• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

HQ: The 'Ready Lounge'


First Post
"Hi Tim." replies CPU. Cedric attention is quickly taken by the news. The sound raise as he looks at the TV. "8.6? Los Angeles? I thought the big one would hit San Fransisco."

Speaker said:
"All available Task Force members, please report to Briefing Room B immediately for dispatch."

"Seems the relaxation is finish. We'll see how you are in action, Monkey Gun"

Commlink said:
"Gun Monkey, please report to Training Area A Immediately."

"What! Nonesense! If they call us for the earthquake, we will surely need all the help we need. I don't think your hands would be useless. Let see what they want." CPU leaves the room.
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The man with the probe
01-01-06, 02:33 PM

Hughbert Rowe meandered through the maze-like corridors of Task Force headquarters, his blank expression masking his racing mind as he took in every nuance and discrepancy of his sterile surroundings. Eventually he came to an innocuous looking door.

"haruumph" he exhaled as he scrutinized the voice recognition system.

"HighBrow" he said simply and quickly stepped through the opening door.

While inside his eyes darted back and forth randomly at the room's contents. A half drunken can of Pepsi, a recently opened juice. The otherwise new dart board showed signs of recent usage from a skilled player, and the pinball machine showed a not-so skilled one. The pool table also was recently used. The audio system was on, but silenced. The only sound was from the video monitors. All displayed various news reports covering the same topic.

"Well it doesn't take my genius to tell what happened here."

He approached one of the seats that had been used and placed his hand on it. Hugh could feel the body warmth still present. The occupants only recently left. He activated his Taskforce commlink "HighBrow to base. Location of Earthquake briefing room?"
01-02-06, 04:31 PM
HighBrow hears com units crackle from an open door labled Briefing Room B, where 5 other task force members appear to be discussing something and waiting.
01-08-06, 06:34 PM
Roughneck (http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php...26&postcount=20) ; uninjured, 1 HP

A meaty man strolled his way up to the Ready Room entranceway. He stroked his recently shaved head as he regarded the door. If anyone was watching they might have misconstrude his "thoughtful" look for one of anger. Nick always looked angry, even when he wasn't. It was one of the things that made him so good at his job. Now should I use my real name or what? he thought to himself. Finally deciding, he boomed. "ROUGHNECK!" With a satisfying wooosh the door opened, and the big man strode inwards. He eyed his surrounding.
"F---ing wonderful, no one here." he said aloud as he took a seat in one of the more comfortable chairs...waiting...
01-18-06, 08:34 AM
A very attractive woman with long red hair walks gracefully up to the entrace chamber. "Monique De Lorme" she says in a silky voice with a deep french accent.

The door opens and she saunters into the room, hips swaying with every step, only to see it's almost completely empty. She finds a comfortable couch near the man in the room and sits herself down daintily.

"'ello zhere," she says with a friendly smile, "I am Monique. 'owever, my code iz Psyren*. Your code iz Roughneck, no?"

Psyren was a pop singer (Britney Spears, Christina Agulera, Jessica Simpson level/type, though with more emphasis on her singing than her dancing) from France early in the decade. She looks somewhat similar.
Psyren was a pop singer from france (Did a lot of english singing though) who was popular from the early 2000 till early 2004 when she droped out of sight. Definately looks like this could be her.
Psyren released her own album 4 years later in 2000. Known for good vocals and entertaining dance beats, as well as writing much of her material herself, she was a sensation for a while till early in 2004 when she walked off in the middle of a concert. You'd be suprised if this wan't her by the look.
In addition all this, you remember hearing about a TV appearance she made in the US before she released her first album in '96 at age 16 under her real name, Monique De Lorme.
01-18-06, 01:26 PM
"Sergeant Patrick O'connor" can be overheard before the door open behind Psyren. An irish looking man in trenchcoat enter in the room. "Hi, lady." He then spot Roughneck "Good morning."

He walks up to the fridge and take a bottle of water and pour a glass. "Someone want something?"
01-18-06, 03:20 PM
"'ello there Sergeant," Psyren says with a smile. "What bringz an officer like you to zhe task force?"

"Water would be fantastik, thank you."
01-18-06, 03:48 PM
Patrick pour another glass of water. He takes both glasses and offer one to Psyren. "I'm still asking that question myself. I don't even have the smallest power that make you or him exceptionnal. I'm just a normal man, as far as a man can be normal.

I have only a few more year before I retire from the police forces, but they ask me to come. I think they wanted someone with experience with all the bureaucracy and legal matter. Next year, it will be my 30th year of work in the police. Since that comet fall down on us, I've been put on every super case of my department. I even arrest a few of them... three to exact. Only one was a serious threat, but it seems that make me a good cop. Not a big deal I must confess.

I think I've accepted just because I can't refuse a challenge. My Irish blood still burn with excitation, even if my old mind is a bit blasé about the world."

He takes a look at Psyren a short moment and add. "You are that French pop star, right? I've been listening to the french canadian radio and television while I learned French. Heard some of your success a few year ago. Not really my type of music to be honest. What bring you so far from your country?"

OOC: Know roll (Untrained, so I'll limit to 10+ if roll is above that): 13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=339124)
01-18-06, 04:17 PM
"Music is suited to personality, I can understand that," Psyren says.

"I have been in America long time, it's a nice place to live. I discovered I wasn't.. like normal person some time ago, and this seem like place to go, no?"

OOC: I appologise, I'm attempting to simulate a non-native english speeker with a french accent. She's fairly fluent, but not perfect. Also, keep in mind, that I don't speak any other language, so while she can speak french, I can't.
01-18-06, 04:35 PM
"You could simply continu to live as usual. As long as you don't go against any law, there is no problem with having powers. Talking about it, can I ask what they are?"

OOC: Well, as a French Canadian, I can give you a few trick. Where we have difficulty is more with all the sounds not common in our language. Many will pronounce th as d (De castle), that's a common mistake. Also, change the place of noun and adjective in your sentence. So, if I translate: 'a common mistake', in French, I would tell 'une erreur commune'. French often translate too much word for word, so if I do the reverse with the usual mistake, it would do: 'a mistake common'. Also, feel free to follow any mistake I repeat in my text, there is chance it is common mistake to French talking people. But I must tell that French and Quebecois doesn't have the same mistake, as our French is a bit different and they usually learn England English while we speak more North American English
01-19-06, 05:51 AM
"No, dat is not right thing to do," Psyren says. "I have Psychic powers. I can move and influence things with my mind. I got in someone's mind at a concert, and it scared me. I think here I can learn control. I don't want to hurt anyone."

OOC: Thanks. I figured you weren't quite a native speaker, thanks for the tips
01-19-06, 01:29 PM
"Thanks for the tips. I'll watch my thought in your presence. Just kidding." Patrick walks up to the table and put down his glass of water. He then put his hand in his trenchcoat and remove a heavy caliber pistol. "That weapon have saved my live more than once, but it is starting to break my back. They should make it lighter."

He put the gun next to his glass and sits down."Yes, I've seen there training installation. State-of-the-art. Far from what we got in the police."

OOC: I try to imporved my English with every message, but it is a long process
01-19-06, 03:24 PM
"It don't seem dat heavy to me," she says with a soft smile, as the gun lifts slowly off the table, and then slowly it sets back down. "Before I waz here, I couldn't do dat. I would have droped it, or shot it through de roof."

OOC: No problem, once I realized that, it made it easier to understand you, and why you type like you do. You'll learn, you're pretty good, it's just the minor things. This is probably good practice for you though.
01-19-06, 03:57 PM
"Shooting? Don't be scared, it isn't charged. I charge it only on call. I carry my charger in my pocket." Patrick's hand touch one of his inside pocket. "How much can you lift with your mind? I've heard that some supers are capable to lift cars with there arms. Can your mind do the same?"

OOC: Yeah, pretty good practice.
01-20-06, 05:05 AM
"I waz able to lift over 20,000 kilograms, I dink they said is 25 dons?" Monique says "Bit vith out control, things go all over. I still stuggle vith dat."
01-21-06, 04:32 PM
A very attractive woman with long red hair walks gracefully up to the entrace chamber. "Monique De Lorme" she says in a silky voice with a deep french accent.

The door opens and she saunters into the room, hips swaying with every step, only to see it's almost completely empty. She finds a comfortable couch near the man in the room and sits herself down daintily.

"'ello zhere," she says with a friendly smile, "I am Monique. 'owever, my code iz Psyren*. Your code iz Roughneck, no?"

