What do you think about The Powers he will gain when he becomes A White Dragon type Dragonlord?, personally I'm very worried that the powers he will gain will seriously unbalance The Campaign
To recap when or if he succeeds in becoming A White Dragonlord he does then he gains the following benefits. Also theirs a lot of things that I initially forgot to mention. Sorry
In case your wondering The GM's not ripping off The Dragonlords from The Merlin TV, but anyone that thinks he is I understand why you would think he was
Rather was A Npc in A Adventure called Shedu's Hall, The Npcs 1st name definitely began with A I and I'm almost certain it was Irmo, that appeared in Imagine Magazine Issue 23 back in 1,985, he was A Dragonlord and The GM took the descriptions of the powers being A Dragonlord gave him and modified them so that as long as they can get their hands of The Books anyone can become A Dragonlord
Theirs generally between 1 and 4 sets of Books, Scrolls and Grimories for all 11 types of Dragon, works out at The 8 from 1e, the unofficial Marsh type Dragon that appeared in Imagine Magazine Issue 15, The Sapphire Dragons that aren't in 1e that The GM modified to be useable in 1e and The Great Crested Green
Naturally White Dragons, the weakest breed, have 4 sets of Books, Scrolls and Grimories on how to become A Dragonlord of that type nd Gold and Great Crested Green Dragons, the joint strongest breeds, both only have 1 set of Books, Scrolls and Grimories on how to become A Dragonlord of their types
The Great Crested Green Dragon is 1 The GM made and he doesn't know that I know that he's ripped off Smeaganorf from The Knightmare Show that ran from 1,985 to 1,996 and out of all the breeds of dragons by far The Great Crested Greens have the most all round power and they and The Gold Dragon are tied for most powerful
Why? you ask, before Great Crested Green Dragons combines the power of A Black Dragon, with the intelligence of A Gold Dragon, The Savage Cunning of A Red Dragon, the Speed whilst underwater and ability to breathe underwater of A Dragon Turtle and The Charisma of A Silver Dragon, thankfully every living member of their race is lawful neutral and a lot of them have lawful good tendencies
Once per day he or she can transform into A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats, once per day he or she can summon Ally whose A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats and he can use A White Dragons Breathe Weapon 3 times per day and he or she can do this in either form, meaning he or she can't do it if he or she gets Polymorphed
He or she becomes immune to all Cold and Ice based damage, gains +3 to saving throws VS The Breathe Weapon of Dragons that aren’t White and gains +1 to all other saving throws, naturally these immunities and resistances don't ally to Deamonic or Divine attacks of the appropriate types
In edition to The Spell Casting Abilities any Spellcaster, meaning not just my character, that becomes A Dragonlord gets for being A Spellcaster becoming A Dragonlord gets him or her 2 1st level, 1 2nd level and 1 3rd level Spells, but unlike his or her normal Spell Casting Abilities he or she choose's these spells when he or she becomes A White Dragonlord and he or she can never change them, on the plus side once per day he or she can cast Charm Monster on A Dragon
Strangely it will work on someone that's used Polymorph Self to turn themselves into A Dragon but it won't on someone that someone else used Polymorph Other to turn the target into A Dragon, and if used on A Drago that someone Polymorphed into either a different type of Dragon, or a older version of a member of their Dragon Breed(example polymorphing A Mature Adult Dragons age into A Ancient Dragon, don't laugh I've seen it done twice but both times it was by the campaigns final villain, it was clear to the villain that he was going to die and his thinking was "if I go down I'm taking you with me) or into a younger version of a member of their Dragon Breed(example polymorphing A Mature Adult Dragons age into A Young Dragon, I've seen it done 5 times and every time it was done by A Pc that knew they would never control A Mature Adult Dragon but believed they could control A Young Dragon) then it will work but only for 3D12 hours
Annoyingly you can’t try to become A Dragonlord before 6th level, you can only attempt to become A Dragonlord twice every level, the chance at 6th level is 52%, every level over 6th the chance goes up by 12%, which means that you aren’t guaranteed to succeed until you reach 10th level