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I got my copy of EN World Player's Journal!!


First Post
Dextra said:

Art is already trickling in.
Covers for #s 2 & 3 have been commissioned.
I get to see all the articles right after Morrus.

neener neener neeeeeeeeener

Oh not fair!!! We do get another installment of the Adventurer's Guide To Surviving Anything right??? I love it, it's like the fantasy equivalent that tv show back in the 80's where that merc for hire could make anything out of what random item he had nearby (pocket lint and gum wrappers)... McGuiver, McGuider... ahhh, something like that.

I really liked the devolving fantasy creatures as well.... you'd be surprised when you need strange little rules fixes like that!

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Re: big kudos

fil kearney said:
Thakns a lot for the compliment, ced1106! I think that scenario of yours would look good in publication. let me know if you put it on paper. I'd happily illustrate it. :) Perhaps a future journal would have space for it...

Thanks -- Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to design an adventure, but if The Journal has a "Hook, Line, and Sinker" column like Shadis had, I'd be interested. Actually, if the Journal is looking for a reviewer who can make deadlines :) drop me a line. One random thought is to have a HLS column that **ties in** with the products reviewed in the magazine.

Actually, if the Journal's up for a humor adventure comic (ala. Fineous Fingers) and you're interested in drawing, drop me a line. I can write and sketch, but drawings never came up right:

A: "So what's in the Bag of Holding?"
B: "5023 chickens."
A: "5023 chickens?"
B: "The guy didn't have change for a gold piece."
A: "We're going to the Tomb-o-Horrors with 5023 chickens."
B: "We use 'em to trigger the traps."
A: "What happened to the thieves we hired?"
B: "The first opened a door and triggered a deadfall. The other disabled the pressure plate but missed the tripwired and got scewered. The third missed a stone you were supposed to push, oil fell on him from murder holes and his torch set him on fire. The other found found a stone box set into a wall mural, opened it, found an intricate wire and gear mechanism, disabled it, then fell into a sixty foot pit with spikes."


A: "5023 chickens?"
B: "5023 chickens."

In the next strip, they find out the BoH also held a ring of Spell Storing which had that Animal Awareness spell.

aka. Washu! ^O^
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Dark Psion

First Post
Got mine, and it is very good!

One question, will "The Adventure's Guide to Surviiving Anything" be a recurring article? There is a lot of potential there, fighting in a marketplace, at a formal dance, escaping through the sewers, traveling by rooftop (Spoon!), etc.

You must've missed the list:

The Master List:

1. The Warrior’s Life. Advice for being a combat-oriented adventurer. Focus on different types of warrior, and how tactics are similar or different.
2. The Spellcaster’s Life. Advice for different types of spellcasters, and suggestions for different roles you can fulfill.
3. The Sneak’s Life. Advice for how to use stealth to your advantage, and general advice on knowing when to not get involved.
4. The Celebrity’s Life. Advice for how to use charm and charisma instead of combat ability. Suggestions to adventurers on creating their own style.
5. Group Tactics. The best way a group can fight foes is to focus on one at a time, since magical healing allows nearly-dead foes to come back if you leave them alone. However, suggestions for knowing when to split up.
6. Mobile Tactics. Tactics that make use of mobility, such as riding (and the drawbacks if only some are mounted), or running and letting your foes lag behind so you can pick off those at the front.
7. Evasive or Guerilla Tactics. Hitting and running. Finding and using cover.
8. Sun Tzu’s Art of War Advice. It’s classic. Just reprint it.
9. Gear to Bring. Obvious.
10. Primary Openings. These are the things that you never forget to take advantage of.
11. Fighting Hordes. This is when the hordes are weak enough for you to take.
12. Fighting Things too Big for You. When to know to run, or how to beat huge monsters.
13. Surviving in Wild Locales. More general advice.
14. Exploring Dungeons and Caves. The primary early adventure.
15. Fighting Minor Undead. Early monsters.
16. Fighting Underwater. Another common event.
17. Aerial Combat. Well, first you need a way to fly.
18. Fighting Mounted Forces. Another hard thing to do.
19. General Grasslands.
20. Herd of Beasts.
21. Dust Storm.
22. General Forests.
23. High Canopy.
24. Quicksand.
25. Tree Village.
26. Inside a Huge Tree.
27. Brachiating through Vines and Branches.
28. General Wastelands.
29. Ancient Battleground with a ground too blood-soaked for life to flourish
30. Land of Noxious Fumaroles.
31. General Aquatic.
32. Eternal Whirlpool.
33. In a Pod of Whales.
34. Shark Feeding Frenzy.
35. Leech Pool.
36. Acidic Lake.
37. Vat of Chocolate.
38. General Mountainous.
39. Mouth of a Volcano.
40. Volcanic Eruption.
41. Ice Cliffs.
42. Rockslide or Avalanche.
43. General Subterranean.
44. Rain Tubes.
45. Hanging from Stalactites.
46. Crystal Caverns.
47. Fungal Fields.
48. Shardfields.
49. Swarm of Biting Insects.
50. Spider Den.
51. General Aerial.
52. Flying.
53. Falling.
54. Being Carried.
55. Weightlessness. Falling down bottomless pits.
56. Vaccuum.
57. Atop the Back of a Giant Bird.
58. Lighting Effects. Pitch Darkness, Bright Light, Dim Light.
59. Hazes. Mist and Fog, Dust Clouds, Smokes.
60. Wind. Various Intensities, Whirlwinds, Effects on Flying Creatures.
61. Precipitation. Rain, Snow, Hail, Flaming Debris, Acid Rain.
62. Miscellaneous. Lightning, Flocks of Defecating Birds, Living Precipitation, Temperature Hazards.
63. Pirhanas Swarms.
64. Army Ant Marches.
65. Rampaging Flock of Birds or Swarm of Bats.
66. Belly of a Whale.
67. Pit of Snakes.
68. Gator Pond.
69. Husk of a Colossus.
70. Residential or Commercial. Furniture, Windows, Doors, and Occupants. Forges, Armories, Shops.
71. Mansions. Hedge Mazes, Dance Floors (occupied and not), Chandeliers, Staircases, Kitchens.
72. Taverns. Bar Room, Stable, Bedroom, Hallways.
73. Libraries.
74. Done. Large Sailing Ship. Deck, Hold, Mast, Rigging. Hazards of whales and water elementals.
75. Canoes, Rowboats.
76. Bazaar.
77. Riot.
78. Army in Battle.
79. Leper Colony.
80. Highways.
81. Bridges.
82. City Streets.
83. Giant Gears of a Clocktower.
84. Multi-leveled Scaffolding on a Huge Statue.
85. Moving Train.
86. Giant Spiderweb.
87. Sinking Ship.
88. Echo Chamber.
89. Horde of Zombies.
90. Room of Mirrors.
91. Multi-story Warehouse.
92. Astral Plane.
93. Ethereal Plane.
94. Planes of Air.
95. Plane of Earth.
96. Plane of Fire.
97. Plane of Water.
98. Positive Energy Plane.
99. Negative Energy Plane.
100. Plane of Shadow.
101. Plane of Madness.
102. The Fey Realm.
103. At the Mouth of a Planar Gate.
104. Antimagic Locations.
105. Sewers and Steam Tunnels.
106. Treasure Hoard.
107. Alchemist’s Laboratory.
108. Crushing Room with Wall Spikes.
109. Tightrope.
110. Narrow undergound river.
111. Giant Echo Chamber.
112. Belltower.
113. Windship in a Storm.
114. Great Cathedral.
115. Small Village.
116. Done. Fortunad Gypsy Camp.
117. Carriage Chase.
118. Torture Chamber.
119. Collapsing Evil Fortress.
120. Evil Ritual Chamber.
121. Minefield.
122. In and On a Hot Air Balloon or Zeppelin.
123. Moving Mineshaft Carts.
124. On the Paddle of a Paddleboat.
125. Nymph, Druid, or Dryad Grove.
126. Pit Filled with Slime.
127. Bottomless Pit with only Stone Rods to Stand Upon.
128. Opera House.
129. Masquerade Ball.
130. Negotiating a Deal at Dinner.
131. Rotating Room.
132. Surface of a Sun.
133. Haunted Forge and Armory.
134. Perilous Castle Full of Eager Virgins. Threats of dehydration and loss of precious bodily fluids.
135. On a Glass Floor Over a Bottomless Bit.
136. A Graveyard of Corpses Trying to Pull you Under.
137. Frozen Lake, Under and Over.
138. Going Down an Avalanche.
139. Trapped in an Avalanche.
140. In the middle of a Sporting Event.
141. In the middle of a Large Battlefield.
142. Orc Brothel. And other general brothel dilemmas.
143. Under Fire from Snipers.
144. A Flooded Prison.
145. Ladder-filled Barns and Haylofts.
146. Swinging from Ropes Along a Wall.
147. Fighting In Low or Reverse Gravity.
148. Fighting When You’re Entangled.
149. Fighting When You’re Drunk.
150. Fighting When You’re Dead.
151. Fighting When You’re a Deity.
152. Defending Your Dream Lair.
153. Summoning Extraplanar Creatures (and then quickly unsummoning them).
154. Tactics for Sentient Items.
155. General Advice for Choosing Companions.
156. General Advice for Solo Adventuring.
157. General Advice for Leaving Children as you Adventure.
158. Interpreting Prophecies.
159. Strange Tactics and Maneuvers. Lassoing creatures, pulling them in.
160. Cost-Benefit Analysis. Knowing when to sacrifice something to save another, like do you save your buddy, or destroy the artifact that will control the world?
161. Being a Hero. Guidelines as to what the benefits of being heroic are, and how you can be heroic.

I actually can't believe I didn't think of chasing people along the roofs of buildings. Then again, really, the author of the Adventurer's Guide is a Dwarf, so he wouldn't really be all that eager to go jumping between rooftops. I'll add it, though.


First Post
arwink said:

And before anyone asks, this one will include useful things to do with a 10 foot pole :D
Whack them in half to make tomato stakes of course...
After all, while you're waiting around for the rogue to pick the lock of the iron door sealing up the main (and safer?) entrance to the great, forgotten dungeon you might as well get a bit of gardening in.


First Post
Obviously Ryan just gave a list of work to do for the next 40 years worth of magazine. In the interrum I believe he takes bribes to get your favorite topic closer to the front of the list. :)


Social Justice Wizard
davewoodrum said:

Oh not fair!!! We do get another installment of the Adventurer's Guide To Surviving Anything right??? I love it, it's like the fantasy equivalent that tv show back in the 80's where that merc for hire could make anything out of what random item he had nearby (pocket lint and gum wrappers)... McGuiver, McGuider... ahhh, something like that.

I really liked the devolving fantasy creatures as well.... you'd be surprised when you need strange little rules fixes like that!

The upcoming Adventurer's Guide includes some great illustrations by Danilo Moretti again. The article is a two-parter: social situations, and essential equipment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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