Whoa, I recognize this chick from somewhere. Roughneck thought. Strip club? Nah, I'd remember a french stripper. Someone a bit more famous.
"Yeah...that's me. You can call me Nick though....Monique was it?"
"Sergeant Patrick O'connor" can be overheard before the door open behind Psyren. An irish looking man in trenchcoat enter in the room. "Hi, lady." He then spot Roughneck "Good morning."

He walks up to the fridge and take a bottle of water and pour a glass. "Someone want something?"

Roughneck gives the newcomer a curt nod. The guy smelled like a cop. Generally Nick didn't get along with cops, but that was something he'd probably have to get over.

"Yeah give me anything in there that has a kick to it!" he answered.
01-21-06, 04:38 PM
"I waz able to lift over 20,000 kilograms, I dink they said is 25 dons?" Monique says "Bit vith out control, things go all over. I still stuggle vith dat."

Nick silently listened to thier conversation, until he heard Psyren talk about her powers. "25 tons?! Damn girl, I can barely overturn a buick. That's pretty impressive stuff Monique. What do you do there Sarge?"
01-22-06, 04:10 AM
Whoa, I recognize this chick from somewhere. Roughneck thought. Strip club? Nah, I'd remember a french stripper. Someone a bit more famous.
"Yeah...that's me. You can call me Nick though....Monique was it?"
"Yes it iz," Monique says. "Nice to meet you Nick. Are we supossed to use code names here or just out dere?"
01-22-06, 02:06 PM
"Yes it iz," Monique says. "Nice to meet you Nick. Are we supossed to use code names here or just out dere?"

"Y'got me swingin'....I'm sure Sarge there knows. Though I'm sure there is some kinda rule against it in the field." He shrugs his massive shoulders. "There's always some kinda rule."
01-22-06, 03:05 PM
"Y'got me swingin'....I'm sure Sarge there knows. Though I'm sure there is some kinda rule against it in the field." He shrugs his massive shoulders. "There's always some kinda rule." "Rules bring discipline do," Monique says. "And dat dicipline helps learn control, no?"

"Zo, what brings you here Nick?" Monique asks
01-22-06, 04:03 PM
"Preferably, we should use the codename on the field. They took that rule from the militaries. I'm not too familiar with codename procedure, more with police protocol. But here, there is no problem."

Sergeant stand up and walk next to the bar. "Impressive. They aren't cheap. Look at that" He takes a bottle of Scotch "That a fine scotch. You want something hard? Here, take that." He poor a glass and put a cube of Ice before handing it to Nick.

"I here because they ask me. I suppose it is a nice thing to have none super in a team. After all, as long as the human will be who they are, there will be racism. Expect to see some people turn against you just because you are different."
01-22-06, 07:39 PM
"Rules bring discipline do," Monique says. "And dat dicipline helps learn control, no?"

The big guy looks at the former pop star for a moment before answering. "I guess so...I am used to either making or breaking rules....Followin' 'em will be...well...different."
"Zo, what brings you here Nick?" Monique asks

Nick smiles. For a moment he doesn't look so imposing. "Let's just say, I'll scratch the Resolutes back, and mebbe they will scratch mine."
01-22-06, 07:46 PM
Sergeant stood up and walked next to the bar. "Impressive. These aren't cheap. Look at that" He takes a bottle of Scotch "That a fine scotch. You want something hard? Here, take this." He poors a glass and puts a cube of Ice before handing it to Nick.

Roughneck takes the offered glass and takes a taste. "Huh...I think I prefer the cheap stuff."
Only because I can taste it better he finished in his head.

"I am here because they asked me. I suppose it is a nice thing to have a non-super in a team. After all, as long as humans will be who they are, there will be racism. Expect to see some people turn against you just because you are different."

"Yeah...I guess. Most people can't figure out I have powers at all. So I guess that's a bonus for me. Hell, I didn't know I had any for awhile." he said finishing the drink.
01-23-06, 08:42 PM
Roughneck takes the offered glass and takes a taste. "Huh...I think I prefer the cheap stuff."
Only because I can taste it better he finished in his head.
"Why do you taste cheap stuff better?" Monique asks curiously. Suddently she looks around a little bit nervous and blushes, as if she may have done something wrong. "I'm sorry, did you say dat?"
01-24-06, 02:17 AM
"Why do you taste cheap stuff better?" Monique asks curiously. Suddently she looks around a little bit nervous and blushes, as if she may have done something wrong. "I'm sorry, did you say dat?"

"What the $#@%!" Roughneck exclaimed, momentarily confused. Then it dawned on him; She said she was Psychic dumb-@$$.

"You better not go poking in my head to deep, lady......You might not like what you find." Roughneck told her with a look of intensity.

OOC: He has a +15 intimidate, he isnt actively trying to punk on Psyren, but I figure an intimidate that high he's just plain scary.
01-24-06, 03:37 AM
Monique blushes deeply. "I'm sorry. Like I said, I learning control of my powers better. Sometimes it hard to not use dem. Sometimes id just like listening to someone. I will try better."
01-24-06, 07:12 AM
Monique blushes deeply. "I'm sorry. Like I said, I learning control of my powers better. Sometimes it hard to not use dem. Sometimes id just like listening to someone. I will try better."

Roughneck grumbles a bit but let's the matter drop. After finishing his second Scotch. He speaks again. "So when do you think they will actually start using us? All that I've done so far is sit around and get tested a lot. I've seen more action at 7th grade slumber parties."
01-24-06, 12:58 PM
"Calm down, Roughneck. If she abuse her power, she will have to explain herself in front of the head of the organization. And they have what they need to control a psychic." Patrick takes a sip and add for Psyren "But it's true that mind reading is pretty offensve. You should take care to control that first. We can always repair something your break with your telekinetic power. It is harder to repair trust."
01-25-06, 10:33 AM
Monique nods to Patrick "Dat's why control is my goal. It just as hard on me with things like dat."

"I know some went to help with da earthquake, but dere are other things going on. I think we vill find ourselves needed soon."
01-28-06, 03:31 PM
Monique nods to Patrick "Dat's why control is my goal. It just as hard on me with things like dat."

"I know some went to help with da earthquake, but dere are other things going on. I think we vill find ourselves needed soon."

"Good...I am gettin' antsy! Mebbe they're waitin' fer someone else t'show?"
01-28-06, 03:40 PM
"By experience, we will wait here for some time and trouble will fall on us like snow in a blizzard. It seems trouble like to come by batch. For now, relax a bit, or if you are in so dire need of action, there is those simulator down there. I've look some people doing simulation in it. Pretty much realistic." Patrick finish his glass of water adn stands up. He serves himself a bit of scotch.
01-28-06, 04:46 PM
"Meh, I tried it when I first joined up...I guess I know why I didnt get called for helping with the Quake. My powers aint much good for rescuing people."
01-29-06, 09:18 PM
(still pending final approval)


The door the the Ready Room slides open and a stunningly attractive woman walks in. She is tall and graceful. Straight, black hair is tied back, hanging down past her shoulders. She wears designer jeans and a fitted white sweater, and slung around one shoulder is a black canvas satchel. Her eyes, brimming with warmth and life, take in the room and all its occupants. Pandora could easily pass for a graduate student at one of the country's finer universities.

"Hey everyone," she says with a smile and short wave. "I just signed on. I told the front office that I'd like to use 'Pandora' for my code name, though Jean is fine too."
01-29-06, 10:48 PM
"Hello Jean", says Monique, in a silky voice with a thick french accent, "I am Monique, also known as Psyren."

Psyren was a pop singer (Britney Spears, Christina Agulera, Jessica Simpson level/type, though with more emphasis on her singing than her dancing) from France early in the decade. She looks somewhat similar.
Psyren was a pop singer from france (Did a lot of english singing though) who was popular from the early 2000 till early 2004 when she droped out of sight. Definately looks like this could be her.
Psyren released her own album 4 years later in 2000. Known for good vocals and entertaining dance beats, as well as writing much of her material herself, she was a sensation for a while till early in 2004 when she walked off in the middle of a concert. You'd be suprised if this wan't her by the look.
In addition all this, you remember hearing about a TV appearance she made in the US before she released her first album in '96 at age 16 under her real name, Monique De Lorme.
01-29-06, 11:18 PM
"Hey, I say it and it happens...What's up?...Jean wazzit?" Roughneck asked.
01-31-06, 03:51 AM
"Well, it's nice to meet you both," she says, plopping down on a couch. "I heard they just sent a team out to that quake in LA. Did they say anything about sending any others, or are we just manning the station on stand-by?"
01-31-06, 01:23 PM
"Well, it's nice to meet you both," she says, plopping down on a couch. "I heard they just sent a team out to that quake in LA. Did they say anything about sending any others, or are we just manning the station on stand-by?"

