The long awaited, trust me it wasn't worth the wait, 1st session happened early Tuesday after, sorry it took this long, long story short it was A Total Wipe out, we used Encounter Tables The G,M made, A roll of A 90 or higher sees us face foe or foes of the next level, the 1st 5 rolls were A 90 or higher, this means that our 5 1st level Characters ended up facing A 6th level Lawful Evil Fighter whose Armor Class was so high that the only 1 of our Pcs that could wound him was The Str 18 Fighter and even he would only succeed on A roll of A 20 or higher on 1D20+3.. You can imagine the result
So we're generating new Pcs, The GM used background tables his brother in law made, and believe it or not The GM's brother in laws background tables are several times worse then The GM's. So when it was my turn to make The 50 rolls the results were as follows. 2 of the rolls were A 100, 8 of the rolls were higher then A 69 but lower then A 84, 28 of the other 40 rolls were higher then A 31 but lower then A 55 and none of the other 12 rolls were lower then a 20
This means that my character is the heir of A Noble Family that has been around for 14,499 years, and my characters homeland is only 14,539 years old and over those 14,499 years my characters family has arranged over 2,361 marriages of convenience, but roughly 93% of those simply added to their considerable fortunes
This means that he has inherited, as in he isn't waiting to inherit, 28 Baronies and 29 titles. But what I don't get is why become A Adventurer, I mean he's A Magic User which usually requires 1 or both of vast wealth or taking on vast debts so I get that he'd want to show off his power, influence, wealth, respect and fortune by avoiding vast debts and/or using part,. admittingly a tiny part, of his families fortune
But the guys not only(?) A Magic User of Noble birth the guys not just The Heir of A Very Minor Count, he actually already is A Very Minor Count and he has a lot more powerful, a lot more influential, a lot more respect, a lot more popularity and has a lot more followers, meaning not just troops, then some minor sovereigns, which even includes his homelands queen, so why take the risk of becoming A Adventurer?, some kind of several mental condition?
In case your wondering that isn't meant in a bad or offensive way, I'm simply wondering if having some kind of several mental condition would justify A Very Minor Count whose inherited 28 Baronies that has a lot more powerful, a lot more influential, a lot more respect, a lot more popularity and has a lot more followers, meaning not just troops, then some minor sovereigns, which even includes his homelands queen, becoming A Adventuring Magic User
So why risk it?, I mean I admit he's only A 1st level Magic User, but he's already got 29 Titles and 28 Domains, if needed and he has time can call upon close to 15,000 professional warriors, not all of them Fighters and/or Soldiers, that will fight for him, he's got A Private Fleet of 203 Ships, all of are captured Pirate Ships, Strong that if needed could give him close to another 50,700 people that can fight and if he wanted to he could call in enough favors to get just under another 11,400 people that can fight
That means that before they've even done the 1st adventure, when we do it, if he's got enough time and warning he could potentially call upon close to 557,70 assorted Fighters, Soldiers and other people that can fight, that's includes things like mercenaries, freelancers, soldiers of fortune and criminals that hope they'll get a pardon that he could potentially ally to his cause. I bet that you can now you see why several minor sovereigns are scared of him?
The 21 most famous ancestors of his that were born in the last 1,079 years consisted of 5 10th level Magic Users, 3 11th level Fighters, 3 7th level Paladins. 3 8th level Rangers. 3 11th level Thieves, 2 13th level Illusionist, 0th leve1 13th level Magic User, 1 10th level Ranger, 1 8th level Illusionist and 1 8th level Paladin
Info on the characters inherited titles
19 of them are gargantuan sized Baronies that came with both The Title of Very Senior Baron and comes with A Subordinate Very Senior Baron
The other 9 are very large Baronies that came with both The Title of Very Senior Baron and comes with A Subordinate Very Senior Baron
He also bags the title of minor Count
The marriages that were to gain things of use have also resulted in him inheriting the following
He also inherits 31 weapons, 18 bits of armor, 15 shields, 191 dose’s of assorted herbs, 726 dose’s of assorted poisons, 904 assorted bits of equipment, 34,932 days worth of assorted food, 35,905 pints of assorted alcohol drinks and pints of assorted none alcohol drinks
Not to mention he's inherited 1,301,300 Gold Coins worth of cash as well as cash, jewels, Jewellery, furs, pelts, trade goods, precious metal and other things worth selling that are worth another 653,600 Gold Coins
He also has 86 doses of every herbs, plants and flowers used in every Druidic Spell of 3rd level and lower, that’s a total of 77x32 or 2,464 dose’s of assorted herbs, plants and flowers
