D&D General I hate five-foot passages!


Eternal Optimist
From "The Shattered Obelisk" (roll20 port).

The rogue (who opened the door) won initiative and moved back so that the slaad had to squeeze to attack.

Why do people keep doing this?


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Red slaad squeezes into the gap the makes up to 3 grapple attempts on someone it can reach (doesn’t suffer disadvantage) then pulls the lead character back into the room.

The blue slaad munches away on the grappled lead character. If the lead character can’t be grappled in a round or two, the red slaad backs away so it’s regeneration kicks in while the blue slaad has a go.

That would be my approach. Assuming there’s no obvious way round to the side.

If that still doesn’t work, both slaad step to either side of the door where they can’t be seen from the back and then read attacks when someone steps forward.


Eternal Optimist
Red slaad squeezes into the gap the makes up to 3 grapple attempts on someone it can reach (doesn’t suffer disadvantage) then pulls the lead character back into the room.

The blue slaad munches away on the grappled lead character. If the lead character can’t be grappled in a round or two, the red slaad backs away so it’s regeneration kicks in while the blue slaad has a go.

That would be my approach. Assuming there’s no obvious way round to the side.
Yeah. It's often what I do - but then see incredibly bad rolls. :)

The characters have much superior Athletics/Acrobatics scores than the slaad, btw. (Slaad +3 and +5 vs fighter +9).

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Eternal Optimist
Reminder, creatures can close doors too. They could easily close the door and ready to attack as soon as it opens.
It doesn't work that well. When the door is closed, both sides just sit there looking at it. When it opens, often you just have to reroll initiative.

(Yes, you could conceivably ready an attack against the poor fool opening it - but every other character has readied an attack/spell. And if a character opens it, they can prepare spells knowing they won't be lost from a readied round ending...)

It doesn't lead to fun play.


I hate it. It is so frustrating when you run a published adventure and you decide to trust the designers to do this right, and then as soon as the door opens, you realize that they can’t possibly have tested this.

But yeah, why would large creatures ever live in a place that is just too small for them? It doesn’t make sense.

In some situations on Roll20 you can make the squares 10’, and that can solve some problems, but everything else on the map then doesn’t make sense. Stretching the map and using double the squares can sometimes slow the whole thing doen if you use dynamic lighting.

It’s rough man…

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