D&D General I hate five-foot passages!

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I don't know the module in question, but traditionally slaad aren't known to be builders or designers. They probably didn't build the place to their own specifications.

And, with all respect, if you are working with slaad, for whatever imbecilic reason you'd work with violent natives of Limbo that are considered largely insane by the rest of the multiverse, you don't want them moving around free and easy. Keeping them in a room that's awkward for them to leave seems smart in a "I don't want everyone else here getting implanted with slaad eggs" kind of way.

Doesn't necessarily apply to Slaadi, I was thinking more along the lines of giants, etc..


Most of the hallways where I live are around 3 feet wide. I can fit down them just fine. That's equivalent to 6 feet wide if I was a large creature.
Which is fine for a private residence. After all you don't expect to be swinging a sword in your house. On the other hand, passages small enough that you have to squeeze (in D&D terms) to get through in fortifications were generally choke points meant to be defended.

How often do you have anyone other than close family members going the opposite direction?


Realism. In real life, 5 foot is quite a wide passage.
True but if you are a creature that needs to squeeze to fit in a 5ft corridor, you can bet you would design your home wider than that.

Also D&D is a tactical game, a 5ft corridor means only the front character is involved most of the time, which is pretty boring.


WotC President Runner-Up.
And, with all respect, if you are working with slaad, for whatever imbecilic reason you'd work with violent natives of Limbo that are considered largely insane by the rest of the multiverse, you don't want them moving around free and easy.
Hey now.. Those are my valued customers you're talking about. Here at Meech Co, in our Dungeons and Pit Trap construction division we don't discriminate. Where many people see danger, we see an opening in the market. Sure there's risks involved, but that comes with any construction related work.

On an unrelated note, be sure to check out the newest offering from our Potions and Salves division "Slaadaway" cream. Two applications daily will prevent the attachment on undesired eggs. consult with your doctor before using Slaadaway. Do not use more than twice daily. Do not use on eyes or other open extremities. Not intended for use on children, pregnant or nursing women, or gnomes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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