I draw the occasional D&D map

I absolutely love your maps, thanks for sharing. I only have two tabs that are open on my browser all the time. One is a Google search result for Dyson Logos maps. :)

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With all the weirdness and rushing around this month between Patreon and Christmas, I didn’t put up the usual poll to decide on what old maps would be re-released under the Release the Kraken process this month.

So instead I’m releasing one every day (except the days I normally release maps) for this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday). These have all been drawn from amongst the oldest maps on the blog – chosen both for style and for those that I am able to clean up into usable releases.

Perrol on the Mount was a small walled city in one of my Labyrinth Lord campaigns right after the Advanced Edition Companion was released (2009-2010?). The original fortress is on the Eastern side of the mount, and the walls have expanded to include a large number of homes and shops that have built up here over the years.

Thanks to the awesome people who support me on Patreon, this map is now available under a free commercial use license and can be downloaded from https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/12/25/christmas-kraken-1-perrol-on-the-mount/

Dyson, kudos for your designs. There’s something about your maps that give them a very “1983 Greyhawk” vibe, and I love the aesthetic.

I absolutely love your maps, thanks for sharing. I only have two tabs that are open on my browser all the time. One is a Google search result for Dyson Logos maps. :)

I find it easier to just go to the maps page of my website instead of google. :)

Dyson, kudos for your designs. There’s something about your maps that give them a very “1983 Greyhawk” vibe, and I love the aesthetic.



We never did figure out exactly who built "the juicer". A clever contraption using the water pressure of the underground river next to it, we did discover that the main chamber of the juicer could handle 16 myconids easily, and if you had someone to really pack them in it would probably "juice" two to three dozen at a time.

Honestly, with how foul Myconid Juice tastes, I'm sure it was used for something else when it was built. One of the local pech claims it was used by illithids to juice large quantities of brains - but it boggles the imagination that anyone would have that much grey matter at a time to juice; and Jortex points out that flayers would have used vertical shafts to travel up and down instead of the twisting staircases of the juicer.

But, there's a market for Myconid Juice... supposedly it is important both in curing olive fungus infections as well as for making some more bizarre hallucinogens. So here we are, running myconid slave pens and "the juicer"...

Sometimes I start doubting that we are still the "heroes" of this story.


With all the weirdness and rushing around this month between Patreon and Christmas, I didn’t put up the usual poll to decide on what old maps would be re-released under the Release the Kraken process this month.

So instead I’m releasing one every day (except the days I normally release maps) for this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday). These have all been drawn from amongst the oldest maps on the blog – chosen both for style and for those that I am able to clean up into usable releases. This particular map was drawn over five years ago.

Epherin’s Keep has seen better days. The stairs to the keep door are badly damaged and cracked from age, winters, and war. The keep itself is in poor repair, and were it not for the dungeons beneath also having access to the bottom of Beggar’s Rift, no one would care about it at all.

The map is divided into three parts.

The top left is the keep proper, with no detail of the grounds, but instead focusing on the building of the keep and the stairs leading up to it. In the centre of the keep is a spiral staircase leading down to the dungeons beneath the structure.

The bottom of the map is the dungeons under the keep, with the spiral staircase leading up to the keep, and a pair of barred and secured double doors leading down into the caverns below.

The upper right portion of the map is the caverns below the keep and dungeons with both stairs leading up to the dungeons, and a passageway to the north, leading to the bottom of Beggar’s Rift – a tear in the earth just north of the keep.

Thanks to my Patreon supporters, this map is downloadable for personal and/or commercial use from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/12/27/christmas-kraken-2-epherins-keep/


With all the weirdness and rushing around this month between Patreon and Christmas, I didn’t put up the usual poll to decide on what old maps would be re-released under the Release the Kraken process this month.

So instead I’m releasing one every day (except the days I normally release maps) for this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday). These have all been drawn from amongst the oldest maps on the blog – chosen both for style and for those that I am able to clean up into usable releases. This particular map was drawn in late 2012, five short years ago.

For some reason, this map has never been accompanied by any description beyond the name which I made up the day I drew it and then promptly forgot the map, location and name for a year or so before I found it again, scanned and released it.

The main shrine cave has a massive raised statue on the west wall and various caves and chambers that proceed beyond. The keeper of the shrine lives in a smaller cave above the shrine cave, with a secret door connecting the two caves.

Beyond the shrine and associated chambers are stairs that lead deeper...

Thanks to my Patreon supporters, this map has been released for personal and/or commercial use from the post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/12/28/christmas-kraken-3-queen-hazrens-shrine/

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