How to use "True Names" in roleplaying

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Olive said:
what i never get about this sort of thing is how the true name gets out in the first place... i mean how did anyone discover the dominator's true name?

Well they didn't discover his true name and had to take him down the hard way, suffering substantial casualties and collateral damage (most of the remaining Black Company were wiped out).

Even after death he continued to cause major problems as
detailed in "The Silver Spike", which had been driven in to his head to capture his soul and remained an artifact level source of power.

As far as finding true names goes, well people leave traces. It's not an exact analogy, but today imagine if you didn't hit THE POWER until you were in your 30-40 and then had to try and wipe out every scrap of paper or computer record that refered to your real name.

While there aren't that kind of records keep in a fantasy world there are divinations, legend lore, information gathering spells etc... which probably make it nearly as hard to wipe out any trace of your true name.


Re: What is Earthdawn?

Aeris Winterood said:
Can you elaborate on how Earthdawn uses true-names???
Earthsea, you mean? A mage must know the true name of anything if he wants to use magic on it. For example, to turn a goat into a cow, you must know the true name for 'goat' and for 'cow'. Also, speaking his true name renders a mage powerless. Wizards on Earthsea must spend large amounts of time learning the true name of as many things as possible; there are entire libraries recording true names. Yet, many of them are unknown. A person's true name is assigned to him by a person who has been very important in his life, when he reaches a certain age. It's secret of course, known only to him, the person who gave it to him, and noone else.

Aeris Winterood

First Post
What i am looking for...

I guess waht I am looking for is what kind of power would be held by knowing someones true name....

Can it make the subject be unable to save versus a Suggestion spell? Would the subject have to be a slave a 101 days?

I realize i can do all of this myself ( I appreciate the help) but I am curious as to how other DM's actually adjucate the usage of "true names" if any.


First Post
Excellent discussion!

Perhaps a character couldn't tap into divine or arcane spell casting without a true name?

What would be the benefit of a non-spell using character to knowing her true name (other than self defense)?

I liked the SR ideas; spell distance; and possible reduction in saves (would it be all saves? or only will saves?)

Aeris Winterood

First Post
Raises questions...

How about this... A non-spellcaster who invokes a "true name" can ignore Damage Reduction of the subject.... recieve +4 saves versus creature and +4 to atk.....

.... Makes the creature make a Will save (DC?) or be confused or stunned... (DC could be variable like DC15+ level of character invoking name)

I am actually hoping to get some rules set down for this.... any and all help is welcome!


First Post
Earthdawn is different from Earthsea. Earthsea is the world for the novels by Ursula leGuin, and Earthdawn is the world for the roleplaying game set in the pseudo-medieval fantasy era of Shadowrun. (oops, there goes a metaplot secret). It's ~4000 (I think?) years before the post-modern era in Shadowrun. Magic in the Earthdawn world works on the Mayan cycle (oops, there goes another metaplot secret); there are 6 'worlds' (eras) so far, our non-magical world being the fifth, the Shadowrun world being the sixth, and Earthdawn being the fourth - in a gross oversimplification, magic is only present in the 'up-cycles,' the even-numbered ages.

However, I'm not familiar with Earthdawn so I couldn't tell you how true names work. I can say, however, it has a much more arcane and mystical feel (as it seems to me, anyway) than D&D's number-crunching "OK, I attack with my magic longsword +1."

Back on the topic of true names, however, I'd suggest that they act as a planar binding, except you don't need a magic circle to keep the creature from attacking, and you gain a large bonus on your charisma check to negotiate - true names shouldn't give you absolute control, but they should make it difficult enough for the creature to oppose you that it wouldn't want it to be commonly known.
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Aeris Winterood

First Post
planar binding....

It would have to be a very large bonus if someone were to use a "true name" of an arch-fiend or so...... Or else why would such a thing be highly guarded...

Seyrn Lerramir

First Post
Also something to consider... Something powerful as an archfiend or other very very powerful npc type... may be AWARE when someone even UTTERS their True Name. This is a concept that I am fond of, though I've never put to use in a gaming session.

A prestige class I really have my eye on playing one day is the Eldritch Master. When they hit 10th level, they can hear it when ANYONE says their name on the plane they are on. Just their standard name.

Imagine if you were that powerful and someone spoke your TRUE name. That would be a flashing beacon. Or... could be :)

Just something else to consider. Speaking it without using it against them... could just make you a target to be eliminated. *mwahah?*

My two copper.

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