D&D General If A Baroness married A King and at least 2 children would the 2nd child be allowed to inherit their mothers title of Senior Baroness and her Barony?

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It depends on the succession laws of the country in question.

As a rule, in historical medieval society (as noted by @cbwjm), there must be some specific core territory which is the monarch's fundamental title. In Europe, this was usually a county title. In theory, it could be any county (or set of counties, up to some loosely-defined limit set by social expectations) held by the King (or Queen, but usually King), but as a rule it would be where the King held court, often in the largest or most economically powerful city.

Different succession laws could affect things. During the early middle ages, many places used some form of "partible inheritance." This means that titles would be partitioned between the monarch's heirs upon their death. So, for example, if you play as an Irish king in the usual starting period for Crusader Kings III, you will start out as a "petty king" (the equivalent of a duke), one of five, ruling the five duchies that are traditional parts of the Kingdom of Ireland--and all the other petty kings are your relatives (brothers and cousins, IIRC.) If your starting character dies without gaining any new titles, then the counties that make up your duchy will be divided amongst your sons, which may cause a split! If you do acquire those other duchies, you can eventually become High King (king proper, not petty) of Ireland, at which point your main heir will retain that title, even if they don't retain all of the duchy titles beneath it.

As a general rule, this is how things work until you get access to new succession laws: you have to race to capture all of the duchies of a kingdom you want to control, assume or create the title for that full kingdom, and then distribute some or all of the duchies within that kingdom to your vassals so you don't have to worry about them personally. Later on, when you control multiple kingdoms and can become a true Emperor/Empress, you may even start giving out kingdom titles to your vassals.

So: Yes, absolutely, if the King has married a Baroness, then their second child could be highly eligible for receiving the Baron of <X> title, whether by ordinary partition inheritance, or by being created Baron of <place> directly. Alternatively, if the laws are such that the primary heir inherits everything, then the second child is at the mercy of their elder sibling. They could get absolutely nothing, if their new king wishes so, though being crappy to one's siblings may be unwise if they can lead a rebellion against one's rule.
Or the title of Baroness of, after all Girls can inherit

To cut a very long story very short if the mother dies first the older child get his or her mothers domain and when the father later dies the older child gets the throne and pass's the mothers child down to his or her brother or sister, sort of like a hand me down for royals
Yes, that would probably be the most likely solution, unless the barony was in another kingdom or otherwise a matter of particular national or international contention and someone had to be assured of it never being united with the royal holdings, or something along those lines. Generally there's no reason to cut out eldest child until they already have inherited a kingdom.

Voidrunner's Codex

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