D&D (2024) How to fix Necromancer wizard so it does not clog down initiative and time with 10+ Animate dead undead walking around?


6th level feature: Undead thralls:

Wizard gain Summon undead spell, or any necromancy spell from 1st to 3rd level if they have Summon undead spell already.

Summon undead spell does not use Concentration and it's duration lasts until finishing next long rest or you cast the spell again.

Summon undead spell level is calculated at +1 spell level than slot expended to use it. You still need to use 3rd level slot minimum.

Bonus on HPs and damage stay the same and attacks count as magical.

This will lock Necromancer into single undead to add to combat rolls and prevent map/initiative clutter.

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Possibly a Idiot.
That is very likely to be what WoTC is planning on doing (or at least something similar). Especially given the recent trend of making class features into spells.

Unfortunately, the other big Necromancer problem is that they never really felt like Necromancers until you hit level 6. They need some kind of undead minion at level 3 when they get the subclass (well, at least in the UA it's level 3). Ideally the pet would use some variant of the Tasha pet rules and just gain power over the levels.


That is very likely to be what WoTC is planning on doing (or at least something similar). Especially given the recent trend of making class features into spells.

Unfortunately, the other big Necromancer problem is that they never really felt like Necromancers until you hit level 6. They need some kind of undead minion at level 3 when they get the subclass (well, at least in the UA it's level 3). Ideally the pet would use some variant of the Tasha pet rules and just gain power over the levels.
well, the 6th level feature can be swapped with 2nd(or 3rd) level feature.
And add that Summon monster can be cast with 2nd level slot as it would be counted as 3rd level spell with this suggested change.

That would give you minion from level 3.

6th level can keep the HP and damage bonuses so it would not be too much for 3rd level.


I like adding only one more creature to the battle. I would also include a mob/horde into one creature statblock to count. Although it might be fun for one encounter once in a while, like with a horn of berserkers.


Necromancers absolutely need a summon with a "horde" statblock. It doesn't feel like a necromancer unless you have a swarm of disposable minions, but nothing says we have to track them individually.

The other thing is that there needs to be a way for the necromancer to use the bodies of fallen enemies. Easiest solution I can think of is to let the necromancer use an action to heal their summons based on the number/size of corpses in the vicinity ("consuming" the bodies in the process). So whenever the horde is taking a lot of damage, you pull a Night King and replenish their ranks. This also works if you're commanding a single powerful undead -- it drains vitality from the corpses rather than physically reanimating them.


I think it should be handled as a horde/swarm of undead, and just be one a single statblock, even if I wouldn't mind if the Necromancer could choose later on to get something like Spectres and Wraiths over Skeletons and Zombies.
This seems like a good idea - once you get to 4 undead, it fills the same floor area as a Large creature, so you could stat it as "A Large Swarm of Medium Undead". Same with Huge at 9 ("A Huge Swarm of Medium Undead") and Gargantuan at 16 ("A Gargantuan Swarm of Medium Undead). Use a bit of the mob rules to calculate the overall stats and such.

Hordes could be multiple swarms.

Wall of Bones. Think of all the nasty things you could make a wall out of: a wall that looks like a regular wall (or a wall of dirt) but has zombies inside that reach out to grab whoever comes close, a wall of shadows, a wall of chains each of which is attached to some kind of specter, and even a wall of ectoplasm (might have to share that with the conjuration guys) all come to mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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