D&D General Would The Kings Ex Lover be happy with her daughter, The Kings illegitimate Child, being given The Following Barony in return for her silence?


Here's A Thread that's A Follow up to the 1 about A Kings Illegitimate daughter. Even though The Kings illegitimate daughter was from A DAD Dream I had I decided to amuse myself by using charts A Mate of mine made but won't let me share to generate A Suitable Large Barony for The King, who at the time was The Crown Prince, to give his illegitimate daughter in return for her mothers silence, but what do you think?, would The Kings Ex Lover be happy with her daughter, The Kings illegitimate Child, being given The Following Barony in return for her silence?

The title is that of A Senior Baroness that rules A Barony that’s 42.9% bigger then a normal sized Barony

The lands also includes both A Vineyard and A Orchard that are both 5 times bigger then normal for A Senior Baron or Baroness who rules A Large Barony


The lands also include A Vineyard that’s 20 times bigger then normal for A Senior Baroness who rules A Barony that’s 42.9% bigger then normal sized Barony


The Barony that’s 42.9% bigger then normal consists of the following


The large Barony consists of the following

It has 1 very large Heavily Fortified Manor House, 3 massive fishing communities, 3 very large semi nomadic communities of cattle herders, 3 large and 1 fairly large villages, 17 large farming communities and 27 massive Farms in it

It has a population of 1,972 Adults and 959 Children or a total of 2,931

It nets The Baroness 53,762 Gold Coins per year, but that’s before costs

Take away costs of 10,754 Gold Coins per year for The King and The Church, 25,270 Gold Coins per year for the garrison, 14,670 Gold Coins per year for the castle staff and advisors, normally you only give 2% of your income to the poor and/or people in need but this domains ruler gives 5% or 2,629 Gold Coins per year to the domains poor and/or people in need or costs of 53,323 Gold Coins per year, know off 10% of 34,070 Gold Coins or 3,407 Gold Coins per year that the garrison and Guard Captain willingly take gives costs of 49,916 Gold Coins per year, which leaves her with 3,586 Gold Coins per year

Her lands also provide her with all the food, drink and minor luxuries she could ever want or need


Quite a lot of the money comes from the following sources of money and/or other stuff

Other income

1,480 Gold Coins per year from The Kings Justice

1,630 Gold Coins per year from fines

1,480 Gold Coins per year from highway tolls

572 Gold Coins per year from miscellaneous earnings


The Barony has 30 Bakers, 24 Brewers, 15 Grain Mills, 12 Butchers, 10 Blacksmiths, 9 Cheese Makers, 9 Fullers, 9 Carpenters, 6 Tanners, 5 Taverns and 1 Gambling Den that makes The Baron 12,270 Gold Coins per year

Personal lands

1 100 Acre Orchard that nets The Baron 2,500 Gold Coins per year

1 100 Acre Vineyard that nets The Baron 2,500 Gold Coins, 5,600 gallons of good wine and 2,700 gallons of fine wine per year

Money stuff from Animals The Baroness owns

She has 136 Chickens, 84 Sheep, 42 Cows, 28 Goats and 24 Swine that nets The Baron or Baroness a extra 1,920 Gold Coins per year

Horse stuff

She has 5 Female and 2 Male Light Riding Horse’s, 3 Female and 1 Male Medium Riding Horse’s and 1 Super Light Male Stallion

Between them The 5 Female and 2 Male Light Riding Horse’s produce 5 Foals per year that 2 years after birth, so every 3rd year, can be sold for 500 Gold Coins each


Between them The 3 Female and 1 Male Medium Riding Horse’s produce 35 Foals per year that 2 years after birth, so every 3rd year, can be sold for 800 Gold Coins each


When it comes to things police work, detective work, general patrols and peace keeping the work is done by A combat trained civilian militia of 133 1st level, 66 2nd level, 35 3rd level, 18 4th level, 9 5th level, 3 6th and 1 7th level Men At Arms

The Church provides him with 115 1st level, 49 2nd level, 26 3rd level, 13 4th level, 8 5th level, 3 6th level, 1 7th level and 1 8th level combat trained Clerics

The Barony has A garrison that gets free very high quality food and none alcoholic drinks, free high quality accommodation, free good quality alcoholic drinks and barring some sort of unforeseeable accident or emergency or disaster they get at least 8 paid days off a month

Healing wise The Baroness ensures that they have access to Clerical Spells of up to 3rd level that cost them nothing and they have access to 4th level Clerical Spells that come with a discount of at least 50% and the discount can potentially go as low as 75% off

Normally either they wouldn't have any of those or they'd have to pay for them or they'd have some but not as much as what The Baroness gives, hey willingly get paid 10% less per year then normal and that's because even with that 10% pay cut they still end up with roughly 4.44% more per year then normal


