D&D 5E How will the recent OGL developments affect your D&D spending?

How will the recent OGL developments affect your D&D spending?

  • No change.

    Votes: 32 27.4%
  • I will buy more official D&D products.

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • I will buy fewer official D&D products.

    Votes: 71 60.7%
  • I will buy more 3PP products.

    Votes: 60 51.3%
  • I will buy fewer 3PP products.

    Votes: 3 2.6%


Loves Your Favorite Game
At a bare minimum, I no longer feel enthusiastic about supporting 5.5E, so won't buy things willy nilly, and I want to reward and celebrate ORC and possibly other licenses, where historically I mostly ignored 3P.
This actually sums up my position better, I wasn't thinking about how I'd intentionally be looking at ORC stuff.

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I'm a little worried about how people are going to treat their spending on DMsGuild, because it's a slap in the face to tell a writer that their work on a project months to years in the making might be boycotted because some marketing/business/legal executive at Hasbro/WotC made poor decisions that harmed public relations. Some DMsGuild works in progress likely just can't be transferred to non-DnD either, because of how much they might tie into DnD settings.


No change. The money I've been spending has been on gaming accessories rather than rules and supplements, and WotC's actions really don't affect that.


I have been spending a bunch on ogl stuff recently with a bunch of the sales. Normally I would buy some older wotc pdfs but the ogl stuff has been grabbing my attention.


Well, I canceled an order that I had for Mordenkainen Presents due to this debacle and bought Kobold Press' Deep Magic in its place. Unless WotC stop attacking the OGL 1.0a, I won't buy anything more from them. Instead, I'll look to start supporting 3PP should I feel the need for additional material for my D&D campaigns.


I'm a little worried about how people are going to treat their spending on DMsGuild, because it's a slap in the face to tell a writer that their work on a project months to years in the making might be boycotted because some marketing/business/legal executive at Hasbro/WotC made poor decisions that harmed public relations. Some DMsGuild works in progress likely just can't be transferred to non-DnD either, because of how much they might tie into DnD settings.
I share your concerns about the effect on DM Guild creators, but buying stuff there means money for Wizards. So if you're serious about boycotting them, that means no DM Guild.


As for my personal spending, official Wizards products (including licensed products like minis) are off the table until Wizards starts behaving better. To be fair, I'd already become much pickier about buying Wizards stuff since 2021, but I had planned to pick up Dragonlance and potentially other products before this happened.

And I'm definitely going to try and spend more money on OGL companies. Already spent a fair amount above normal in the last week.

Magister Ludorum

I will continue to buy new D&D 5e products when they come out. I will continue to buy 3 party products. If they are no longer written for D&D I will convert them for use with D&D.

D&D 5e is the preferred level based system my group plays. I am the only one in the group who ever buys 3 party products.

Our non-level based system is HERO.

Voidrunner's Codex

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