Roughneck rubbed his chin checking for stubble. "So far nada for action. I heard somewhere we all were classified as second-raters. I aim to prove 'em wrong. But I need something to do!"
01-31-06, 01:40 PM
Sergeant is a bit surprise at Roughneck statement. "Second rater? Where did you heard that? There is nothing like that. And they need people here too. You won't send everyone on the first fire that appear, what would happen if another start?"

Patrick then nods at Pandora. "Hi. I'm Patrick O'connor."
01-31-06, 01:43 PM
"I think dat dey are happy to have anyone villing to help, Patrick would not be here, no?" Janette says. "I am sure we vill be worked ven dey have work for us."
02-01-06, 12:05 AM
"So, have any of you been out on any assignment yet?" Jeanine says. "I'm curious as to how things are supposed to run. Is there a team leader? A UN rep? Do we need to log a certain number of training hours? The folks in the front office seemed to be a bit...disorganized."
02-01-06, 12:32 AM
"Give them a time. It is there first days too. The first assignment, we miss it, and we are waiting to go on the second assignment, if we are selected for it." replies Patrick to Pandora
02-02-06, 06:20 PM
The Ready Lounge's intercom chimes.

"Pandora, please report to the tech lab," a smooth voice says.

Jeanine shares a slightly embarrassed smile. "Wow, that was quick," she says. "I guess they're ready to fit me for my body armor. Hopefully it won't take long. I'm eager to get to know my future teammates better."

She slings her satchel back over her shoulder and heads out in search of the tech lab.
02-03-06, 04:49 AM
"I heard nothing of body armor," Janette says. "Is dat new?"
02-03-06, 12:50 PM
"There is no standard body armor... I think it is the tech who are doing some research. Pandora must have volonteer to test it or something like that. Personally, I have my ballistic vest. Kevlar is enough. I suppose those kind of armor are bulky and not confortable." replies Patrick before taking a sip of Scotch.
02-04-06, 02:32 PM
"No one offered me body armor either....I wonder why...." Roughneck said sarcastically.
02-07-06, 12:49 PM
The intercom blares to life again. "Psyren, please report to the public relations office."

Monique looks at a clock and gasps "Oh, I forgot about that. I promised to speak to some of de UN ambasidors about de Task Force. Please excuse."

Psyren heads out the door quickly.
02-07-06, 01:11 PM
The intercom blares to life again. "Psyren, please report to the public relations office."

Monique looks at a clock and gasps "Oh, I forgot about that. I promised to speak to some of de UN ambasidors about de Task Force. Please excuse."

Psyren heads out the door quickly.

"Later..." Roughneck says as she bolts out the door.

"Nice girl once you get past the mindraping..." he said to the others sarcastically.
02-07-06, 01:39 PM
A figure walks into the 'anouncement chamber'. He has short brownish black hair over his body, except for parts of his face, hands, and feet that are hairless, where they show his brownish skin. He is wearing navy blue spandex pants that stop just below his calves and have a hole for his tail, and a navy blue spandex mid-sleeve top. He has a black belt where he carries any gear he has with him, including his 2 pistols. The holsters for the pistols are oddly designed, and look to allow for a unique grab.

"Gun Monkey," he announces in a gruff voice, and the doors open. He steps in and looks around, seeing that there has been some turnover in the room. "I take it they already sent the others out to the earthquake? Seemed a bit too conenient that they called me to the training room."

He pulls up a bar stool to one of the couches, where he has a seat. His tail picks up one of the coasters and begins juggling it absentmindedly.
02-11-06, 12:57 AM
"Body and Spirit" a voice rings out over the intercom.

As the doors glide open, an man of average height and weight enters. He has long brown hair that is greying and he sports a small goatee, also greying. He is wearing a stylish white long coat and white gloves with a black suit underneath.

"Greatings, I am Dr. Konrad Tobin, a medical doctor by profession." He surveys the room and nods to Nick, Patrick, and Gun Monkey. Now thats something you don't see everyday. he thinks to himself as his eyes fall on the monkey.

Not yet approved
02-11-06, 05:15 AM
"Body and Spirit" a voice rings out over the intercom.

As the doors glide open, an man of average height and weight enters. He has long brown hair that is greying and he sports a small goatee, also greying. He is wearing a stylish white long coat and white gloves with a black suit underneath.

"Greatings, I am Dr. Konrad Tobin, a medical doctor by profession."

Great we lose the babes and get a chimp and a chump instead. Roughneck thought to himself as he looked for something spicey to eat.
02-11-06, 05:59 AM
"Greatings, I am Dr. Konrad Tobin, a medical doctor by profession." He surveys the room and nods to Nick, Patrick, and Gun Monkey. Now thats something you don't see everyday. he thinks to himself as his eyes fall on the monkey.
"What? The other twenty they brought in weren't enough?" Gun Monkey quips acerbicly. "I thought you guys weren't supposed to bother us in here anyway?"
02-13-06, 10:20 PM
"What? The other twenty they brought in weren't enough?" Gun Monkey quips acerbicly. "I thought you guys weren't supposed to bother us in here anyway?"

"Ah I am afraid you miss understand me. While I am indeed a medical professional I stand apart from my colleagues here who may have done some testing on you in the past. I find myself more among my peers here as I too am a Resolute. My abilities do lie within the physical realm, however, having some control over the strength and power of most people's physical bodies. In addition my brother's abilities reach into the supernatural." replies Dr. Tobin.
02-13-06, 10:38 PM
"Ah I am afraid you miss understand me. While I am indeed a medical professional I stand apart from my colleagues here who may have done some testing on you in the past. I find myself more among my peers here as I too am a Resolute. My abilities do lie within the physical realm, however, having some control over the strength and power of most people's physical bodies. In addition my brother's abilities reach into the supernatural." replies Dr. Tobin.
"Well, that's a relief, I guess." Gun Monkey says, a bit weary. "Your brother? He around somewhere too? This isn't one of those twin things like that TV show with the purple suits?"
02-14-06, 05:38 AM
"No, we are no purple-suited twins. My brother is here after a fashion." Konrad replies.
02-14-06, 06:58 AM
"No, we are no purple-suited twins. My brother is here after a fashion." Konrad replies.

"What was your code name again?" Roughneck asked catching on.
02-14-06, 03:13 PM
"No, we are no purple-suited twins. My brother is here after a fashion." Konrad replies.
"Good, because they were just plain silly. I was hoping that wasn't a documentry of some kind." Gun Monkey says.
02-14-06, 03:20 PM
"What was your code name again?" Roughneck asked catching on.

"Body and Soul" replies Patrick "How did you get that name? Look more like two names. AM I wrong to tell you re body and your brother is soul?"
02-15-06, 01:17 AM
"Yes Body and Spirit, indeed. And you are correct after a fashion, my brother is always with me in spirit. Though the term also comes from the healing effect my abilities can grant to others. On another note, I don't believe that I have gotten everyone's names?" replies Konrad.
02-15-06, 02:39 AM
""Roughneck..." Nick replied curtly. He wasn't sure he liked the idea of a ghost hanging around unseen.
02-15-06, 01:52 PM
"My name is Patrick O'connor... I start to think I'll recover my police badge. It will prevent me to repeat myself for eveyone is coming in. I think we'll meet a lot of new people here for the next few days."
02-16-06, 12:38 AM
"Too true, Mr. O'Connor, name tags or some other form of readily visible identification would be handy in situations such as these. There must be files on each of us and I would assume that we will need some form of security badges and/or biometrics to access the various rooms in the Head Quarters. As a fresh recruit, I am a little out of the loop on such things." replies Konrad, having shaken any proffered hands.
02-16-06, 08:00 AM
"Gun Monkey." He says as he catches the coasters and sets them back down.
02-16-06, 01:53 PM
"I think the head is a bit out of the loop too. This organization is just as new as us, but I am sure they will take care of all that soon." Patrick take another sip of his scotch.
03-09-06, 04:07 AM
"Doesn't seem like there's a lot of us," Gun Monkey says, ending the long silence. "I wonder if the're expecting more."
03-09-06, 05:02 AM
"As Patrick indicated, this organization is a little disorganized in its infancy. Perhaps there are others who have not found their way to this chamber yet. Certainly our superiors have neglected to send us out on what I would assume are urgent missions waiting in the wings." answers Konrad.
03-09-06, 10:26 AM
"Well I hope they get thier act together soon. Seems like I been in here for days...weeks even"
03-09-06, 02:15 PM
"They didn't forgot. It's just like in the police. If you have a priority call, you won't send all your units on it, you'll keep a minimum behind to handle anything that could happen. Sometimes, it is calm and you could have finally let some other units go on the call, other time, you just have too much things to handle. I would say we are in a calm time... and I thinks it better like that."
03-09-06, 07:50 PM
William Todd walks down the hallway, accompanied by a guard... "Really sir, I don't need to be accompanied. Jeez, you insult the heritage of one doctor, and noone trusts you..." He trails off with similar banter in a not even nearly serious tone...
The guard sighs with relief as the pair reach the announcement chamber. "This is the door to the Ready Room. Introduce yourself by name or code name, and you will be let in. Welcome to the Resolutes." The man walks off, visibly relieved.