The Barony’s 221 Strong Garrison is made up of 70 Light Infantry with Melee Weapons, 70 Light Infantry with Ranged Weapons, 47 Light Cavalry, 20 Medium Cavalry and 14 Very Heavy Infantry

Extra help employed for the day-to-day of the castles, which costs The Baron or Baroness 3,170 Gold +11,500 Gold or 14,670 Gold per year


20 Unskilled Servants that get 30x20 or 600 Gold a year, 14 Soldiers that get 75x14 or 1,000 Gold a year, 7 Hunters that get 30x7 or 210 Gold a year, 4 Doctors that get 115x4 or 460 Gold a year, 1 Bailiff that gets 225 Gold a year, 1 Reeve that gets 225 Gold a year, 1 Heyward that gets 225 Gold a year and 1 Chamberlain that gets 225 Gold a year


6 advisors that consists of 1 Steward, 1 Arcane Advisor, 1 Military Advisor, 1 Advisor on Self Defence, 1 greater Reeve and 1 Divine Advisor that are each get 500 Gold a year and The Guard Captain whose A 7th level Str 17 Fighter that has A Magic Item, its power takes effect every 4th and its effect is that every 4th day it gives him the same Spells that A 4th level Int 17 Magic User would get per day that gets 6,500 +2,000 or 8,500 Gold a year
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Anyone with that much crap should be happy having the King's bastard. Likely to do it a second time and expect to get half as much.

Of course the other nobles will think something it up and likely find out about the bastard and blackmail the King.


Are these threads being procedurally generated? Why do I have a No Man’s Sky feeling about these posts.
Not quite. The 1st was about a character I'm going to use in A Campaign that starts soon and used very detailed charts and tables The GM made to generate his or her and his or hers families background and history, the 2nd is about A 1st edition DAD A Dream I had and the 3rd came about because I was so bored that I decided to occupy myself by using charts A Mate made to generate A Barony that was given to A Baroness that would be A Bribe to buy The Baroness's Mothers silence about the fact that her daughters father was The Crown Prince, and he's now The King


I've just had a thought about the guard captain. What do you think?

The guys 38 years old and he's A 7th level Str 17 Fighter that has A Unique Magic Item, its power takes effect every 4th day and its effect is that every 4th day it gives him the same Spells that A 4th level INT 17 Magic User would get per day

So how annoyed do you think the 38 year guard captain's going to be about the fact that now that The Lady Regent/The Baroness common born mother and because it was her daughter and not her that got the title even at the time of her death The Lady Regent was legally classed as A Commoner, has died he's got to take orders from A 14 year old, even though the 14 year old in question is A Senior Baroness that rules A Large Barony

I'll be honest and admit that if I try hard enough I can picture him thinking and coming within seconds of saying "I'll have you bloody well know that I was a respected Army Officer back when you were still wearing nappies at night"
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Happy? This is basically an outrageous gift the king would only give her if he really, really loves her and not as blackmail. Because why the need to even keep the silence? No one would believe a commoner who claims to had an affair with the king unless she is from a very wealthy and influential family (I am talking Medici level influence).
And even if it comes out, what has the king to lose? Is the church or other moral instance so strong to be able to depose or kill the king over an illegitimate child even when he formally adopts it?
Even if the king feels the need to buy the silence it would not be done with an entire barony (unless, again, when we are talking about Medici level commoners). He giving out a barony to a random commoner will rise so many eyebrows that everyone starts looking at a possible connection between them and achieve the exact opposite effect of the blackmail.

In exchange for her silence about what? If it's the affair then giving some random bastard child a substantial feudal grant is stronger evidence of paternity than the mother's word, at least if we are assuming this is some sort of Medieval Europe influenced society.

Whether the mother would be satisfied by this grant depends on her personality, her station, and what her hopes or expectations for the child are. This grant seems roughly in line with my sense of what a well-treated and acknowledged real life royal bastard would generally receive, but if the king has a lack of suitable legitimate children to be the heir a royal bastard could occasionally be legitimized and promoted as an heir, or be supported as a rival claimant to some other heir (note that both of those scenarios were far more common than an illegitimate child actually successfully taking and holding the throne). So it is possible that the mother could have very high hopes for the child.

If the child were male there are some historical instances of such royal bastards being given counties or duchies, and treated more in line with the legitimate spare heirs. The highest hope for a female royal bastard would likely be to be given a property like the one you are contemplating, suitable to support an aristocratic lifestyle, and to be married off to a high status nobleman. Of course your setting may enforce more gender equity.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
The king giving an illegitimate child a big fat rich feudal hold will set the normal nobility off. Nobility is supposed to be exclusive. The mother can expect every dirty trick in the book to come her way, plus brute-force assassination attempts aimed at her and the child. Her survival instinct will tell her to take a post as Special Member Of The Royal Entourage instead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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