How long do we wait for WoTC to speak?


I think this specific question is best detached from the more general threads.

I have a friend with a team of writers working on a big 3PP Kickstarter/publication, planned to be for 5e using the OGL. She and the team, with my advice, are now working on a non-OGL version. But I suggested that before doing too much work on this - it will be a lot of work - she wait to see if WoTC makes an announcement reassuring 3PPs that they are not trying to revoke OGL 1.0. I suggested waiting until Monday 16th before pressing forward. But I wanted to see what other people think. How long should the community wait on WoTC to speak? Or should we not be waiting? A lot of people already seem set on abandoning the OGL, just from the threat that's been raised.

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We're mainly waiting until the 13th which is the date the draft license says it comes into force. But we have started making other plans already. They did say on Twitter they would be saying something soon.

Thanks Morrus. Yes my suggestion to my friend was to wait to see if they make an announcement on Friday, too. Then if nothing happens, press ahead on Monday with the no-OGL revision.


Monday the 16th is a good choice, though possibly Wednesday the 18th. The OGL 1.1 comes into force on Friday the 13th (heh). But that gives a bit of time as well to review the released document.


We're mainly waiting until the 13th which is the date the draft license says it comes into force. But we have started making other plans already. They did say on Twitter they would be saying something soon.
If they're waiting for tomorrow 13th, and maintaining 1.1 as it has been leaked, it's an even shittier move. It's basically like "boom, here it is, taking effect immediately."

The Opening Arguments podcast will devote their episode to the OGL story this Friday.

OA’s Twitter indicates they are absolutely not on the side of open gaming.

Seriously: they think WotC is perfectly within their rights to change the license. They think WotC always intended to be able to change the license however they wanted. They think OGL 1.1 is no big deal—they even imply it’s better because it’s “kind of insane” that WotC doesn’t already get a cut of Pathfinder. And at worst, OA claims, “if you’re a niche commercial creator, you will probably have to talk to WotC.” This is all a “moral panic” based on (among other things) “bad contract-reading.” The Gizmodo article is “virtually fact-free” and filled with deliberately misleading “fearmongering”; fans should turn their pitchforks on the article’s author.

They are, in my humble opinion, full of naughty word, and frankly it wouldn’t be the first time. (I have listened in the past and am the opposite of a fan.) At the very least, they haven’t bothered asking anyone how the TTRPG industry works or what’s really at stake (Niche creators just have to talk to WotC, what’s the big deal? is one of the worst takes on this I’ve seen yet).

But they reach a lot of people and have the power to shift the momentum back toward WotC’s side. If WotC is stalling, this is exactly the kind of thing they would be waiting for.
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They are waiting to see if the storm will die down.

when they see that it won't, they will try to do damage control.

maybe we'll see some evasion in:

A disgruntled employee, whose contract is now terminated, leaked intentionally wrong documents to damage company's name and reputation.
We are sorry if you were deceived by this action of a single person...

bla, bla, etc...

They are waiting to see if the storm will die down.

when they see that it won't, they will try to do damage control.

maybe we'll see some evasion in:

A disgruntled employee, whose contract is now terminated, leaked intentionally wrong documents to damage company's name and reputation.
We are sorry if you were deceived by this action of a single person...

bla, bla, etc...
I think you may be right—which is why the OA podcast worries me.

I think you may be right—which is why the OA podcast worries me.
I don't think they're likely to sway anyone who isn't already pro-WotC on this, to be honest.

From what they've posted, they haven't actually read the OGL, they're just going on the io9 article (not a great starting position), and it seems like the opinions they're expressing in their Twitter are not based in the law at all, but rather their opinions of how it's appropriate for a business to act. Their malicious attitude towards Linda and others is particularly disturbing. I think if they double down on that they're actually going to find themselves losing fans rather than being the Big Damn Heroes they think they are.

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