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Huge collection of House Rules from our group.


First Post
Yeah at that point it's pointless to make a bad pun, the +1 damage bonus if that's how the RAW works, even on 1W damage outputs that's going to be minimal impact even at low levels.

Although I guess if you do like using 1 handed weapons and can't/don't use a shield then it's kind of a free +1 damage at no cost? But still, yeah.

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It may not be relevant for your group, but changing the Half Elf to CHA and WIS makes a non-optimal Bard. The PHB3 introduces races with one fixed attribute and a choice between two characteristics for the second stat. So your Half-Elf could be CHA +2 and either WIS oR CON +2; this may be in line with what is likely to happen in the future sooner or later as an official option.


Just a quick note. Some of the houserules are fine. However, I had some questions regarding magic ammo. As I recall, In 3.5, you could have magic ammo just the same as a magic bow, but the hit/damage enhancements didn't stack. Thus, the bow usually got the +hit/damage, and the ammos got the plus to types. (Fire, Ice, Lightning, etc).

I just want to clarify, a +3 arrow would stack with a +3 bow? If so, I hope they are EXTREEEEEMELY rare.

Just wondering.


First Post
Just a quick note. Some of the houserules are fine. However, I had some questions regarding magic ammo. As I recall, In 3.5, you could have magic ammo just the same as a magic bow, but the hit/damage enhancements didn't stack. Thus, the bow usually got the +hit/damage, and the ammos got the plus to types. (Fire, Ice, Lightning, etc).

I just want to clarify, a +3 arrow would stack with a +3 bow? If so, I hope they are EXTREEEEEMELY rare.

Just wondering.

Because stacking could definately be an issue, Im thinking either the magical ammunition just adds a damage type or a status effect and not a hard bonus to damage...or...you could limit the value of the +damage to say +1 or +2....or....make them extremely rare. No lack of directions to go with this!


First Post
IIRC, the AV2 does have rules for magical ammunition.

I believe the way it works is that the enhancement bonus from the magical ammunition REPLACES the enhancement bonus from the weapon. That way you can't just take a high level bow and buy lots of low level magical ammo to go with it for its special effects.


Because stacking could definately be an issue, Im thinking either the magical ammunition just adds a damage type or a status effect and not a hard bonus to damage...or...you could limit the value of the +damage to say +1 or +2....or....make them extremely rare. No lack of directions to go with this!

An arrow that gave an ENHANCEMENT bonus wouldn't stack with a bow that gave the same.

You could have special arrows that gave item bonuses of +1 or so, and others with enhancement bonuuses, without much issue.


My comments. Sorry if anything was already discussed in the thread and I missed it.


I never understood why they had to neuter alignment anyway. Leave it in as-is or take it out completely, but there is no justification for the current half-assed attempt. Definitely the #1 rules change that I don't like about 4th edition.

What I do like is that they cut almost all parts where alignment is a part of the game mechanics though. "Detect Evil" had so many problems tied to it that I'm very happy to see it go.

Race: Half-Elf (pg. 42)
-Replace Ability Scores: now +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom (not +2 Con)
*Makes cleric and ranger classes much more viable, which fits in well with the race (whereas Con really does not).

I prefer +2 Dex +2 Cha, but yes, that Con bonus never made sense.
#2 4th edition wall-banger after alignment.

Class: Paladin (pg. 89)
-Remove training in Simple Ranged weapons.
*Flavor issue. Not a class likely to engage at range.

Huh? Flavor or not, this is awful. Of course a Paladin should only draw a crossbow when there is no other alternative, but removing that option completely makes the Paladin useless in some fights, say when you have to fight flying monsters or get under fire from archers you can't reach. Without much Dex, they won't be good with a crossbow anyway.

Class: Rogue (pg. 118)
-Level 1 At-Will Exploit, Piercing Strike. Effect: +1 Power Bonus to attack and damage rolls.
*Missing Effect. Lacked a secondary effect and was only a "Basic Melee Attack" as written.

As has been pointed out, it targets Reflex, so it's not a bad power. I'd love it if it could actually replace a melee basic attack. That would make it top tier.

Class: Warlord (pg. 143)
-Improve Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 (up from 12)
-Improve Hit Points per Level Gained: 6 (up from 5)
*Flavor, balance issue. Durability low for flavor text (under Power Source) and a class called a "Warlord".

Warlords die a easily, so I agree. Free Toughness feat would be another way to do it.

Starting Gold (pg. 210)
-Starts with 75g (down from 100g).
*Personal preference. PC will still start with their most important items, but not everything they could possibly need. Lesser, mundane items will be made easily gatherable by the DM or assumed to have been already acquired by the PCs.

Meh. It's annoying to start as, say, a Paladin, and you're not able to afford plate armor, a mundane sword and a horse. You'll earn way more than starting gold in the first dungeon anyway, so why bother with this?

Weapon Properties: Versatile (pg. 217).
-Using one-hand weapon with both hands improves damage die by one level (pg. 220) (up from static +1).
*Value issue. +1 damage is far too low to justify loss of a second hand (which can help climb, hold a shield, carry, etc.).

Ah well, why not. Only an issue if there's ever a versatile d12 weapon, although there probably won't be.

