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Howard Stern rips on D&D on his radio show

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CrusaderX said:
Did anyone listen to Stern's show this morning? I don't know how the topic of D&D came up, since I only heard part of the show, but Howard and his gang were ripping on the game pretty bad. In typical Stern fashion, the game was portrayed as being sexually perverse - Stern actually claimed that the game involves an older man (the DM) leading young boys into a dark basement, where they have to obey his commands. (?) Robin the co-host asked how the game is "won", and nobody had an answer. So Stern made up his own sex-related answers on how the game is won. Many more sexual comments and jokes followed, D&D players were portrayed as inept losers at best and sexual perverts at worst, and nothing was said to dispute what D&D is really like. One caller actually phoned in the show and claimed that potential police candidates are asked if they ever played D&D or not, with Stern saying that he wouldn't trust a D&D player to become a cop, since D&D players aren't mentally stable.

All in all, D&D was bashed pretty bad, and its players were made to look like total freaks. Which, coming from Stern and Co., is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, of course. But D&D really doesn't need this kind of publicity.

LOL, sorry, that's some funny stuff.

Honestly, if it's not true, you have to laugh at it. What's the defense? We're not a bunch of freaks sitting around a table rolling dice? It's like Homer Simpson trying to wash the "insane" stamp off his hand because he's not insane anymore.

I can understand any frustration regarding how people perceive roleplaying. The truth is--it is geeky. But the other truth is, who cares? If you enjoy it, don't let anyone take that enjoyment from you--especially Howard Stern. If I heard that live, I would have laughed my arse off. It's funny. What scares me more are the people that can't laugh at it. I mean, it doesn't have to be taken so seriously, eh? D&D is a game, and games are supposed to be fun. If they serve any other purpose, then maybe it's time for some serious psycho-therapy (seriously).

/johnny :)


Howard Stern has been on the air for over 20 years, now. His schtick has changed, but not dramatically. He's a radio talk host, and that means one thing: getting people to listen...any way he can. Just like a sports talk show host or a political pundit, he makes wild, outrageous statements. He incites, he amuses, he irritates. If he can get a reaction, great. But he's only after one thing: your attention.

Remember: you're the product. His advertisers are paying his stations on the assumption that you're going to listen. Stern is a geek. He knows plenty about D&D. That's not his job, though. If you're looking for a pundit for D&D, go ask WotC or Hasbro to increase their ad budget. As many people listen to Stern because they DON'T like him as those who do.

If I have a problem with Stern, it's that the few times I listen, he's entirely too self-referential and he's become stuck in a rut. I remember back when Stern was on WABC on AM in NY, a loooong time ago, back when he still did sketches, such as the one having Wally try to kill the Beaver to impress Jodie Foster (which should give you an idea how long ago that was).

Radio hosts aren't there to give any subject a fair shake...they're there to get you to call in, to be upset or amused, and most importantly, LISTEN. All things aside, Stern is not terribly relevant to the popular zeitgeist any longer. Like any number of radio hosts, he only matters to his fans.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Orius said:
That's of course even more offensive. There are a lot of sports fans out there who are just as obsessed with their favorite teams as some people in fandom. Or even worse. Look at those people who go to the games wearing a speedo and body paint in their favorite team colors. How is that any different than people who go to Star Wars movies dressed like Boba Fett? Or people who camp out at the stadium for tickets. No different than the Star Wars fans who also camped out for tickets.

Well camping out for tickets to a live event that is a one time, one day deal is a lot different than camping out for a movie that will be in theaters for months. One is a one time, one showing deal, the other is not. So let me just say I cannot understand people who camp out for movie tickets. It's going to still be showing in a month for Christ's sake! If it was a one time showing of something, like the EE then maybe, but for a movie I can see anytime? I don't get it. But then again I wouldn't camp out for sports tickets unless it was the World Series or Stanley Cup Finals, and even that would be unlikely.

Green Knight

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STEP 1: Bend over until your fingers touch your toes.

STEP 2: Reach backwards and firmly grasp the wooden handle.

STEP 3: Pull broomstick out of ass.

Hope that helps. ;)

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