So how do we respond?

You don't care if @Morrus gets into bankruptcy -either by leonine royalties or under legal fees- abd this site has to close?

You don't care that ALL ongoing support for older editions and games that only survive in a legal way thanks to the OGL ceases entirely?
I doubt it would force bankruptcy, and I don’t believe it can retroactively apply.

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You don't care that they'll deauthorize the OGL and cause huge problems for or destroy virtually every single game using the OGL?

Did you miss that bit?
It won’t outright destroy them, but no I don’t really care that much honestly. It’s callous of me I admit, and I can understand other peoples outrage. But I personally just don’t have a horse in the race.

The other RPGs I am interested outside of D&D don’t use the OGL.

I doubt it would force bankruptcy, and I don’t believe it can retroactively apply.
I have been a big "I don't care if 3pp went away" but since Morus himself asked I try to clarify... I wish no ill will on any of the people. I feel bad for any and all people displaced, even if I am not sway by the companies they own/work for.

I feel the same way for major league sports... if tomorrow football baseball and basketball all went away, I would not miss them. HOWEVER there would be LOTS of people out of work and THAT I care about (not millionaires or higher though... if you make $1,000,000 or more personally I don't feel bad if you have to live off that for a while although that makes sense for ball players not TTRPG makers)


It won’t outright destroy them, but no I don’t really care that much honestly. It’s callous of me I admit, and I can understand other peoples outrage. But I personally just don’t have a horse in the race.

The other RPGs I am interested outside of D&D don’t use the OGL.

I heard a couple of months ago that Ray Winninger quit WOTC because Hasbro was planning to scrap the OGL and he was totally opposed. I didn't give it any credence to the rumor at the time, but knowing what we know now that seems a whole lot more credible.

When I saw the leak I had a feeling this was the true reason, at least we know now that Ray Winninger had the brass ones to stand up for the fandom, mad respect. Too bad the rest of the D&D studio didn't have his guts, if they'd provided a unified from Hasbro would have had to listen, instead they let Ray twist in the wind and fight the forces of evil alone.

I now want Ray to be President of WotC, Cynthia Williams can leave and take CEO Chris Cox with her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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