Selling Equipment (pg. 220)
-Can sell mundane gear by -Condition- as follows:
Poor condition (cracked, rusted, etc.): 1/4th purchase price
Good condition (slightly tarnished, etc.): 1/2 purchase price
Excellent condition (includes all magic items): 3/4 purchase price
*Economy issue, missing Mechanic issue. 1/5th resale value is arbitrary nonsense, and far too low. 1/2 should be used, or a value based on the item's Condition.

Fixed price lists make no sense in a fantasy game world anyway. What entity has merchants across continents and dimensions under control to fix prices, when even a letter transmitted by nonmagic means can take weeks or months?

And since we're at it, a unified currency makes no sense either.

So yeah, magic item pricing rules should be treated as a general guideline to ensure balanced play, not more. Prices can and should vary widely in-game as long as the party equipment power level stays roughly within expectations.

Extended Rest (pg. 263)
-Regain 1/2 Hit Points (not all) and all Healing Surges you have spent.
*Personal preference. All HP healed is far too generous and unbelievable.

Uh, if you introduce that rule as written, PCs can rest for 5 minutes every morning, spend 2 healing surges, and start the day at full hp.

Reread the rules please.

Attack Roll (pg. 274)
-PC's get a free +1 boost to attacks at levels 5,15 and 25.
*Fixes higher level entropy of attack rolls (which were too low).

NAD Defenses (pg. 275)
-PC's get a free +1 boost to non-AC defenses at levels 5,15 and 25.
*Fixes higher level entropy of non-AC defenses (which were too low).

It's easier just to lower monster defenses by the same amount if you want to house-rule, or use slightly lower-level monsters, but do whatever works for you.

Action Points (pg. 286)
-Expanded uses to include:
1) PCs and Solos can spend an Action Point at any time to end a status effect (Save Ends/Till End of Next Turn/etc).
2) PCs and Solos can spend an Action Point to use a Healing Surge.
3) (We currently start with 3 AP per session instead of the standard 1 as we have a very small group of 3).

I like this one. It sucks if your PC is useless for a fight because of blinded/dazed/stunned/whatever.

Note: You can replace "PCs and Solos" with "everyone", as normal monsters don't have AP anyway, and there is no reason to exclude Elites here.

Mastering a Ritual (pg. 298)
-You do not have to meet the first requirement (must have Ritual Caster Feat) in this regard:

Anyone can cast rituals (if of sufficient level and after 8 hrs. study as normal) but those without the Ritual Caster Feat do so at -5 Levels. So, for example, a 6th level Ranger can cast 1st level Nature rituals.
Additionally, to cast *any* ritual the character must have the corresponding for the ritual's Category. If a character does not have a skill listed for the ritual under it's Category, they cannot cast that ritual regardless of level or time of study.
*Adds value, encourages more use.

I like it.

By the way, I think you have to be trained in the skill to cast a corresponding ritual already, so you houserule something that's already in the books.

If you want to encourage more ritual use, consider lowering the time and gp cost also.

Monster Manual I & II
Minion XP:
-Minion XP values reduced by 1/2.
*Too high since any attack, even non-direct bonus effects from level 1 powers, can kill something with 1 HP.

Agreed. The high XP value also keeps DMs from using tons of minions as cannon fodder, which defeats the purpose.

Two-Hit Minions:
Take 2 normal hits, unless a critical hit or similarly powerful "big" attack.

A pretty popular house-rule, and I've also used it from time to time.

When an attacker rolls a natural 20, they have made a Critical hit as per those rules. However, after doing so the attacker may make a follow-up d20 roll. If the results on this second d20 roll are also a natural 20 then the attacker has not only made a Critical hit, but has executed a Deathblow! The defending creature loses all remaining hit points down to 0 and is now Dying. If that creature has any available Healing Surges, they may use one as an immediate reaction to the Deathblow.

Uh-oh, definite no here.
First of all, it adds an extra die roll that does nothing in 95% of the cases.
Second, it makes builds that can get a crit every round with an over 50% chance (yes, they exist) even more stupid powerful.
Third, character death sucks, and random character death sucks even more.

I would agree that monster crits aren't scary enough at high levels, and that monsters need crit bonus damage dice (as a house rule), but this? NO.

-Normal humanoid monsters: Subtract hp equal to level x2
(I.e. a lvl 9 normal humanoid loses 18hp off it's total)

-Elite humanoids: Subtract hp equal to level x3
(I.e. a lvl 9 elite humanoid loses 27hp off it's total)

-Solos: Subtract hp equal to level x4
(I.e. a lvl 9 solo humanoid loses 36hp off it's total)

Example: An Orc Chieftain would lose 24 HP (level 8 x3) from the 216 listed, ending with 192 HP.

Adjust Bloodied values accordingly.
*Speeds up combats a touch and humanoid hp totals are slightly more reasonable at-a-glance.

I agree. Monster hp is too high and can turn interesting combats into grind, especially when the group has no hypereffective strikers.

I assume the designers gave monsters that many hit points to allow space for the inevitable power creep through splat books, but in most groups that doesn't manifest so much. So yes, it's perfectly reasonable to slash monster hp by 20% or 30%.

After a particularly boring solo fight that took two sessions (curse you, Purple Worm) I've decided not to use solos anymore at all, and bump all solos down to elite when I DM.

Voidrunner's Codex

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