D&D 5E How will the playtest of D&D next go at XP?

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
If [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] signs an NDA so he can playtest, will he be bound to suppress any leaked information that is posted to EN World?


If [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] signs an NDA so he can playtest, will he be bound to suppress any leaked information that is posted to EN World?
I really don't know. This website exists as a place for news and rumours ,so I would think they would let leaks go. There is always Twitter and other sources.


Registered User
I really don't know. This website exists as a place for news and rumours ,so I would think they would let leaks go. There is always Twitter and other sources.

And it has since its inception, so I doubt there's any worry on that score. If something gets leaked these days, it essentially becomes fair game.


Gah! And here I thought we were going to get to see the rules as of next week... feh. If I'd known it was going to be NDA-ed (which I agree seems utterly silly), I'd have scheduled time off to attend the con. Bit late now.


Registered User
I thought as much and since ENWorld as an entity wouldn't be bound to one at any rate, all it would have taken would be for another member of the ENWorld staff to post news and whatnot.

Besides, this all assumes that WotC wouldn't appreciate the free publicity anyway. I again reiterate that NDA'ing the playtest is merely a marketing gimmick - make the players think this is all superseekret stuff and they're sure to blab to everyone they can.

Voidrunner's Codex

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