Inside the Ready Room
"William Todd... aw, whatever... Toad!" announce the speakers, before the doors slide open and a man in his early twenties walks in. He is short and stocky, with thinning brown hair, slightly bulging eyes and a wide, perpetually grinning mouth.
"Gentlemen! But no ladies... Well, you lot will do nicely. I'm William Todd, at your service. Also known as Toad in certain circuits," he announces, before plopping down in a couch.
A London-based vigilante calling himself the Toad was found guilty of a long list of crimes (assault, breaking and entering, the usual vigilante stuff) and sentenced to supervision by the Resolutes a few weeks ago.
Known "victims" of the Toad include the Giant Fly (minor supervillain with fly-based powers), the Red Shivs (gang) and Jean Williams-Smythe (lawyer for the London mafia). The latter is the one who actually pressed charges against Toad.

OOC: Pending approval. Also hoping the judges don't bite my head off for running amuck with London's justice system and criminal life.
03-10-06, 07:11 PM

The door quietly hisses open and Pandora steps back into the room. Where before she was just wearing jeans and a sweater, she's now decked out in a black costume with red trim. It clearly has protective components built into the chest, arms, and legs, but looks flexible and reasonably comfortable. A black bag is discretely hanging from her belt on the hip, almost concealed by the long cape draped over her shoulders. The finishing touch to the costume is a domino mask covering her eyes.

"Well, what do you think of the armor?" she says, giving an obligatory twirl. "They're trying out some new bullet-proof materials. I guess it's lighter and more comfortable than normal body armor. I've never tried anything else before, but I'd have to say it's feels better than I'd expected.

"The folks down in the tech lab also mentioned something about a team uniform or logo that's under consideration. They hadn't settled on anything yet, though, so this is probably just a place holder."
03-10-06, 08:12 PM
"Marketing. After that they will seel action figurine. I just hope we won't finish with a yellow spendex suit."
03-10-06, 08:22 PM
As Pandora enters in her costume, William raises an eyebrow and looks at his own casual trousers and shirt. Was I supposed to get a costume? Naah, this will do... "Stylish. Whoever went for flexible rather than bulky and stiff gets my vote when the new world order comes."
03-10-06, 09:42 PM
"Marketing. After that they will seel action figurine. I just hope we won't finish with a yellow spendex suit."

"I'd like to see 'em try to get my @$$ in yellow spandex...."
03-10-06, 10:09 PM
"Greetings Pandora and Mr. Todd, I am Dr. Konrad Tobin" says the man with long hair in a long white jacket. He stands as the two enter, offering them every courtesy.
03-10-06, 11:11 PM
William briefly considers shaking the doctor's hand with his tongue, but instead extends his own hand to the man in white. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tobin.
03-10-06, 11:43 PM
"William Todd, that name tell me something... oh yeah, I remember..." says Patrick and without insisting, turns his attention to Pandora. "Seems more flexible than the usual kevlar vest they give us in the police. You'll tell me how it is. I might request one for me too. I'll have to handle supers and a little extra protection havn't hurt anyone."

Know(Current Event): 12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=384678)
03-11-06, 03:25 AM
Gun Monkey's eyes bulge out a bit at the entrance of Toad. He turns to him and asks, "What number were you?"
03-11-06, 12:16 PM
William just grins when Patrick alludes to knowing about his past. Then Gun Monkey speaks up.
"What number were you?"
For once, William is totally nonplussed. "Number?? I'm a free man... Umm, I mean, I'm my parents' first child if that's what you're asking..." Come on, William. You've fought the Giant Fly, being interrogated by an armed monkey shouldn't be that hard. "So, what's up with these numbers?"
03-11-06, 12:20 PM
Patrick look at Toad and shrug before taking a sip of Scotch in his glass.
03-11-06, 01:23 PM
"Greetings Pandora and Mr. Todd, I am Dr. Konrad Tobin" says the man with long hair in a long white jacket. He stands as the two enter, offering them every courtesy.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Tobin," Pandora says, shaking his hand.

"Well, comfortable as this uniform may be relative to normal body armor, it's not exactly lounge wear. Excuse me for a moment while I get changed."

Pandora reaches back and under her cape, detaching the pouch hanging from her belt. She opens the bag, and it keeps opening far wider than anything that small should be able to. Space seems to be bending around its edges. When it's just large enough, Pandora steps through into its dark interior. Her hands reappear on the edges of the bag and pull it inward. In a headache inducing act reminiscent of an M.C. Escher painting, dimensional space violates a few commonly held laws and the bag folds itself out of existence.
03-12-06, 01:02 AM
"Nice to meet you, Dr. Tobin," Pandora says, shaking his hand.

"Well, comfortable as this uniform may be relative to normal body armor, it's not exactly lounge wear. Excuse me for a moment while I get changed."

Pandora reaches back and under her cape, detaching the pouch hanging from her belt. She opens the bag, and it keeps opening far wider than anything that small should be able to. Space seems to be bending around its edges. When it's just large enough, Pandora steps through into its dark interior. Her hands reappear on the edges of the bag and pull it inward. In a headache inducing act reminiscent of an M.C. Escher painting, dimensional space violates a few commonly held laws and the bag folds itself out of existence.

Roughneck goes slack-jawed for the space of 3 breaths, then he shook himself not unlike a dog does after a bath. "What the f--- was that?"
03-12-06, 04:16 AM
"I am afraid that I cannot answer your question Roughneck, this defies any scientific theories that I have read about." replies Konrad, similarly baffled.
03-12-06, 06:05 AM
William just grins when Patrick alludes to knowing about his past. Then Gun Monkey speaks up.

For once, William is totally nonplussed. "Number?? I'm a free man... Umm, I mean, I'm my parents' first child if that's what you're asking..." Come on, William. You've fought the Giant Fly, being interrogated by an armed monkey shouldn't be that hard. "So, what's up with these numbers?"
Gun Monkey sighs disapointed. "Oh, nevermind.""Nice to meet you, Dr. Tobin," Pandora says, shaking his hand.

"Well, comfortable as this uniform may be relative to normal body armor, it's not exactly lounge wear. Excuse me for a moment while I get changed."

Pandora reaches back and under her cape, detaching the pouch hanging from her belt. She opens the bag, and it keeps opening far wider than anything that small should be able to. Space seems to be bending around its edges. When it's just large enough, Pandora steps through into its dark interior. Her hands reappear on the edges of the bag and pull it inward. In a headache inducing act reminiscent of an M.C. Escher painting, dimensional space violates a few commonly held laws and the bag folds itself out of existence.
Gun Monkey looks over and shrugs, "A dimentional inversion device? I thought those were just a theory? I'll have to ask her about how she does it when she gets back."
03-12-06, 12:01 PM
Patrick look at Toad and shrug before taking a sip of Scotch in his glass.
William grins. "Alright, I admit. Everything you've heard is more or less true. I kicked the butts of some thugs, a giant sized fly-man, a lawyer..." He trails off as Pandora steps inside her box and it closes into nothing.

Straight out of my old Amazing Eight comics... "Alright, I'm impressed..."
03-12-06, 02:04 PM
William grins. "Alright, I admit. Everything you've heard is more or less true. I kicked the butts of some thugs, a giant sized fly-man, a lawyer..." He trails off as Pandora steps inside her box and it closes into nothing.

Straight out of my old Amazing Eight comics... "Alright, I'm impressed..."

"A lawyer???? Now I'm impressed!"
03-12-06, 05:18 PM
"A lawyer???? Now I'm impressed!"
"Naah, he was a wimp. Are your american lawyers tougher?"