The reason his Cash and loot is roughly 32.65%, if you doubt the maths see a bit later for why that figure is accurate, of what it was 22 years ago is because 22 years ago the family had cash and loot worth a total of 5,961,740 Gold Coins but then his father invested 2,247,840 Gold Coins of it in, among other things, a assortment of estates, business's, investments, vineyards and business's worth a total of 2,247,840 Gold Coins that every year net him a total profit of 103,190 Gold Coins, 3,840 gallons of good wine and 1,470 gallons of fine wine
His father also spend 1,244,000 Gold Coins on another title, this title was of Senior Baron that rules A Very Large Barony and it also comes with ownership of 8 very extensive area’s of Farmland, 8 sizeable estates, 9 business’s and 11 other area’s of land and/or property
He also paid 240.000 Gold Coins to acquire full ownership of A Laboratory that illegally breeds animals and monsters to sell the young to collectors, zoo's, people that collect such freaks, circus and freak shows that nets him another 29,140 Gold Coins per year
My characters father also bought 6 large Merchant Ships, and unlike his 203 other ships these aren't Ex Pirate Ships that were captured, Pirate that are all moderately armed and moderately armoured, these are each worth 50,000 Gold Coins that each net him a profit of 5,550 Gold Coins per year
This means that in total my characters father invested 4,031,840 Gold Coins in a assortment of estates, business's, investments, vineyards and business's that nets my character a total profit of 207,233 Gold Coins, 3,840 gallons of good wine and 1,470 gallons of fine wine
Add in a profit of 2D4+5x100 Gold Coins per year per Ship from the 203 captured Pirate Ships he owns nets my character between another 143,100 Gold Coins per year and 223,300 Gold Coins per year, plus every 3rd year selling the foals the newest domain breeds nets him another 14,000 Gold Coins
That means that 22 years my characters family had 5,986,740 Gold Coins worth of cash and loot, but nowadays their cash and loot is only worth 1,954,900 Gold Coins, which means that the value of the cash and valuables that my characters family currently have is only roughly 32.65% of what it was 22 years ago
He also inherited 4 massive storage bins that all hold 493 cartons that all hold 250 of A Dnd version of A cigarette smuggled in from abroad
He also has 381 regular animals and 84 monstrous animals that his parents captured as infants, raised and tamed
All of these monstrous animals protect him because they like him, trust him and respect him and they don’t even need A Charm Monster Spell
Magical belongings wise he gets 119 Magic Missiles, 16 Magic Ranged Weapons, 50 Magic Weapons, 25 suits of Magic Armour, 10 Magic Shields, 7 pairs of Magic Bracers, 105 magic items, 154 dose’s of magic potion, 5 Intelligent Weapons, 26 Cursed Items, 6 Minor Artefacts and 1 Magic Artefact
Spell wise he gets 260 Books and 162 Scrolls that hold all 1st level, all 2nd level, all 3rd level, all 4th level, all 5th level, all 6th level, all but 2 7th level, 10 8th level and 5 9th level Magic User Spells and all 1st level, all 2nd level, all 3rd level, all but 1 4th level, 5 5th level Illusionist, 2 6th level and 1 7th level Illusionist Spells
He also gets 2 sets of unique Books, Tomes, Spellscrolls and Grimories. Here's more info on these
Info on the 1st set
1 set of 8 very large Scrolls, 3 small Scrolls, 2 tiny Books, 2 Very Large Books and 1 Massive Book
These don’t contain The Spells Cacodeamon and Spiritwrack
But it does contain all you need to know to try to use both of those Spells on the following unholy things
The 1’s that The Player/me doesn't know the names of but my character does know the names of
7 Type 1 Deamons, 4 Rutterkins, 4 Vrocks, 2 Deamonic Shade, 2 Deamonic Clerics, 2 Succubus's, 1 Type 2 Deamon, 1 Nassu and 1 Deamonic Version of A Spectre
4 Hydrodeamons, 2 Type 3 Deamons, 1 Type 4 Deamon, 1 Shadow Deamon, 1 Bone Devil, 1 lesser Rakhasa, 1 unique Succubus and 1 greater Rakhasa
Info on the 1st set
He’s also got A Series of Books, Scrolls, Tomes and Grimories on how to become A White Dragonlord and if he does then he gains the following benefits
Once per day he can transform into A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats, once per day he can summon Ally whose A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats and he can use A White Dragons Breathe Weapon 3 times per day and can do this in either form
He becomes immune to all Cold and Ice based damage, gains +3 to saving throws VS The Breathe Weapon of Dragons that aren’t White and gains +1 to all other saving throws
In edition to The Spell Casting Abilities he gets for being A Magic User he gains 2 1st level, 1 2nd level and 1 3rd level Spells, but unlike his normal Spell Casting Abilities he decides these when he becomes A White Dragonlord and he can never change them and once per day he can cast Charm Monster on A Dragon
