This has been the way of things for me as well. I remember an encounter I did back in 3E with a wandering Storm Giant who gave others gifts for solving his riddles, but I can't think of any other time I've used a humanoid larger than an Ogre in an adventure.They exist in my world, but in 18 years, I think they've shown up once. I feel if you have them anywhere local to where small folk live, they're going to have to naturally dominate the area around them, with at least an implicit threat.
So I mostly have them existing waaaaaay off the western edge of the map, in lands of their own. Some may wander east for various reasons, but there aren't big societies of them locally.
They are semi important in the mythical parts of the various campaign worlds I've made, I've just never brought them on-stage in encounters. Always seems there's something "more interesting" I can pit the party against, rather than towering humanoids that throw rocks.
That said, I think I've enjoyed the recent Bigby giant book more than Fizban's dragon book - and I love a good dragon.