He waits just long enough for that to sink in...

"Oh, and he worked for the mafia. Got a bunch of thugs free on techicalities. Finally I kind of snapped and kicked him into next week. That's how I wound up here, basically."
03-12-06, 06:23 PM
"Naah, he was a wimp. Are your american lawyers tougher?"

Roughneck shrugged his boulder-like shoulders "Heh...Dunno, just most people don't have the Brass to smack around a lawyer...Though lots of 'em deserve it. Now me??? I don't discriminate, I'm an equal opportunity @$$-kicker!" He stopped and took a sip of his drink while Toadie told the rest of his story.
03-12-06, 09:06 PM
"That's what marvelous with our judiciary system. If you have a lot of money, you can win... That's partly why I have stayed in the police that long, because I won'T stop before I am sure I can convince three time a judge that a criminal have done the acts I've been investigating on. I've always hated to see a criminal leaving with no condamnation for technicalities."
03-12-06, 09:49 PM
"Well, I suppose that works too. Though I had the pleasure of seeing the faces of those leering criminals as the judge told me I'd be supervised by the Resolutes. You'd think they had expected me to go to jail or something." He chuckles as his mind goes back to that moment...

"But I keep going on about myself. What about you guys? Doesn't happen much around here, does it?"
03-13-06, 07:53 AM
"We're the ones they didn't want dealing with the earthquake," Gun Monkey says, as he again picks up several coasters and begins juggling them with his tail, "Or at least that's the impression I get."

"Supervision? Are you sure you don't have a number?"
03-13-06, 04:59 PM
"I have only just arrived here today, was a team sent to the disaster zone already? It would seem that our possible range of missions is much greater than I had expected. The history of 'super heroes' in popular culture always pitted them against super villains and I had assumed a large portion of our duties would entail the foiling of said super villains. I am hearted to think that we may have the more humanitarian missions as well." replies Konrad. It sounds like he is a little naive about what the Resolutes really do in the world.
03-13-06, 06:23 PM
"Well, if I have a number, they didn't tell me." William gets a bottle of water as Konrad starts.
"Specialisation, Konrad. Look around you. Three brutes, a doctor, a cop and that multi-dimensional girl. While the others are probably more useful in the earthquake, we'll probably get to beat something up... I hope." He grins and takes a sip of water. Plus the fact that we're a PR nightmare. I'd pay to see Gun Monkey get in the face of some poor reporter.
03-14-06, 11:00 PM
About four feet up in the air, in the exact spot where Pandora disappeared into her belt pouch, space again distorts in a very disobedient manner. Pandora's fingers can be seen pulling open what appears to be a blue and grey demin backpack. She steps out of the interior, through an opening that was clearly too small to allow such a feat, and then closes the bag behind her. Her body armor is gone, replaced with her designer jeans and white sweater.

"Much better," she says, tossing her backpack into an empty recliner while en route to the kitchen.

"So it looks like we picked up enough people to field another team," she says from the kitchen where she is busy slicing something. "Wonder what they'll have for us."

She returns a minute later with a bottle of water and a plate of sliced mango covered in chili powder. "I'm impressed with how well stocked they keep the kitchen. Mango, anyone?"
03-15-06, 12:32 AM
"With chili?" Patrick looks a bit sceptical. He takes one and taste it. "Not bad... but I prefer nature mango, or with chocolat." He then take a sip of his scotch to kill the chili taste.
03-15-06, 01:12 AM
Nick takes a slice of offered mango. He popped the offending fruit into his mouth and started chewing, not unlike how a cow chews its cud. "Huh? Not bad...Needs more Chili Powder though." he reached for another.
03-15-06, 07:27 AM
William grabs a slice off the plate and munches on it, eyes widening slightly. "Not... bad." He moves out of Pandoras immediate sight and gulps down half of his water bottle.
03-15-06, 10:30 AM
OOC: LOL This whole chili mango thing played into RH's complications very nicely.
03-15-06, 01:53 PM
"Yeah, the chili powder thing is something I'd never have thought of on my own," Pandora says. "I first tried it at a stall at the Cinco de Mayo festival in San Jose when I was visiting some friends. The flavor seems to mellow and blend well with the fruit."

Pandora plops down in the chair that she'd tossed her backpack on. She digs through the bag and pulls out a "Time" magazine. She seems to split her attention equally between the mango, the magazine, and the conversation in the room.
03-15-06, 10:25 PM
Konrad takes a piece of the fruit, eyeing the addition of chili powder. Gingerly taking a bit, he reascesses his hesitation enjoying the unique combination of flavours. nodding approvingly he says, "That is very good, thank you. That is an intriguing talent you have there, warping space and all. Might I inquire how you do that?"
03-16-06, 02:11 AM
Konrad takes a piece of the fruit, eyeing the addition of chili powder. Gingerly taking a bit, he reascesses his hesitation enjoying the unique combination of flavours. nodding approvingly he says, "That is very good, thank you. That is an intriguing talent you have there, warping space and all. Might I inquire how you do that?"

"Warping space?" she says. "Uh, hmmm...well, I guess I hadn't really thought about it that way. Honestly, it's just a bag, or box, or jar, with some strange properties. One of which is the ability to hold things, even people. The inside isn't too big, though. It'd be hard to hold a party in there."
03-16-06, 04:47 AM
"So you haven't developed a dementional inversion device?" Gun Monkey asks, disapointed.

He hops off his stool and walks over, picking up a mango slice and eating it. "I thought fruit was supposed to be searved after it started browning? Much better this way."
03-16-06, 09:33 AM
Nick took some more mango, he added more chili powder, enough to make a visible pile on his slices. He preceded to much away. He then looks up in mid-chew when he notices anyone watching him. "I...uh...like spicey food." he said shrugging.

he isnt lying but he isnt saying the whole truth
03-16-06, 09:21 PM
"Warping space was just a guess. We really had no idea how you managed to step into your pouch. I am certain that learning the nature of each of your abilities and or anatomy will be a joy in itself." Konrad replies. He glances at Gun Monkey, curious about the development of his brain and how the evolution of the homosapien following the asteroid has apparently crossed species.
03-17-06, 05:01 AM
"It certaintly would be in interesting trick to master with technology. The applications would be fantastic."

Gun Monkey grabs a notepad and starts jotting down notes and scetches, and is quickly lost, filling up a few sheets of paper before he sighs. "I'll have to work on that later." He puts the notepad in an envelope, jots something down on it, and tosses it accross the room and into a mail slot.
03-17-06, 05:19 PM
"Warping space was just a guess. We really had no idea how you managed to step into your pouch. I am certain that learning the nature of each of your abilities and or anatomy will be a joy in itself." Konrad replies.

"It's one of those things, you know, where if you understand it too well it might stop working," Pandora says. "At least, that's the approach I'm taking. I'm learning what sorts of things I can pull out of the bag, just not how it happens."
03-18-06, 05:25 AM
"So, what can you pull out of your bag?" Gun monkey asks. Meanwhile, he has begun to juggle several utensiles with his feat as he nibbles on a mango.
03-18-06, 12:55 PM
"So, what can you pull out of your bag?" Gun monkey asks. Meanwhile, he has begun to juggle several utensiles with his feat as he nibbles on a mango.

"Well, quite a few things, actually," Pandora says. "I can't really pull live things out of it, but pretty much any simple object I can come up with - furniture, skis, clothes, tools. I can even pull weather out...which is kinda weird."
03-18-06, 01:49 PM
"Well, quite a few things, actually," Pandora says. "I can't really pull live things out of it, but pretty much any simple object I can come up with - furniture, skis, clothes, tools. I can even pull weather out...which is kinda weird."

Nick almost chocked on his food upon hearing that. I sure am running with a strange crowd these days. He though shaking his head.
"So I guess you are the envy of most women. Carrying a Gucci bag ya can pack EVERYTHING into."
03-18-06, 04:46 PM
Nick almost chocked on his food upon hearing that. I sure am running with a strange crowd these days. He though shaking his head.
"So I guess you are the envy of most women. Carrying a Gucci bag ya can pack EVERYTHING into."