Annoyingly you can’t try to become A Dragonlord before 6th level, you can only attempt to become A Dragonlord twice every level, the chance at 6th level is 52%, every level over 6th the chance goes up by 12%, which means that you aren’t guaranteed to succeed until you reach 10th level
So we're generating new Pcs, The GM used background tables his brother in law made, and believe it or not The GM's brother in laws background tables are several times worse then The GM's. So when it was my turn to make The 50 rolls the results were as follows. 2 of the rolls were A 100, 8 of the rolls were higher then A 69 but lower then A 84, 28 of the other 40 rolls were higher then A 31 but lower then A 55 and none of the other 12 rolls were lower then a 20
This means that my character is the heir of A Noble Family that has been around for 14,499 years, and my characters homeland is only 14,539 years old and over those 14,499 years my characters family has arranged over 2,361 marriages of convenience, but roughly 93% of those simply added to their considerable fortunes
This means that he has inherited, as in he isn't waiting to inherit, 28 Baronies and 29 titles. But what I don't get is why become A Adventurer, I mean he's A Magic User which usually requires 1 or both of vast wealth or taking on vast debts so I get that he'd want to show off his power, influence, wealth, respect and fortune by avoiding vast debts and/or using part,. admittingly a tiny part, of his families fortune
But the guys not only(?) A Magic User of Noble birth the guys not just The Heir of A Very Minor Count, he actually already is A Very Minor Count and he has a lot more powerful, a lot more influential, a lot more respect, a lot more popularity and has a lot more followers, meaning not just troops, then some minor sovereigns, which even includes his homelands queen, so why take the risk of becoming A Adventurer?, some kind of several mental condition?
In case your wondering that isn't meant in a bad or offensive way, I'm simply wondering if having some kind of several mental condition would justify A Very Minor Count whose inherited 28 Baronies that has a lot more powerful, a lot more influential, a lot more respect, a lot more popularity and has a lot more followers, meaning not just troops, then some minor sovereigns, which even includes his homelands queen, becoming A Adventuring Magic User
So why risk it?, I mean I admit he's only A 1st level Magic User, but he's already got 29 Titles and 28 Domains, if needed and he has time can call upon close to 15,000 professional warriors, not all of them Fighters and/or Soldiers, that will fight for him, he's got A Private Fleet of 203 Ships, all of are captured Pirate Ships, Strong that if needed could give him close to another 50,700 people that can fight and if he wanted to he could call in enough favors to get just under another 11,400 people that can fight
That means that before they've even done the 1st adventure, when we do it, if he's got enough time and warning he could potentially call upon close to 557,70 assorted Fighters, Soldiers and other people that can fight, that's includes things like mercenaries, freelancers, soldiers of fortune and criminals that hope they'll get a pardon that he could potentially ally to his cause. I bet that you can now you see why several minor sovereigns are scared of him?
The 21 most famous ancestors of his that were born in the last 1,079 years consisted of 5 10th level Magic Users, 3 11th level Fighters, 3 7th level Paladins. 3 8th level Rangers. 3 11th level Thieves, 2 13th level Illusionist, 0th leve1 13th level Magic User, 1 10th level Ranger, 1 8th level Illusionist and 1 8th level Paladin
Info on the characters inherited titles
19 of them are gargantuan sized Baronies that came with both The Title of Very Senior Baron and comes with A Subordinate Very Senior Baron
The other 9 are very large Baronies that came with both The Title of Very Senior Baron and comes with A Subordinate Very Senior Baron
He also bags the title of minor Count
The marriages that were to gain things of use have also resulted in him inheriting the following
He also inherits 31 weapons, 18 bits of armor, 15 shields, 191 dose’s of assorted herbs, 726 dose’s of assorted poisons, 904 assorted bits of equipment, 34,932 days worth of assorted food, 35,905 pints of assorted alcohol drinks and pints of assorted none alcohol drinks
Not to mention he's inherited 1,301,300 Gold Coins worth of cash as well as cash, jewels, Jewellery, furs, pelts, trade goods, precious metal and other things worth selling that are worth another 653,600 Gold Coins
He also has 86 doses of every herbs, plants and flowers used in every Druidic Spell of 3rd level and lower, that’s a total of 77x32 or 2,464 dose’s of assorted herbs, plants and flowers
