D&D General Would the 14 year old that was made A Baroness before she was even born be annoyed that her title was actually a bribe to buy her mothers silence?

I've thought of something about The age of The Baroness's Elven Friend

It was said that he's 22 but The Baroness is the only 1 that referred to him as being 22 and she's only 14

This means that its possible that she may be too young to realize that he's only The Elven equivalent of 22

What this means is that if he's only The Elven equivalent of 22 then his actual age will be roughly 90 years old

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I didn't know that, and in my opinion the fact that I didn't know that proves that it was A 1st edition DAD Dream, is that wrong?
I’m afraid that with the revelation that the 1st edition DAD PHB actually did have half-elves then your entire 1st edition DAD Dream is an illigitimate bastard Dream that will soon become a 1st edition DAD nightmare and spiral into a Multiverse of Madness - and 1st edition MOM Dreams are the worst

The teen has no reason to be annoyed at the title.
She does have reason to be annoyed that all the Barons want her to marry their oldest son.
And is the King going to try to manipulate her some way or another?

I did not say ROYAL Court. I said court. Was she raised and trained to be a baroness, then it is a court. All the trappings of a minor noble with being judge, jury, admin, etc. It sounds like mommy was in charge of the barony until daughter hit the majority. It reads like she was Baby Baroness of Bugtustle and is now Baroness of the Beverly Hills. OR was she Cindy Commoner and now Baroness of Bel-Air?
Sorry about that, it was a mistake and the mistake was caused by the fact that I'd forgotten that Royalty and Nobility have different types of courts

I've been thinking about something Jasper said and here's what I came up with and this includes a lot of stuff that I initially forgot to mention. Sorry. What do you think?

Depending on how long ago the old king, who was the now 14 year old Baroness's Grandfather on her fathers side, died its possible that he died before she was old enough to realize how well or how badly the King/her grandfather, the crown prince/her father and the lackeys and suck ups treated her

I freely admit that if this happened in a campaign I was running then I'd make sure that he definitely died before she was old enough to realize how well or how badly the King/her grandfather, the crown prince/her father and the lackeys and suck ups treated her

On the subject of when the old king, the now 14 year old Baroness's Grandfather, died the dream didn't show exactly when it happened but it did say that it was somewhere between 3 and a half months after The now 14 year old Baroness's conception and 5 weeks before her 10th birthday

If this happened in a campaign I was running then the only way that my plan to guarantee that he died before she was old enough to realize how well or how badly the King/her grandfather, the crown prince/her father and the lackeys and suck ups treated her is to have it so that the old king must have been alive when his son impregnated A Pheasant Women but he died no later then the 6 weeks after his illegitimate granddaughter 2nd birthday

To answer the initial question:

It depends entirely on the person and how they've internalized their role and station in society.

Someone who is invested in the idea of divine right to rule, who has based their life around the idea of DESERVING to be in the position of Baroness by the incarnate and mortal hand of divine will... would be pretty devastated.

Someone who despises the binds and ties of nobility, who is staring down the barrel of an arranged marriage, might see it as liberating to know they're not "Really" a Baroness and use it to escape.

There are a hundred different answers to your question, and they're all correct.

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