D&D General Would the 14 year old that was made A Baroness before she was even born be annoyed that her title was actually a bribe to buy her mothers silence?

Normally when nobles had illegitimate children, they’d just deny it. Who’s going to believe some random peasant woman over the crown Prince? Unless he claims the child and goes through the proper channels to legitimize them, they have no legal claim to anything.

Now, that’s not to say this story couldn’t happen. A prince certainly could grant his illegitimate daughter a title to buy her mother’s silence. But it might be worth thinking about why he would have done that, instead of just denying any claims she tried to make about their affair. And whatever that reason is, will probably influence whether or not the young baroness would be angry about this revelation.
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Every person is different so there can be no consensus on how she would feel about that.

So lets analyze her situation instead.
She is a baroness which can be a quite high position within nobility based in what was used as template (but most people dont usually put much thought behind noble ranks. I have no idea what a senior baroness is supposed to be). In a time when upward was nearly impossible.

If she had been acknowledged as bastard she might have a claim to the throne but likely a very weak one because shes illegitimate and when based in western nobility because men come first. And quite likely she would not own any land of her own but instead be forced to marry someone as reward from the king. Or someone else might try to (forcibly) marry her to legitimize his own claim to the throne. Either way she would not have the agency she has now.

And when instead she would have stayed a commoner then she would have a much harder life (depending on what her family did before being elevated to nobility) and gain nothing.
Her current situation is basically the best possible outcome, having both nobility, agency and power.

How does someone who hasn’t been born rule a kingdom?
How does making the daughter baroness stop her finding out she’s his daughter?
She doesn't rule the kingdom, she was only made A Baroness, her father/the king, somehow knew her mother was pregnant, that he was the father and even though he was mean enough to refuse to acknowledge that she was his he was nice enough to make it appear that their was a attempt on his life, that her mother saved him and upon finding out that the women that saved his life was pregnant he decided to reward the women that saved his life by making her daughter, who at the time hadn't been born, A Baroness, but his daughter didn't actually get the title till she was born, and didn't start ruling until she the day after her 11th birthday

On the subject of how does making his illegitimate daughter A Baroness stop his illegitimate daughter learning that she's his illegitimate daughter it doesn't but since only The King, who at the time was only The Crown Prince, and the girls mother know he figured it was a safe bet, after all he'd never tell and even if the girls mother did tell no one would believe her, and the girl and her mother are lucky enough that even though the girls father had no obligation to provide for his daughter he was nice enough to do so by coming up with A Reason to justify making his daughter A Baroness before she was even born
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Every person is different so there can be no consensus on how she would feel about that.

So lets analyze her situation instead.
She is a baroness which can be a quite high position within nobility based in what was used as template (but most people dont usually put much thought behind noble ranks. I have no idea what a senior baroness is supposed to be). In a time when upward was nearly impossible.

If she had been acknowledged as bastard she might have a claim to the throne but likely a very weak one because shes illegitimate and when based in western nobility because men come first. And quite likely she would not own any land of her own but instead be forced to marry someone as reward from the king. Or someone else might try to (forcibly) marry her to legitimize his own claim to the throne. Either way she would not have the agency she has now.

And when instead she would have stayed a commoner then she would have a much harder life (depending on what her family did before being elevated to nobility) and gain nothing.
Her current situation is basically the best possible outcome, having both nobility, agency and power.
Not her family, just her, I will say that because her daughter was made A Baroness as a reward for her mother saving The Crown Prince's life a lot of people treat her mother as if she was nobility even though her mother is legally classed as A Commoner

Not her family, just her, I will say that because her daughter was made A Baroness as a reward for her mother saving The Crown Prince's life a lot of people treat her mother as nobility even though her mother is legally classed as A Commoner
Yet she would certainly not have lived her life as a commoner and having to work to survive.

Because in The Dream The Baroness's 4th closest Friend, who was A Elf, her closest none human friend and her closest male friend, were talking about how its very strange that Humans and Elves are unable to have mixed race Children and 1st edition DAD is the only edition of DAD that doesn't have Half Elves in it, which means that it must be A 1st edition DAD Dream
1st edition has half-elves in the PHB.