The reason his Cash and loot is roughly 32.65%, if you doubt the maths see a bit later for why that figure is accurate, of what it was 22 years ago is because 22 years ago the family had cash and loot worth a total of 5,961,740 Gold Coins but then his father invested 2,247,840 Gold Coins of it in, among other things, a assortment of estates, business's, investments, vineyards and business's worth a total of 2,247,840 Gold Coins that every year net him a total profit of 103,190 Gold Coins, 3,840 gallons of good wine and 1,470 gallons of fine wine
His father also spend 1,244,000 Gold Coins on another title, this title was of Senior Baron that rules A Very Large Barony and it also comes with ownership of 8 very extensive area’s of Farmland, 8 sizeable estates, 9 business’s and 11 other area’s of land and/or property
He also paid 240.000 Gold Coins to acquire full ownership of A Laboratory that illegally breeds animals and monsters to sell the young to collectors, zoo's, people that collect such freaks, circus and freak shows that nets him another 29,140 Gold Coins per year
My characters father also bought 6 large Merchant Ships, and unlike his 203 other ships these aren't Ex Pirate Ships that were captured, Pirate that are all moderately armed and moderately armoured, these are each worth 50,000 Gold Coins that each net him a profit of 5,550 Gold Coins per year
This means that in total my characters father invested 4,031,840 Gold Coins in a assortment of estates, business's, investments, vineyards and business's that nets my character a total profit of 207,233 Gold Coins, 3,840 gallons of good wine and 1,470 gallons of fine wine
Add in a profit of 2D4+5x100 Gold Coins per year per Ship from the 203 captured Pirate Ships he owns nets my character between another 143,100 Gold Coins per year and 223,300 Gold Coins per year, plus every 3rd year selling the foals the newest domain breeds nets him another 14,000 Gold Coins
That means that 22 years my characters family had 5,986,740 Gold Coins worth of cash and loot, but nowadays their cash and loot is only worth 1,954,900 Gold Coins, which means that the value of the cash and valuables that my characters family currently have is only roughly 32.65% of what it was 22 years ago
He also inherited 4 massive storage bins that all hold 493 cartons that all hold 250 of A Dnd version of A cigarette smuggled in from abroad
He also has 381 regular animals and 84 monstrous animals that his parents captured as infants, raised and tamed
All of these monstrous animals protect him because they like him, trust him and respect him and they don’t even need A Charm Monster Spell
Magical belongings wise he gets 119 Magic Missiles, 16 Magic Ranged Weapons, 50 Magic Weapons, 25 suits of Magic Armour, 10 Magic Shields, 7 pairs of Magic Bracers, 105 magic items, 154 dose’s of magic potion, 5 Intelligent Weapons, 26 Cursed Items, 6 Minor Artefacts and 1 Magic Artefact
Spell wise he gets 260 Books and 162 Scrolls that hold all 1st level, all 2nd level, all 3rd level, all 4th level, all 5th level, all 6th level, all but 2 7th level, 10 8th level and 5 9th level Magic User Spells and all 1st level, all 2nd level, all 3rd level, all but 1 4th level, 5 5th level Illusionist, 2 6th level and 1 7th level Illusionist Spells
He also gets 2 sets of unique Books, Tomes, Spellscrolls and Grimories. Here's more info on these
Info on the 1st set
1 set of 8 very large Scrolls, 3 small Scrolls, 2 tiny Books, 2 Very Large Books and 1 Massive Book
These don’t contain The Spells Cacodeamon and Spiritwrack
But it does contain all you need to know to try to use both of those Spells on the following unholy things
The 1’s that The Player/me doesn't know the names of but my character does know the names of
7 Type 1 Deamons, 4 Rutterkins, 4 Vrocks, 2 Deamonic Shade, 2 Deamonic Clerics, 2 Succubus's, 1 Type 2 Deamon, 1 Nassu and 1 Deamonic Version of A Spectre
4 Hydrodeamons, 2 Type 3 Deamons, 1 Type 4 Deamon, 1 Shadow Deamon, 1 Bone Devil, 1 lesser Rakhasa, 1 unique Succubus and 1 greater Rakhasa
Info on the 1st set
He’s also got A Series of Books, Scrolls, Tomes and Grimories on how to become A White Dragonlord and if he does then he gains the following benefits
Once per day he can transform into A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats, once per day he can summon Ally whose A 6HD/38Hp Adult White Dragon with Standard Stats and he can use A White Dragons Breathe Weapon 3 times per day and can do this in either form
He becomes immune to all Cold and Ice based damage, gains +3 to saving throws VS The Breathe Weapon of Dragons that aren’t White and gains +1 to all other saving throws
In edition to The Spell Casting Abilities he gets for being A Magic User he gains 2 1st level, 1 2nd level and 1 3rd level Spells, but unlike his normal Spell Casting Abilities he decides these when he becomes A White Dragonlord and he can never change them and once per day he can cast Charm Monster on A Dragon
Annoyingly you can’t try to become A Dragonlord before 6th level, you can only attempt to become A Dragonlord twice every level, the chance at 6th level is 52%, every level over 6th the chance goes up by 12%, which means that you aren’t guaranteed to succeed until you reach 10th level