Pandora merely gives Nick a playfully smug wink.
03-19-06, 04:39 AM
"Well, quite a few things, actually," Pandora says. "I can't really pull live things out of it, but pretty much any simple object I can come up with - furniture, skis, clothes, tools. I can even pull weather out...which is kinda weird."
"Definately interesting," Gun Monkey says, as he tosses the silverware back into a neat pile on the table.
Nick almost chocked on his food upon hearing that. I sure am running with a strange crowd these days. He though shaking his head.
"So I guess you are the envy of most women. Carrying a Gucci bag ya can pack EVERYTHING into."
"Actualy, that is a good question. Can you actualy carry things in it? or just pull stuff out?"
03-19-06, 02:00 PM
"Actualy, that is a good question. Can you actualy carry things in it? or just pull stuff out?"

"Both," Pandora says. "It has a pretty remarkable capacity for holding things, but I can also pull a seemingly limitless amount of 'stuff' out that I never put in there. If I think it, I can retrieve it. There are limits, though. Really complex stuff doesn't seem to work so well...like computers or most other electronics gadgets. I'm not sure if it's limited by my understanding of the components of the item I want, of if it simply can't supply those sorts of things."
03-19-06, 03:43 PM
"Impressive. If I would have said that in my first years in the police, I would be an asylum now..." Patrick take another sip of his Scotch. "That would also explain why you havn't taken your suit from your box."
03-29-06, 10:39 PM
“Pandora, please return to the tech lab,” the voice from the intercom says. “And please bring your body armor.”

“Great,” Pandora says, rising from her seat. “I wonder what the problem is now? Probably found out that the material is carcinogenic or something.”

She drops off the empty mango plate in the kitchen and rinses the sticky juice from her fingers. On the way to the door, she grabs her bag and slings it over a shoulder.

“Back in a jiff, I hope.” She waves goodbye and heads off to the tech lab.
03-30-06, 01:06 AM
Gun Monkey looks around the room, "What's that bottom bar saying on all the TVs?"

Indeed, there is a message calling for all Resolute members who have not already had a fitting to report to provisions for their new uniforms.

"Well, at least it's not another test," he says as he walks out of the ready lounge.

OOC: Check the uniform thread, and it will soon be moved to the approved content thread, for the new uniform description.
03-30-06, 11:14 AM
"A uniform? Well, as long as it's something sane, I guess I can deal," Toad says as he follows in the footsteps of Gun Monkey.
03-30-06, 09:14 PM
"Costumes eh? I suppose we must dress the part if we are to play superheroes." Konrad heads off to the fitting room too.


In the fitting room Konrad comments on the uniforms, "The designs are most appropriate delivering a simple, yet stylish look to our organization. Our own choice of colour combinations is a most affable consideration, thank you. I would prefer the center a light gray colour and both sides a white or pale blue. Though I think that I will keep my jacket, might I have an extra patch to place on my breast pocket?"
03-31-06, 02:02 AM
"Waitaminute! Nobody said nuthin 'bout no monkey suit!" Nick said crossing massive arms in defiance.
03-31-06, 04:29 AM
Gun Monkey returns, the only change in his suit being a slightly different color blue stripe down the middle of his uniform, and the Resolutes patch. "Gun Monkey."

He enters and finds a seat. "Not bad, they already had mine fitted, since they made the first one."
03-31-06, 09:24 AM
Gun Monkey returns, the only change in his suit being a slightly different color blue stripe down the middle of his uniform, and the Resolutes patch. "Gun Monkey."

He enters and finds a seat. "Not bad, they already had mine fitted, since they made the first one."

"Like I said MONKEY SUIT..." Roughhouse took a seat while shaking his head. "I dont think they could pay me to put on that Ballet outfit!"
03-31-06, 04:32 PM
In the fitting room
"Green spandex? Green spandex? GREEN SPANDEX!!?? the voice of Toad resound from inside the dressing room.
"Actually, it's an advanced fiber that will... Oh, wait, it's spandex. With your resilience and relatively benign powers, it was deemed unnecessary to supply a reinforced version," a tech replies from outside.
"Hmph! At least it fits well." Toad stalks out of the room and wordlessly walks past the tech, off to the Ready Lounge.

The doors slide open and Toad walks in. He is wearing the official body stocking of the Resolutes, colored dark green with a stripe of brighter green down the middle, without gloves. The Resolutes emblem is fastened above the left breast.
"Not... a... word..." he grumbles before plopping down in a couch again.

OOC: Avatar changed
03-31-06, 07:33 PM
"Body and Spirit" the voice says as the doors open again.

"Glad they let me keep my jacket, conformity has its uses but I am not a big fan of wandering around in pijamas in public." says Konrad, agreeing with Roughneck's comments even without hearing them.
03-31-06, 07:47 PM
"I think it's my turn... and I left my job for that. How would I look serious in these. I mean it's good for someone whose body is burning 24h to have a fire proof suit. Well, uniform is uniform." says Patrick before leaving.
04-01-06, 03:22 AM
"Like I said MONKEY SUIT..." Roughhouse took a seat while shaking his head. "I dont think they could pay me to put on that Ballet outfit!"
Gun Monkey glares at Roughneck, "You can pick the colors you know. At least the others were. I think they mentioned a topless one for you."
04-01-06, 01:24 PM
"Oh yeah?" Roughneck said taking Monkey seriously. "Then I guess it wouldnt be any worse than that stint I did in the WWF." With a sigh of resignation Nick leaves for his fitting.
04-08-06, 06:33 PM
Gun Monkey grabs some darts and starts throwing them in neat little designs on the board absentmindedly with every limb.
04-08-06, 07:49 PM
A red light begins to flash above the monitors in the room. All of the TV monitors display the same image. The volume of all the monitors turns up until the audio is loud enough for Roughneck to hear in the fitting room.

“This is Robert Wallace, high in the sky in the Channel Four Action News Copter!””
“We’re broadcasting live from above the Walt Whitman Bridge in Philadelphia, and I’m telling you it ’s a madhouse down there! Take it from me folks, it’s going to be more than the usual rush hour slow down today! ”

“There ’s a swarm of … what look like bugs, big metal bugs, crawling up out of the Delaware River. Each one is as big as a car. They climbed right up the bridge tower,and now they ’re spread out across the road,right in the middle of traffic. All lanes have screeched to a halt, and there are collisions and fender-benders everywhere!”

Sorry folks >bbrrzzz< we ’re getting a lot of brrzzz< (FFred! can’t you clean up that signal?) ) There’s some kind of interference… brrzzzzzzzz< ”

The clip is continually replayed. The chopper is unable to send a visual feed so there is a stock photo of the WW bridge (see attached photo). It is apparently the only clip of the situation as new info is not appearing.

An announcement comes over the intercom system: All available Resolutes report to the breifing room!

OOC: This is a short adventure that is meant for a single nights play. It is open to anyone and will be a chance for characters to play their characters and see how they will do before a longer adventure presents itself. Velmont will judge. As a warning I've never GM'ed mutants and masterminds before so this will be a chance for me to get some experience with a pretty straightforward adventure. This adventure is based on the published adventure: Dr. Null:Battle of the Bay Bridge. If you've played that it is still probably alright to participate in this one although you will be expected to play your character without the benefit of any knowledge you might have. I'm hoping to have a post rate of at least once per day. PS let me know if this is not the place to have this first post.
04-08-06, 08:21 PM
An announcement comes over the intercom system: All available Resolutes report to the breifing room!

Nick looked to the attractive seamstress who he had been talking to during his fitting. He was about to ask the announcement blaired over the intercom.

"See alls I hadta do was leave the room and start enjoyin' myself!" Nick stepped out into the hallway in his new outfit. Gun Monkey must have been mistaken about the shirtless thing because he was dressed in full "standard" uniform. Nick made a quick look around as he rounded a corner. Seeing that he wasnt being watched he quickly made some alterations of his own. He tore the sleeves off his uniform with little effort and then proceeded to dispose of them in a nearby broom closet. He then proceeded to the Briefing Room whistling non-chalantly.
04-09-06, 12:22 AM
"Bugs? Now that brings back memories... Well, I'll see you in the briefing room."

Toad gets up from the couch and steps off to the briefing room.

OOC: Quick heads up - my posting may be erratic during the easter holiday. Will pick up with a venegance once it's over.
04-09-06, 03:11 AM
Gun Monkey looks around expectantly for an announcement to call him somewhere else. When it doesn't come, he wanders into the briefing room, finishing up the X on the dart board with his final dart as he leaves the ready room.

He finds a seat in the briefing room and sits down, curling his tail around the back of the chair.

