Morkus from Orkus
Imbalance is what makes the game fun. It doesn't matter if it's intentional or random, so long as it's accounted for and doesn't disrupt the game, and high stats don't have enough impact to disrupt.All of this is just "it is not that bad." Balance would still be better, and introducing intentional random imbalance remains a questionable idea.
See above. It can't be so great as to disrupt the game. That said, I've played in games where there were characters with as much as 15 levels difference between one another. You have to be a really good DM to be able to do that and make it fun for everyone, and those two DMs did it. I don't know how they did it(I'm good, but not that good. At least not in that way), but it's doable.EDIT: I already asked earlier, but I being was serious. If randomly imbalanced characters are fun, why not randomise the starting level of each character?
One bit of randomization(stat rolling) being good, does not mean that all randomization is good.