have another look at the book, but im presumeing im wrong.
Here's what the SRD says:
SRD said:
Vampires are also unable to cross running water, although they can be carried over it while resting in their coffins or aboard a ship.
So I'm figuring that means that they cannot cross running water under their own power, ie. walking, flying, crawling, whatever. Does that mean they can't use their climbing ability and just crawl across the ceiling? Is that still "crossing running water"? Only the DM knows for sure. ;)

For another vamp trap how about a whole set of holy symbols used in formation?
Hmm, I'd forgotten about the garlic and holy symbol effects. They are treated as standard actions for the purpose of brandishing them against the vampire, and they only keep the vamp 5 feet away... So the vamp could just go gaseous and fly away. :( The running water idea was to prevent that from happening; once they were "cornered", other techniques could be used (maybe splash them with holy water until the give up the information I'm looking for?).

Thanks all!


IIRC, vampires can't even walk across bridges. So they shouldn't be able to spider climb on the ceiling.

The lore about mythological creatures should be taken with a grain of salt. For a village of low level commoners, experts and warriors (and maybe an adept or two), the DR and fast healing of a vampire makes it effectively invulnerable except for a few obscure methods (notably exposure to sunlight). Similarly for a ghost. High level adventurers are not so limited.


Inventor of Super-Toast
The way I handle it: wooden piercing weapons penetrate the DR of vampires. A critical hit from a wooden piercing weapon, if confirmed, hits the heart, rendering the vampire unconcious and unable to move. To kill it, its head must be cut off and the mouth filled with holy wafers, garlic or a holy symbol (consumed in the use, of course). If the creature is staked, but not finished off, it will return to unlife if the stake is removed. If the head is cut off but not filled, the head grows back in an hour, and the vampire is still incapacitated unless the stake has been removed.

Also, garlic can be used like a holy symbol to ward off a vampire as a standard action.

Demiurge out.

Land Outcast

Hey, Edge, could you post some of the vampire varieties here (if they ain't worth pages an' pages).
Just curious 'bout it. (And maybe it could enrich(sp?)(... make better) the game).

The Edge

First Post
erm...sure. Id have to get them from my home computer to college (No internet at home, all my web surfing is done in spare college time) but I could probably do it. Its actually the first time ive had the idea/used them so i've actually been makeing most of it up as I go but I can give the blood vamps since ive all ready put the stat blocks together (It would of hardly been fair to make my players fight a unfinshed opponent :) ) .

I'll try to get them here before wednesday (that when college ends for the summer, which would mean internet acess would be very limited).

I'll see what I can do.

Land Outcast

That's cool man, of last I've been running a chain of adventures around vampires, and some change other than trying all classes and PrCs for them (altough I've done some classed other-than MMI) would be a good change.... (specially for freaking out the players)

(If you are interested I could post some of the NPCs (Really just normal NPCs + Vampire template))

The Edge

First Post
My Vamps

I finally got a bit of free time. Unfortunately I left the vamp template and sample stuff I wrote down at my dads house, but I can give you the important bits, just not all written out in nice MonMan format.

Here are the changes to make the blood vampire.

The blood vampire variety is the weakest type of all the vampires. They are much simpler than the other vamps and lack many of the special abilities and power their greater kin have. They are savage and violent creatures, behaving more like wild animals than sentient beings. They retain only a fraction of the intelligence from former life, and often seem slightly insane. They have a predator’s instinct and will stalk their prey quietly, but once blood has been shed they often lose control and attack relentlessly in a frenzy and fight till death. Rarer more intelligent ones can keep control of their bloodlust a little better but still feel the cravings.

To get the info for a Blood vampire use the vampire template from the monster manual and make these changes

- Natural armour class bonus is reduced to +4
- They rarely use weapons; they have the slam attack as normal (but I call it their claws instead)
- Blood vampires only gain the 'children of the night' power if they have at least 10 intelligence.
- No dominate ability
- No energy drain ability
- No Alt form
- Damage reduction is reduced to five
And fast healing is reduced to 2
- No gaseous form
- No turn resistance
- Normally Chaotic Evil
- Create spawn can only be by blood drain, but all created are normal blood vampires rather than separate spawn regardless of hit dice.

- Spider climb as norm
- cold+elec resistance as norm

Ability mods when created
str +4 ,dex +4 ,int -6 (to min of 3), wis +0, Cha -4,

+8 Racial bonus on hide, listen, move silently, search, spot

as in MonMan

Other important things that relate to all types IMC

- Garlic repulsion is as in the MonMan.
- It is contact with running water that harms vamps, not crossing (although that’s how I interpreted it anyway).
- Vampires have reflections, but the mirror will reveal the dark taint and aura swirling round the vampire. Vamps still recoil from mirrors, but may attempt to destroy it.
- Vampires recoil from non-evil holy symbols. And keep distance from temples.
- Being uninvited to homes do not stop them (although the myth may still stand in the game world)
- Stakes must be holy/blessed to work (this can be as simple as a bless spell and drawing on a symbol).

In my campain vampires were ceated by a 'dieing' diety who sought to reek a last vengence on the world (I dont know of many deitys beyond the standard ones, this ones made myself). Vampirism could be described as a divine disease. When a vampire kills a victim by means of blood drain or energy drain a dark taint is tranfered that repairs and transforms the body, after 1d4 days createing a vampire. This is something akin to a resurection, in fact the body retains all memorys of before and the soul and life force has not left, the dark taint preventing it from leaveing and liveing off it. The soul has a hazy view of what is happening, but is not entirely its self as the taint causes confusion a slight madness (think of it being a bit like that kind of half dreaming you get while your fairly ill, but worse). A creture already dead cannot be corrupted as the soul has already left. A liveing soul can easily repel the taint (no save needed).

There is much confusion amoung the (my) world about what vampires are and what happens to the victim. It is a comon mistake to belive that the vampire is the same person turned evil. The vampires personality is a twisted copy of the hosts, adding in the common traits of that vampires type.

Because of the soul remaining and the body retaining memory, it is technicaly posible to save the host by casting out the taint from a defeated vamp with an exorcism like process and useing a resurection spell to grant control back to its rightful owner. Obviously there are many dificulties and dangers in doing so. Also the experience is a very truamatic one. Not many have to have 'lived' with a malevolent evil being liveing inside them and claiming their body and memorys as their own.

well there it is, erm, little bit messy up top but I hope you can figure it out. Of course you could choose any parts you do and dont like and make it as you like it. The blood vampire as I said is the weakest, and should be ideal for low(ish) to med level characters, or perhaps overwhelming infestations for high level chars.

any comments? I'll see if I can post my other varietys here, but I'll be gone for most of the holidays so im not sure when you might see them. When I do I'll bring this thread back rather than make a new one. If thats ok?
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