OOC: Salix, start a new thread for the adventure, and you should probably cap how many people you want (Though that shouldn't be a problem).
04-09-06, 04:01 AM
What Bront wants Bront gets. I have created a new adventure thread with the first post heavily (completely?) stolen from Bront's Quake Your Booty. It looks like we are waiting for two more (realistically). I'm looking forward to it. The new thread is here : http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=173838
04-29-06, 03:20 PM
Monique steps up to the door, in an odd 'uniform'. Wearing a tight yellow top with a blue stripe, and a short mini-skirt with a dangerous slit down the side and blue high heals, she steps up to the door, not looking particularly pleased. "Psyren" she says, in her silky accented voice.

As she strides in, hips swaying with with each step, and heads straight for a mirror. "This iz vat passes for uniform here? It be more use for night on town, no?" she says to anyone, and yet no one in particular, as she looks at herself in the mirror, ooking graceful yet increasingly awkward in the incredably high heals. "At least it better than Bikini I tried before," she says, while making minor adjustments.

Oddly enough, Psyren has just finished a news confrence and publicity photoshoot for the Resolutes. It's entirely possable, if not likely, that at least someone saw that news confrence, or perhaps some of the posters or comertials that are likely to come out.
El Jefe
05-01-06, 04:53 AM

The door slid open to reveal a man wearing a brown and khaki Resolutes uniform, with a khaki-colored mask stretching from his neck to his hairline. A slit revealed deep blue eyes, with sandy hair poking through the top. There was no telling how old he was, but he had an air about him that advertised that he'd been around the block a time or two. A leather equipment belt completed his ensemble; judging from the shapes of the pouches that were clipped to it, at least one of them held a gun. There was no telling what the rest of them held; a curious-looking one on the opposite hip looked to be just the right size and shape for a stack of pancakes.

The newcomer stepped into the lounge, spying Sergeant and Psyren, and thinking the room far too large for just the three of them. "Hello, there", he greeted as he approached Psyren, who was more than a bit closer to him than Sergeant. "I guess I'll be going by 'Avatar' while I work with the resolutes. I didn't realize my co-workers would be so charming, Miss...?", he asked as he extended a hand in greeting, palm up so that she could place her hand in his.
05-01-06, 05:21 AM
"Monique, though I guess I go by Psyren when here," she says, putting her hand in his. At this point, one of her heals catches, and she lurches a bit, before lightly setting back down on the ground... was she just floating?
Psyren was a pop singer (Britney Spears, Christina Agulera, Jessica Simpson level/type, though with more emphasis on her singing than her dancing) from France early in the decade. She looks somewhat similar.
Psyren was a pop singer from france (Did a lot of english singing though) who was popular from the early 2000 till early 2004 when she droped out of sight. Definately looks like this could be her.
Psyren released her own album 4 years later in 2000. Known for good vocals and entertaining dance beats, as well as writing much of her material herself, she was a sensation for a while till early in 2004 when she walked off in the middle of a concert. You'd be suprised if this wan't her by the look.
In addition all this, you remember hearing about a TV appearance she made in the US before she released her first album in '96 at age 16 under her real name, Monique De Lorme.
She sighs in frustrating, her accent getting a bit thicker, "How I supposed to be hero in this outfit? Iz this being joke I don't understand?"

She take a breath and smiles at Avatar again, "I'm sorry. It iz nice to meet you Avatar. Welcome to de Rezolutes."
El Jefe
05-01-06, 12:32 PM
"Enchantez, Mademoiselle Monique", came Avatar's reply. The woman looked very familiar...she was a dead ringer for a pop star whose music he'd heard (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=434924) around campus in the last few years. He wondered if she'd care for his taste in music...Charlie Parker was a bit of a stretch for someone just a few notches up the ladder in sophistication from Brittney Spears. No matter. She was cute, she was here, and she could obviously do something besides sing, or she wouldn't be part of the Resolutes. After all, they wouldn't have dragged him here and stuffed him in this body stocking if all they needed was a historian.She sighs in frustrating, her accent getting a bit thicker, "How I supposed to be hero in this outfit? Iz this being joke I don't understand?"He met the woman's gaze. "Being a hero is something that comes from inside you. I'm sure you'll manage no matter how you're dressed", came Avatar's confident reply."Welcome to de Rezolutes."He nodded and released her hand. "The pleasure is all mine." Glancing at Sergeant, he continued, "So, who's our friend over there? I don't believe we've met."
05-01-06, 05:02 PM
He met the woman's gaze. "Being a hero is something that comes from inside you. I'm sure you'll manage no matter how you're dressed", came Avatar's confident reply.
"You wear heels and see how well a hero you be, no?" Psyren says. "Or is dis American way?"

Psyren's comm unit beeps to life, and she picks it up to listen. "Yes?.....In locker?....I hear..."

She puts it back on her belt, and slips off her heals, "Pardon" she says as she heads to the locker rooms attached the the lounge. The heals ball themselves up and fly into a trash bin as she enters the woman's locker room.

A short time later, she emerges, this time her top is a bit more stylized, and she has on skin tight pants and a pair of boots. "This be much better, no? I don't know why they not let me do photo shoot in this. I guess I see when callenders and posters come out."

She approaches Avatar and says "Appologies, I am rude. Please come," she says, leading him back over to one of the couches, by where Seargant is sitting. "Dis is Seargant. He was Police, no?" she says, looking at Seargant for confirmation.
El Jefe
05-01-06, 06:01 PM
"Or is dis American way?"The girl's communicator (Avatar couldn't help but think of such things in terms of Star Trek) started beeping before he had a chance to reply...which was a fortunate thing, he thought, since it was hard to flirt with someone who was so distracted.

The pretty singer stormed off, leaving Avatar rather awkwardly in the middle of his introductions. He glanced at Sergeant, who seemed to be paying little attention to him, and decided to pour himself a drink.

Ah, alcohol. Avatar had to be careful with liquor. No, not that...he'd never made a habit of drinking to excess before, but it was nice to be able to get a little sloshed when he wanted to. Ever since things changed in that temple, the stuff had little effect on him. He could drink and drink and drink his buddies right under the table without even feeling it. Now, he had to worry about drinking so much that he got dehydrated, especially in the desert. Oh, well, at least the stuff still tasted good...the better stuff, that is, like the lounge seemed to be stocked with. A set of footsteps signalled Psyren's return, not the delicate click-click-click of heels, but the heavier clock-clock of more substantial footwear.A short time later, she emerges, this time her top is a bit more stylized, and she has on skin tight pants and a pair of boots. "This be much better, no? I don't know why they not let me do photo shoot in this. I guess I see when callenders and posters come out."

She approaches Avatar and says "Appologies, I am rude. Please come," she says, leading him back over to one of the couches, by where Seargant is sitting."Why, certainly", he remarked as he walked beside her, shifting his glass imperceptibly to his left hand."Dis is Seargant. He was Police, no?" she says, looking at Seargant for confirmation.Again, Avatar held out his right hand, this time ready for a vigorous shake instead of a delicate caress. "Avatar, pleased to meet you", he smiled at the older man.
05-01-06, 06:30 PM
In my last post, Sergeant left the room and I've never told he came back... but if you both insist.

"Please to meet you." replies Patrick. The man in the fifty is wearing his trenchcoat and under it, a white shirt with a black tie and some black pants. The official uniform of the Resolute, in grey and black colors, is laying next to him on the couch. "Yes, I was in the Police. I've been handling a few case against some Supers, all with success, in the last year. With thirty years of experience in the Police, they thought it should be a good thing to have some experience in the team, so they put there hand on me."
El Jefe
05-01-06, 07:06 PM
In my last post, Sergeant left the room and I've never told he came back... but if you both insist.Sorry about that...although I've never seen someone go to a month-long fitting before!

If you're uncomfortable here, feel free to slip out and try your new uniform on. But Avatar and Psyren will be stuck with nothing to do but flirt with each other. "Yes, I was in the Police. I've been handling a few case against some Supers, all with success, in the last year."Avatar grinned. "I can see I'll have to mind my p's and q's around here, with you to keep me honest. It's good to have the law on your side...I haven't always been so lucky." Indeed, he thought. Avatar had never counted them up, but he was pretty sure there were about three times that he was unceremoniously thrown behind bars for every time he walked beside a police officer, gun in hand, hunting the same foe. He wondered what this Sergeant guy would think of him should he have an opportunity to glance over his dossier...the stuff he did with the CIA would probably give him fits, let alone the things that had happened when he worked in "acquisitions". The masked man decided that it was probably a good thing that the overdressed and underpaid Polizei in the more godforsaken corners of the world rarely made a report to Interpol when they rounded up a foreigner like himself, as much to make an impression as to extract a juicy bribe.
05-01-06, 08:50 PM
Monique smiles and nods, "I think ve may be the law now for supers. It much safer dat way, no?"

