D&D General How much trouble are the Slave catchers in for taking A 4 year old Crown Prince whose mother was A Escaped Slave?, which legally makes him a slave

So, maybe this is a stupid question, but in that narrative which character is the PC? Or is this more of a setting you would run?
I assume this is backstory and the PCs start being hired to retrieve the prince without causing an international incident but knowing my players it would be more low key and less of an incident if you just sent a dragon rider or two.

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I assume this is backstory and the PCs start being hired to retrieve the prince without causing an international incident but knowing my players it would be more low key and less of an incident if you just sent a dragon rider or two.
Let's be honest, you send the PCs when you want a message sent. A very strong message

The equivilent of 'salt the fields, burn the buildings, leave naught alive'.


Dusty Dragon
It was my undestanding that they where law enforcement authorities equipped with wands of detecting illegal aliens and they don't know he happens to be a prince since the OP said that they visited the country "unofficially and his disguise with a small number of very powerful guards", so it was granting that they didn't know beforehand he was the crown prince (and might even not know later unless they happen to see the birthmark and to be knowledgeable of the birthmark thingie -- they might not know until they get a "sorry, we've misplaced our crown prince, and I think the person under a false identity you arrested might be him" letter).

The status with regard to the S-word is pretty irrelevant. I am pretty sure if Prince Harry tried to cross the US border from Mexico with a passport saying he's Joaquin Guzman, surrounded by heavily, militarily armed bodyguards, he'd be arrested and the UK wouldn't nuke Washington as a first response. Especially if the bodyguards violently resisted arrest.
And who, pray tell, are you?

"wands of detecting illegal aliens"?!? what kind of fantasy totalitarian regime are you assuming here?


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Ok... this makes no sense.

Why are "the bad guys" (... who the heck are they?) trying to capture a 4 year old? How do they know he's an escaped slave due to a technicality? No one faces powerful guard to capture a 4 year old slave. You keep calling them "slave catchers" so clearly they aren't after him because he's a prince....
I assume this is backstory and the PCs start being hired to retrieve the prince without causing an international incident but knowing my players it would be more low key and less of an incident if you just sent a dragon rider or two.
This you two’s first jimisbest thread?




Me trying to follow along these threads.


I've always been more of a fan of the Kabuterimon line, but go on, I'm listening...
Brave Heart booms off in the background while footage of slavers flying off into the far distance from blasts loops for 30 minutes or so!

Also the Kabuterimon line is amazing, I completely understand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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