I had A 1st edition Dungeons and Dragons Dream last night and I have a question about it

Basically theirs A 14 year old Baroness whose mother was A Commoner and whose father is unknown and the official reason that she was made A Baroness before she was even born is because her mother carried out some task for The, at the time, Crown Prince that was very dangerous that greatly benefited the country, which is why her mother was rewarded by having her unborn child, The now 14 year old Baroness, being made A Senior Baroness who was granted rulership of A Large Barony before she was even born

Then 11 days after her 14th birthday The 14 year old Baroness's mother is on her death bed and tells The 14 year old Baroness/her daughter, the truth, she never carried out some task for The, at the time, Crown Prince that was very dangerous and greatly benefited the country, rather she had a brief affair with The, at the time, Crown Prince, you were the result and you being made A Senior Baroness and being granted rulership of A Large Barony before you were even born was a bribe to ensure my silence over the fact that at the time you were the kings illegitimate granddaughter and it also ensures my silence that you are now the new kings illegitimate daughter

Then The 14 year old Baroness's mother dies with a smile on her face, and the reason she's smiling is because she's glad that her daughter, after 14 years, 1 week and 4 days, knows the truth, that she's the the kings illegitimate daughter and that now that her mothers dead the king, her former lover, couldn't punish her even if he wanted to

My question is would the 14 year old that was made A Senior Baroness ruling A Large Barony before she was even born be angry? and if so how angry? that her title was actually a bribe to buy her mothers silence about the fact that at the time she was the kings illegitimate granddaughter and she is now the new kings illegitimate daughter?

I'm not sure that she would, after all her by making his illegitimate Daughter A Senior Baroness ruling A Large Barony before she was even born her father ensured that she would have a very good life and that his former lover would also lead a good life and he didn't have to do either, to put it another way in all likelihood the mother of his illegitimate Daughter would never come forward and even if she did no one would believe her without undeniable proof and he'd made sure that their wasn't any and if she'd tried she'd have been executed for treason and her daughter, if born, would have been made a life long indentured servant to A Noble
She'd be feeling pretty much all the emotions at once, which she probably can't handle.

Hopefully, she has some loyal staff who will keep her form doing anything stupid. Left to her own devices, she could do anything.

The smart move is: be a baroness. She doesn't really have a claim beyond that (she's not a legitimate heir so no claim to the crown) and she can't reveal her secret without weakening the only one inclined to do anything for her. Baroness ain't a bad gig, she can possibly marry up or otherwise combine her holdings to get even richer and if she can one day come to understand why her mother kept the secret she did she can live as happy a life as nobility allows.

But 14 year-olds aren't known for doing the smart thing.

Every person is different so there can be no consensus on how she would feel about that.

So lets analyze her situation instead.
She is a baroness which can be a quite high position within nobility based in what was used as template (but most people dont usually put much thought behind noble ranks. I have no idea what a senior baroness is supposed to be). In a time when upward was nearly impossible.

If she had been acknowledged as bastard she might have a claim to the throne but likely a very weak one because shes illegitimate and when based in western nobility because men come first. And quite likely she would not own any land of her own but instead be forced to marry someone as reward from the king. Or someone else might try to (forcibly) marry her to legitimize his own claim to the throne. Either way she would not have the agency she has now.

And when instead she would have stayed a commoner then she would have a much harder life (depending on what her family did before being elevated to nobility) and gain nothing.
Her current situation is basically the best possible outcome, having both nobility, agency and power.
I thought that illegitimate sons were called bastards and that illegitimate daughters were called bitches, looks like even I make mistakes

I didn't know that, and in my opinion the fact that I didn't know that proves that it was A 1st edition DAD Dream, is that wrong?
I'm not commenting on right or wrong about your dream. I'm just pointing out that 1e had Half-elves. ;)

As for the dream itself, were it my dream I wouldn't assign it a specific edition even if I didn't know about the Half-elves being in 1e. Dreams do odd things that don't always make sense. That said, it is again your dream and if you felt it was 1e, then maybe it was! It's for you to interpret. :)

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