"So, Avatar, what you do that bring you to de Rezolutes?"
El Jefe
05-01-06, 10:29 PM
"I think ve may be the law now for supers. It much safer dat way, no?""I hope so", Avatar chuckled."So, Avatar, what you do that bring you to de Rezolutes?"Ah, so there was that. Avatar decided to answer the question simply and directly. "Mostly, I heal people, without the benefit of using medicine. Now, don't misunderstand, I do know a little first aid, but that's not how I take care of the big problems." He paused. "I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, too, but I'm not sure that would have got me on the Resolutes." "Just back in the CIA. Or the Mossad. Or the KGB, now that they're using those old initials again", he thought to himself.
05-01-06, 11:27 PM
"Why not. I am not a Super myself. As far as I know, for now, I am the only none-Super in the field teams. I just hope they won't send me too much on mission that imply figthing rebel Supers. I handle a pistol pretty well, but in face of someone who throws ligthning from his eyes, I'm not sure I am quite the man for the situation."
El Jefe
05-02-06, 05:00 AM
"Why not. I am not a Super myself. As far as I know, for now, I am the only none-Super in the field teams."Avatar gave a low whistle. If the guy could make this team at his age without super powers, he must be really something!"I just hope they won't send me too much on mission that imply figthing rebel Supers. I handle a pistol pretty well, but in face of someone who throws ligthning from his eyes, I'm not sure I am quite the man for the situation."Avatar laughed. "Lightning from the eyes, eh? I'm not sure myself what I'd do in that situation. So where'd you work before you came here?"
05-02-06, 05:10 AM
Avatar laughed. "Lightning from the eyes, eh? I'm not sure myself what I'd do in that situation. So where'd you work before you came here?"
"I not sure anyone know. We find out when we called, no?" Monique says, not looking thrilled at that prospect.
05-02-06, 01:32 PM
"You should ask CPU... he is presently at LA for the earthquake, but he can throw ligthning bolt. Not sure if it is from his eyes." Sergeant stands up and walk up to the bar.

"Scotch someone? They really should have some Irish Wiskey, they are better than Scotch." He pour himself a glass.

"I've start in New York Police and I raised in rank. I was thirty when I entered the SWAT team. But that was only a few years before I became an investigator. It's been now fifteen years. Count ten in the FBI. But the last two years, I spend it back to New York. I told myself to stay in place and relax a bit more would be a good thing before I got my retirement. I have only three years before I get it. But during in the last two years, I got three case with Supers. Only one of them was a serious threat and I got it with a rubber bullet between the eyes. Knock out in a single shot. Got a bit lucky there because I would have gotten fried by him a moment later if I had missed. So, to have put behind bars that guy seems to have made me a specialist of Supers cases. That,s the reason they told me to get me. But really, I'm more an investigator than a soldier."
El Jefe
05-02-06, 02:23 PM
"Scotch someone? They really should have some Irish Wiskey, they are better than Scotch.""Don't mind if I do", replied Avatar. He'd always preferred Tullamore Dew before, but ever since New Year's he'd found a new appreciation for Scotch. The peatier, the better."...Count ten in the FBI...""So he might know who I am", thought Avatar, "if I told him who I really was. But wouldn't he have access to my UN file?" Avatar pondered the possibility while the man spoke. "Only one of them was a serious threat and I got it with a rubber bullet between the eyes. Knock out in a single shot. Got a bit lucky there because I would have gotten fried by him a moment later if I had missed.""Well, better lucky than dead", Avatar replied. Raising his glass, he toasted, "To luck - Good luck for the good guys, bad luck to the foe!"
05-02-06, 04:55 PM
Psyren raises a glass of water to the toast and smiles. "I be thinking the world in good hands."


Continue from there (Thanks Pheonix8080)
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The man with the probe
Psyren Raises a glass of water to the toast and smiles, "I be thinking the world in good hands."

OOC: Because the Sblocks got removed...

[sblock=KN: Pop Culture Roll 5+]Psyren was a pop singer (Britney Spears, Christina Agulera, Jessica Simpson level/type, though with more emphasis on her singing than her dancing) from France early in the decade. She looks somewhat similar.
[sblock=KN: Pop Culture Roll 10+]Psyren was a pop singer from france (Did a lot of english singing though) who was popular from the early 2000 till early 2004 when she droped out of sight. Definately looks like this could be her.
[sblock=KN: Pop Culture Roll 15+]Psyren released her own album 4 years later in 2000. Known for good vocals and entertaining dance beats, as well as writing much of her material herself, she was a sensation for a while till early in 2004 when she walked off in the middle of a concert. You'd be suprised if this wan't her by the look.
[sblock=KN: Pop Culture Roll 20+]In addition all this, you remember hearing about a TV appearance she made in the US before she released her first album in '96 at age 16 under her real name, Monique De Lorme.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Avatar took a healthy swig from his glass and set it on the table beside him. Time to check out the "singer"...surely she did more that that!

Avatar gestured toward Sergeant with a tilt of his head as he addressed Psyren: "So, Monique, he's in Legal and I'm in Support. What's your specialty on this team?"


The man with the probe
"I have some Psionic ability," Monique says. "I found out at a concert when I read the mind of a fan. I'm still learning control though."


First Post
*KA-SHING!!*...*SLAM SLAM SLAM*...the doors to the Ready Lounge shudder under the blows impacting them from the other side...

Just as the team members begin to think they may be under attack, the speakers crackle to life with the trembling voice of a technician speaking to someone just outside the Ready Room doors.

"SIR! Please stop destroying the equipment! If you'll just say your name out loud, the doors WILL open!"

"Verily, I shall heed the words of some invisible demon in regards to opening these barred doors? I think not. Indeed, with just a few more well placed swings..." *KA-CHANG* "...the entrance shall be opened to me."

A new voice comes over the speaker then. One that all the heroes know for he has been greatly responsible for bringing them all together here.

"Sir, this is Major Christopher Nueworth whom you just talked with about joining our operation. I'm here to tell you that you will NOT be allowed to treat our facilities in this manner. We are trying to accomodate your...unique situation the best we can, but you risk straining our new friendship over something this small. If you will just trust us for a moment and try it our way, you will see that things will work out fine."

"We shall see, Major. For now I shall give you a chance and try these strange things your way. So swears Paladin!"

With a swish, the double doors split and slide apart. With a clunk, they stop halfway open due to protruding shards of metal that are half carved from the door. In a blur of silver, the offending pieces of metal are sliced free of the door to drop to the carpeted floor. The doors finish opening to reveal a figure striding into the room.

Clad in armor from helmeted head to booted foot, the sword wielding, shield carrying man enters the room. His metallic armor is naturally silver with a royal blue stripe powder coated down the center. His gloves and boots match the royal blue color and the resolutes emblem has been painted over the right breast. Piercing blue eyes gaze out intently from within the helmet which also shows a sandy colored beard and moustache. Sheathing his blade in one fluid motion, the man speaks in a deep but friendly voice to those gathered before him.

"My greetings to each of you. I was given the name Paladin by our superiors, but you may also call me by me given name...Arthur Pendragon."
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First Post
Enter Gremlin

A gravelly voice barks the word Gremlin. A dwarf in his mid thirties walks into the Ready Lounge. He is wearing a pair of Carhart overalls over a white tee shirt that says Zion National Park Search and Rescue. The man wears a battered St. Louis Cardinals hat over longish red hair. He is 4'5" and is heavily muscled. Muttonchop sideburns grow into his red moustache on his seemingly oversized head. He looks at the others and asks, " Anyone know where the fitting rooms are?" Wrinkling his nose at his own stench he adds, " A shower would be good too."
He looks at the group, eyes resting on the man in the shiny armor. I guess three out of four normal ones isn't bad , he thinks to himself.

El Jefe

First Post
"Well, I guess I wasn't the only new arrival today", thought Avatar. Facing the door as the armored...knight?...introduced himself, he raised his glass to the newcomer. "Paladin, welcome", he spoke, then continued the introduction. "This is Sergeant, and the lady here is Monique. I'm known as Avatar."

Right on Paladin's heels followed a musclebound midget, the kind who looked like he could get a job as a pro wrestler. When he asked for directions, Avatar glanced at his companions, then answered, "To your right, down the hall, second hall to the right, then third door on the left. The sign says, 'Uniforms', you can't miss it."

Voidrunner's Codex

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